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Everything posted by SSP

  2. It's just difficult for me to understand why people would never even attempt to do something different or even think about what they're interested besides the easy answer of sitting in one room at home and doing a very nonproductive activity and shutting themselves off to education by all doors. And then you have the extreme cases in which some become so...lacking...in responsibility that it results in dependency, selfishness, and the expectation of being tended to. That's really bad. I suppose part of it's my bias regarding the importance of productivity.
  3. So occasionally I go all theoretical or whatever and make posts like these. I made this one on another forum just now, and I figured I'd pass it on. I don't know about some of you guys, but I'm the kind of person who likes to have a future, and plus maintain myself for such a future. I make sure I eat well, stay fit, and get healthy amounts of face-to-face social interaction with people every day, whether it be through school, drama, TV studio/radio, parties, theater camp, and so on and so forth. Of course, responsibility's an important factor too. I like to be a responsible person. Those are just the basics, though. What I treasure most are my aspirations for the future. I want to be able to go to college and pursue something in communications or in the general media field because it's something I'm talented at. From cinematography to acting to being a TV/radio show anchor...it just feels like there's an overwhelming about of possibilities. I find it absolutely fascinating, and I'm excited to be able to go to college and pursue something I feel such dedication towards. I've always wanted to get out there to an extent (be famous? nah) and do something recognizable, and a career (particularly in communications, at least to me) is the way to go for that. And it's just...holy shit. It's certainly better than sitting around here sometimes and feeling bored on those days I'm stuck at home and have absolutely nothing I can do. This weekend I was sorting through video games...and it seems I'm getting rid of half of them or so. That's a start, at least...I DO feel video games are something of an impediment to my going forward in life, which makes it difficult for me to actually want to play them sometimes (unless it's a really good game or a childhood classic). Playing video games is how I spent my time years ago, and quite frankly it just doesn't feel like a step in the right direction. That's just from my perspective. However, what I see from other people worries me a lot more. I see people my age who have dropped out of school, I see people my age doing nothing; hell, I see people my age sitting on their lazy asses doing who knows what and expecting their parents to take care of them to their deathbeds. I don't understand it. How the hell can people actually CHOOSE to live that way? It's absolutely ridiculous. Life isn't a damned Twinkie fest. I'm not exactly the most responsible person in the world, that's for sure...though I certainly make an effort. Yet even when I'm hardly making an effort to be responsible it's hard to avoid thinking about all of those people who refuse to do the simplest thing, and instead indulge themselves in solitude with watching TV playing video games and eating junk food and whatnot. That sure doesn't get anything accomplished, does it? It just doesn't make sense to me how a person could actually tolerate that kind of self-centered, irresponsible living style. Of course, once it sets in after childhood, it's become something natural and it's VERY hard to develop out of it; the early years are those most representative of change in human behaviors. At my not-so-ripe old age of 16, it's pretty tough to change without a CONSTANT effort, which brings on CONSTANT responsibilities. The transition from no responsibilities to having them constantly is overwhelming. My mom can be pretty strict sometimes, but it's something I'm glad for. She taught me that great virtue of responsibility...which in essence leads to desire for an education, a life outside of what's conventional, productive hobbies, being with friends, taking walks, studying the world around...all of those sorts of freedoms we live for. That's the way people are supposed to live life. That's what all comes to mind when I see those kids drop out because they're too lazy to care about an education. They're too lazy to even think for a second about what their useful interests are and instead are fixated on the remote in the right hand, the food in the left, and the TV straight ahead. How could anyone want to live like that?
  4. I'd spend a whole day burning that off from exercise. <__< Yay healthy diets~
  5. I get ruts occasionally...in which case I find a workout is the way to go. Sleep helps too, but it totally wastes the day away. >____>
  6. FACT: I ALMOST met Barack Obama. But I didn't because I was sick and couldn't meet him and stuff. Also, there's a good chance that mine is bigger than yours. TAKE THAT
  7. No wonder town lost. We had a margin of error of 4. <___< But that's alright. Probabilities of town lynching is always high. We had 4 mafia downed when the game ended, and that's pretty much what would be expected in a 23-game.
  8. HOLY SHIT. That's a lot of mafia >_________>
  9. So how many mafia were there?
  10. So what were the actual roles that everyone had? >_> I had made a prediction earlier that Fireman, Hika, Kiba, Epona (duh), and Fox were all mafia. Epona and Fox seemed scummy all long, and it helped when Epona turned up guilty. Hika struck me as odd, Kiba I had suspicions of from the beginning, and Fireman...was Fireman. Yeah. What reaffirmed everything to ridiculous extents was that Freohr bandwagon which made everything so painfully obvious...I just didn't realize you guys made up nearly half the players >_> Because in a game of 23...there's supposed to be 6 (absolutely no more than 7) mafia, I think.
  11. So many claims regarding Obama are absolutely ridiculous. Go ahead and mention that he's a terrorist because of Bill Ayers or whatever. I've actually done the research to debunk such things. Oh, and the taxes issue too. Will he raise taxes? Absolutely! And we know he'll totally break his tax plan of giving relief to the poor because it'll raise his popularity enormously with the Democrats inside and outside of Congress. Obviously. It's really depressing. Hardly any of these ridiculous claims against EITHER of the candidates were well-founded. It takes all of 5 minutes to either prove them completely false or to clarify them.
  12. It's gotta be mafia. It's obvious. However, if half the players are left it's clear that the ratio of town to mafia is off. If this is a 23-person game...using the 1/4 rule there should be 6 mafia.
  13. A side wins when there's still about half the players left? >_> Uhm...damn. Especially when I had the most amazing play for the next day phase...
  14. it really depends on the situation.

    i photograph people for fun, but i also photograph nature, and more seriously at that. if i could photograph people a bit more professionally i would...but i think i need a bit more experience first :P

  15. just the artsy quality in it. being able to capture something so powerful (well, sometimes) in just an image can be quite something. they just seem so...powerful.

    black and white photography seems a lot more artsy to me, though. which is why i kinda admire it.

  16. ya, definitely.

    and plus i have contact lenses! which is quite awesome.

  17. i got my presents and a cake and stuff. i didnt really have a party...im all set. but who knows, maybe ill do something with a friend soon. i'm not at all sure :P

  18. i do. a lot. i can just never manage it...which makes it that much more appealing.

    i'm trying to take up photography and continue my interest in video stuff. i'll probably go into broadcasting or communications in general or something like that when i'm an an old fart. (also known as post-high school graduation age.)

  19. driving is getting out of the house for me.


  20. today was weird, creepy, and fun in some ways but not as fun in others and was therefore majorly confusing. in other words, it was a pretty normal birthday.

    thanks! :D

  21. and of course songbird comes jumping in with some majestic and radiant happy birthday thing. of course.

    THANKS! :D

  22. SSP

    haaaa, thanks! :P

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