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Posts posted by Diortem

  1. Now for the man of science and the Lad-ette, Laurent and Kjelle's Romantic supports!

    C Support

    Kjelle: Hah! Yah! …Haaaah!

    Laurent: Ah, Kjelle. Busy training?

    Kjelle: Just taking practice swings. Nothing fancy.

    Laurent: Ah, yes. Excellent. Hm…

    Kjelle: …You got something to say?

    Laurent: You are a bit off today.

    Kjelle: What are you talking about? I'm fine-same as ever!

    Laurent: It is possible that I am mistaken.

    But to my eye, your movements lack their customary crispness.

    Are you quite certain you're feeling well?

    Kjelle: Well, I have had a bit of a twinge in my lower back for the last couple of days…

    Laurent: That would be a likely culprit.

    Might I suggest you have it treated? A massage, perhaps.

    Kjelle: Pfft. Massages are for princesses! I just need towork through it.

    Laurent: Inadvisable. You would be far better served seeking legitimate treatment.

    As the lower back muscles drive the entire body, they are indispensable to combat.

    They are also slow to heal. If ignored, your condition may worsen.

    Kjelle: All right, fine. I'll get a massage!

    Maybe paint my nails while I'm at it… *grumble grumble*

    Laurent: I hope it serves you well. Do take care.

    B Support

    Kjelle: Hey, Laurent!

    Laurent: Did you need something?

    Kjelle: I wanted to thank you for the other day.

    Er, when you told me to go get that massage.

    Laurent: Ah, yes. What of your back since then?

    Kjelle: Good as new! So, yeah. Thanks. It was a big help.

    Laurent: Please, do not give it another thought.

    I consider it a part of my duties to keep watch for any anomalies.

    If I can be of assistance in keeping this army in top condition, I shall do so.

    And that means scrutinizing every last tick, movement, and gesture.

    Kjelle: …You do what now?

    Laurent: Er, have I said anything amiss? Your face is most scrunchy.

    Kjelle: No, no. It's just that when you say it like that, it…

    Well, it makes it sound like you're constantly watching us.

    Laurent: Yes, precisely. Constantly watching. Is that a problem?

    Kjelle: Not a problem, I guess, but it is kind of…creepy. Like a…stalker.

    Look, you should be careful you don't make anyone feel uncomfortable, okay?

    Some people don't enjoy being watched.

    Laurent: Er, I see. Yes, of course.

    (Kjelle leaves)

    Laurent: ...And you, Kjelle? Are you "some people"?

    A Support

    Kjelle: Oh. Hello, Laurent.

    Laurent: Kjelle.

    Kjelle: You haven't been by to check up on me in a while. Is everything all right?

    Laurent: What?

    Kjelle: You said it was your duty to keep watch on us. Keep us in top condition and all that?

    And then you just stopped coming by. I wondered if you'd given up or what.

    Laurent: I still watch everyone else.

    Kjelle: Everyone…else?

    Laurent: After you cautioned me, I thought it best if I made an exception for you, so I desisted.

    Kjelle: Because I told you other people may not like you staring at them?

    Laurent: "Some people" were your words. I thought perhaps you were speaking for yourself.

    It is not uncommon for people to cloak their fears in the guise of an imaginary-

    Kjelle: Oh, for hell's sakes! That's not what I was doing!

    I just meant that SOME people might take offense. That's all I meant.

    Laurent: Is it?

    Kjelle: Yes, it is! If it bothered me, I'd have told you to knock it off because it bothers me.

    Sometimes you're too smart for your own good. Stop overthinking everything!

    Laurent: …My apologies. I see my inference was mistaken.

    Kjelle: Your advice has already helped me out. I'm a big fan of your advice.

    So I was HOPING you'd keep watching.

    If anything looks off to you, point it out. I'd be eager to hear it.

    Laurent: Then I shall strive to let no glimmer of potential improvement elude me!

    Kjelle: You do that.

    S Support

    Laurent: Hello, Kjelle.

    Kjelle: L-Laurent!

    Laurent: Is something amiss? Ought I be concerned that the sight of me sends you reeling?

    I would gladly lend an ear to any troubles you may behaving.

    And troubles I am the cause of, doubly so.

    Kjelle: No, you're fine. It's me. I…need to apologize.

    Laurent: Oh?

    Kjelle: I snapped at you before. When you stopped coming by to check up on me?

    Laurent: I would not categorize your behavior as "snapping."

    What's more, I thought the matter was decided as a misunderstanding on my part.

    Kjelle: …It wasn't.

    Laurent: I fear I don't understand.

    Kjelle: That was… I was jealous.

    You started watching everyone but me, and it… It made me a little crazy.

    Laurent: …Now I really do not understand.

    Kjelle: Believe me, I'm as shocked as you.

    And I'm still confused about what it all means. What I feel for you…

    But I wasn't being honest with you, or with myself. That much is clear.

    So I wanted to go ahead and apologize for that, no matter what happens down the line.

    Laurent: If I may confirm…

    You feel it's possible-but not definite-that you bear an affection for me?

    Kjelle: …Yes.

    Laurent: And you see the potential for growth into some form of relationship "down the line"?

    Kjelle: Sorry, I know it's all pretty vague.

    Laurent: I see no call for apology. This is a welcome development.

    For I am quite certain in my affections for you, Kjelle.

    And as a by-product of possession, jealousy is a favorable addition to the equation.

    After all, the ultimate goal here is to be possessed, is it not?

    Still, I must say, the frank compulsion to apologize immediately is very you. Ha.

    Kjelle: Laurent…

    Laurent: You have asked me to continue to watch you, Kjelle.

    I would now ask you to do the same.

    Kjelle: Well, sure, but… How do you mean?

    Laurent: I've only just begun to show my worth as a possible spouse and mate.

    However, I still have work to do before I am what the layman might call "dreamy."

    But given proper training, I am confident in my ability to steal your heart.

    Therefore, I would ask that you observe me in this process and offer advice.

    Kjelle: …Er, you want me to watch your "dreamy" training?

    Laurent: That is it exactly.

    Kjelle: Well, I've had worse offers…

  2. So, saw someone on GameFAQs say that this week there's a $6 "Golden Pack". Obviously Gold and Silver is one of the packs, but anyone know what the other two are? Won't be getting access to my 3DS for at least another 8 hours, so definitely can't check myself.

    All three are: "The Golden Gaffe, EXPonential Growth, and Infinite Regalia".

    And yes, those are the exact names.

    EDIT: Ninja'd

  3. And now for the people of the masks themselves, it's Lucina and Gerome's romantic supports!

    C Support

    Lucina: Gerome?

    Gerome: Ah, Lucina.

    Lucina: I'm not intruding, am I? I don't want to disturb your rest.

    Gerome: It's fine. What do you want?

    Lucina: Well, nothing, really. I just came to say thank you.

    Gerome: For what?

    Lucina: You gave me your mask, remember?

    You said there might come a time where I would need to conceal my identity…

    Gerome: Ah. Yes. I remember.

    Well, it was very prescient of you! The mask proved most useful.

    So again, thank you.

    Gerome: Think nothing of it.

    B Support

    Lucina: *Sigh*

    Gerome: Something wrong, Lucina?

    Lucina: Oh, hello, Gerome…

    Gerome: What's the matter?

    Lucina: I've lost my pendant.

    Gerome: Oh? What manner of pendant?

    Lucina: It's carved with the likeness of my mother. It's very precious to me.

    Gerome: …Where was the last place you saw it?

    Lucina: I took it off while I was cleaning the supply tent.I didn't want it getting scratched.

    Gerome: I suppose you've already searched there?

    Lucina: Many times.

    Gerome: Then we should retrace your steps and see if we can't find it.

    Lucina: You'll help me look?

    Gerome: It's important to you, isn't it?

    Lucina: Yes, very much so. I simply… Thank you, Gerome.

    Gerome: Thank me when we find it.

    A Support

    Lucina: Ah, Gerome. Perfect timing.

    Gerome: Oh? What for?

    Lucina: We're holding a war council, and I was hoping you might attend.

    Gerome: Sorry. I'm not much for group activity.

    Lucina: A pity. We could benefit from your calm, measured opinions.

    You have a keen mind for combat as well…

    Regardless, I will not force you.

    Gerome: I am sorry if I disappoint you. But I know my own limitations.

    I am not one for plans or speeches. I am a wolf that deals only in death.

    Lucina: Then we have something in common.

    Gerome: We do not. You are a leader who can inspire withboth words and deeds.

    Though we fight alongside each other in the field, we play different roles.

    Lucina: You sell yourself short, sir.

    Gerome: The right tool for the right job. Isn't that what they say?

    You provide the inspiration and strategy. I will cut down any who dare oppose you.

    Lucina: There is a certain wisdom to what you say.

    Gerome: Don't sound so surprised…

    Now, I have some swords to sharpen, and I think you have a council to attend.

    Lucina: Farewell, Gerome. I shall look for you on the battlefield.

    Gerome: You needn't look far-I will stand beside you, as always.

    S Support

    Gerome: Lucina? I need to speak with you.

    Lucina: What is it?

    Gerome: I…regret refusing your invitation to the war council. I am sorry.

    Lucina: You owe me no apologies, Gerome.

    I understand your thinking… "The right tool for the right job."

    We must all strive to perform our roles as best we can.

    Gerome: I know I said that, but I was mistaken.

    Lucina: …You were?

    Gerome: I want to help you in any way I can, Lucina.

    Lucina; I… Thank you, Gerome.

    Gerome: I have admired you for many long years. I would gladly die for you.

    But when you asked me to help in an unfamiliar way, I chose the craven's path.

    I hope you can forgive me.

    Lucina: Fine, you are forgiven! Then can we now please stop with this absurd apology?

    You've been my most stalwart companion ever since childhood, Gerome.

    And if anyone else called you craven, I would cut them down on the spot!

    Gerome: …Thank you, Lucina.

    Lucina: Lone wolf you may be, but there is no one I rely on more in a battle.

    Besides, what you've shown here is as inspiring as any speech or grand tact-

    Gerome: Lucina, enough!

    Lucina: I beg your pardon?

    Gerome: I am no poet, Lucina, to woo you with honeyed words.

    I am a blunt measure of a man, so I know no other way to say this…

    …I love you.

    Lucina: Oh, Gerome…

    Gerome: If truth be told, I've felt this way since I first laid eyes on you.

    But only after all these years have I finally found the courage to tell you.

    Lucina: But I have felt the same, Gerome, for so long! Did you never sense it?

    Gerome: You mean…we've both had this feeling? And since long ago?

    Lucina: Heh, I guess neither of us is regarded as one to display our emotions…

    Gerome: Then I regret our past, but we have our present and future. Together.

    Lucina: We shall fight, and live, side by side from now until we draw our final breath.

  4. Now for the large ham to romance the dragon girl, it's Nah and Owain's Romantic supports!

    C Support

    Owain: Hey, Nah. What are you up to?

    Nah: Judging from the book in my hand, I'd say it's rather obvious.

    Owain: Yeah, but there's a whole stack of books next to you,too.

    Are you planning to read them all?

    Nah: There were hardly any books in the future we came from.

    It's nice to have this much variety.

    Owain: Yeah, I guess. But reading seems kinda… I don't know. Old and boring?

    I mean, in manakete years, your're still pretty young, right?

    Nah: I don't understand. What do you think I should do instead?

    Owain: Play? Have fun? Run around in circles?

    Nah: Owain, you do realize we're at war, right? This isn't the time for games.

    Owain: Well, it still seems like you're trying to grow up too fast.

    Nah: All right, fine! You think up a game, and maybe I'll play it!

    Owain: Fine then! Maybe I will!

    Nah: Good! You do that! You know where to find me.

    B Support

    Owain: Nah!

    Nah: What is it, Owain?

    Owain: I thought up the perfect game for you!

    Nah: I suppose asking you to let me read in peace is out of the question?

    Oh, all right. Let's hear it.

    Owain: "What's That Breath Attack?"

    Great, right? I'm thinking you could easily come up with a hundred different types!

    Nah: A hundred?! Are you mad?

    Owain, I can't produce a hundred different kinds of breath.

    Owain: No, no, no! You don't do it for REAL! You IMAGINE them!

    Just think about what would be a totally awesome attack!

    Here, I'll get you started. Ready… Seeeet…


    Nah: Wait…so it's on fire AND made of ice? Is that even possible?

    Owain: It doesn't matter if it's possible! That's not the point!

    Okay, let's try again. Ready… Seeeeeet…


    Nah: What does that even mean?

    Owain: Nah, please! You're doing it again!

    I told you, you don't gave to actually do it. You don't even have to understand it!

    Nah: I don't understand. Why am I thinking up names for impossible things?

    Owain: Because it's fun? Sheesh!

    If this were about doing real work, it wouldn't be fun at all.

    Nah: …I don't get it.

    Owain: Wow, Nah. You may look young, but I think you'reactually an old crank.

    Nah: Maybe some of us can't afford to remain children forever…

    Owain: Hm? What was that?

    Nah: Nothing.

    Owain: Well, don't worry. I'll put my thinking cap on and come up with another game!

    Owain: Hey, Nah! I'm back for another round of fun!

    Nah: Are we still doing this? Because I think-


    Owain: What do you think? How's the view from up on my shoulders?

    Nah: Eek! D-don't drop me!

    J-just set me back down! Gently!

    Owain: I figured if make-believe wasn't your thing,something more physical might be the trick.

    So? Are you having fun yet? I bet the world looks pretty different from up there, huh?

    Nah: I dunno. I see things from at least twice this height in dragon form.

    Owain: …Oh. Right. I forgot about that.

    I'll just, uh… Let you down, then.

    Nah: Thank you. …Oof!

    You know Owain, you can stop thinking of ways to waste time like this.

    I don't need fun or games or entertainment. I want a world at peace, and nothing more.

    But play is important! I mean, even if you aren't really a kid!

    What sort of peaceful world are we making if it's business all the time?

    We've got to lead by example, Nah, and that means living happy lives.

    Nah: I don't disagree, Owain. In fact, it's kind of noble.

    But I just don't like horsing around. I prefer to read. …Quietly.

    Owain: Sorry. I guess I just assumed.

    But hey, if you ever get the urge to horse around, you know where to find me!

    Nah: Why are you so fixated on this?

    Owain: I've always been good with kids, you know?

    So I thought maybe if I did the same sorts of things with you...

    Nah: Owain, look. You're really nice, and really sweet, butyou need to understand…

    I'm not a kid. Okay? I know that's a bit hard for you toget, but try. All right?

    Owain: Ha ha! Okay, Nah. I will! I mean, um… I will, ma'am!

    S Support

    Nah: ……

    Owain: Hey, Nah. What are you doing here?

    Nah: Waiting for you.

    Owain: Lying in ambush, huh? Well, you got me!

    Wait, is this a game? Are you playing hide-and-seek?

    Nah: No more games, Owain.

    Owain: Er, right… Sorry, I forgot. I didn't mean to treat you like… I mean, it's just…

    Sorry. Did you need something?

    Nah: Stop treating me like a child, Owain.

    Owain: I know! I know. I'm sorry.

    Nah: Because I'm not, you know. I'm a woman.

    Owain: Yeah, I know, I just-

    Nah: And when you treat me like a child, it makes me uncomfortable. Because…

    Because I have very unchildlike feelings for you.

    I want to be with you as an adult. I want you to see me as an equal.

    Owain: Wait? You do? Seriously? …Holy cow.

    I mean, don't get me wrong! I think it's great! It's just…

    Well, I dunno. Why me?

    Nah: I've never known anyone as kind as you.

    Even in the future, amid all that despair, you were alwaysso cheery and selfless.

    I mean, yes, sometimes you drive me up the wall with your…exuberance.

    But your heart is always in the right place. Your heart is beautiful, Owain.

    Owain: I don't know what to say… Wait, what am I saying? Yes I do!

    If you're willing to put up with me, I can certainly learn how to treat you right!

    From today on, I'm your guy!

    Nah: And I'm your girl!

    Owain: Woo! So…what do you want to do now? Think up new move names?

    Nah: …How is that any different form before?

    Owain: Ha ha, I'm kidding! Kidding! It was a joke! Yeeeargh…

  5. And here we have Germoe Gerome X FeMorgan sibling support!

    C Support

    Morgan: Let's see here... Birthday? May 5th... Favorite colors? Blue and purple...

    Favorite food? Probably bear meat...

    (Enter Gerome)

    Gerome: What are you mumbling about over there, Morgan?

    Morgan: Least favorite food? Veggies, apparently. Don't seem to mind them now, though...

    Gerome: Morgan!

    Morgan: Oh! Gerome?!

    Guess I was pretty out of it to miss my own brother paying a visit!

    Did you need something?

    Gerome: Just wondering what you were chanting over there...

    You practicing some new magic incantations?

    Morgan: Nope! Just going back over my notes on what you told me about myself.

    I was hoping they'd hold some clue that might help spark my memory.

    Heh. It's kind of crazy how much you know about me, huh?

    Like, I really once got five nosebleeds in the same day?

    I have no memory of that at all. AT ALL! Ha ha ha! I can just imagine...

    Gerome: You're still as cheerful, that's for sure. And as talkative as ever...

    Morgan: I am? I mean, I was?!

    Hmm, now that you mention it, that does sound...right, somehow.

    ...Heh. Everything still feels funny. Even you being my brother hasn't really clicked.

    Gerome: If you think it's strange for you, consider my position...

    My sister starts talking to me like a stranger, asking questions about herself...

    For a while there, I had no idea how to even interact with you.

    Morgan: Heh, yeah... Sorry about that.

    But that's just another reason why I'm working hard to get my memories back.

    Once I do, nobody will have to feel weird or awkward around me again.

    Pretty noble, huh? I'm such a sweet, selfless girl!

    Gerome: ...And so humble, too.

    Anyway, I'm happy to try and help you get those memories back however I can.

    I'm looking forward to having someone to laugh with about old times-now included.

    Morgan: Heh, right!

    B Support

    Gerome: Whew... Another long day of combat... Time to prepare Minerva for...

    Is someone passed out over there? Wait, is that Morgan?!

    Morgan: Nn...nngh...

    Gerome: Morgan, are you all right?! What happened?

    Morgan: ...Wha--?! Gerome!

    Wh-what am I doing here? Was I asleep?!

    I don't even remember feeling tired...

    Oh right! I was bashing that huge tome against my head when I blacked out.

    That explains why my face hurts so bad...

    Gerome: Why in the world would you do something like that?!

    ...Wait, were you trying to get your memories back?

    Morgan: Well, yeah! Obviously.

    If you ever saw me bludgeoning myself just for fun, I hope you'd put a stop to it...

    Gerome: I'll stop you even if it's NOT just for fun!

    Look, I know you want your memories back, but please... Don't do anything reckless.

    Morgan: ...But I want to be able to talk with you about old times again.

    Gerome: I know, Morgan, and I want that, too. But more than that, I want you safe.

    I may just be another stranger to you, but to me, you're family.

    In the future, with Mother and Father gone, it was just the two of us and Minerva.

    You're all I had, Morgan... I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to you.

    Morgan: All right. I'm sorry, Gerome.

    Gerome: Just as long as you understand.

    Morgan: ...Heh, that felt really siblingy just now. Don't you think?

    Me messing up and you scolding me felt... I don't know, it felt really plausible!

    Maybe if you keep it up, I'll remember something!

    Gerome: You think so?

    Morgan: Yeah! Oh yeah, this will totally work!

    So go on, keep yelling! C'mon, scream at your amnesiac sister, Gerome!

    Gerome: ......

    Morgan: Hey, why don't you use the tome, too?

    Come on, don't hold back. Really wallop me with that thing!

    Maybe the simultaneous physical and mental shock will jar some memories loose!

    It's gotta be twice as effective as either one by itself, right? That's just basic science.

    Gerome: ...Good night, Morgan.

    A Support

    Gerome: I'm heading into town, Morgan. Care to come along?

    Morgan: I'd love to! Is there something in particular you need?

    I might pick up a couple of things, yes.

    But mostly I think there's something YOU need.

    Morgan: It doesn't have to do with getting my memories back, does it?

    Gerome: The opposite, really.

    Perhaps there's no need to worry about your memories.

    Morgan: That...makes no sense.

    Gerome: In truth, I find it a bit hard to swallow that you've forgotten me...

    But perhaps it's better to build new memories than to worry about old ones.

    Morgan: What do you mean?

    Gerome: I've given this a lot of thought. Why you might have lost your memories, I mean.

    And I'm wondering if you didn't have some awful memory you couldn't bear to keep.

    I know I have so very many.

    People we couldn't save... Lives needlessly wasted...

    Morgan: ......

    I'm sorry you have to bear those dreadful memories, Gerome...

    Gerome: It is only a theory, and even if true, I don't believe it's anything you did unconsciously.

    But I do think that getting your memories back may not be a good thing.

    Morgan: Hmm... I understand, and believe me, I appreciate the thought...

    But I want to remember things, no matter how painful they are.

    Because I'm sure there'll be plenty of great memories mixed in with the bad ones.

    And the truth, whatever it is... I really want to have that back, you know?

    Gerome: Well, if you're sure, then I am happy to help.

    Morgan: That's really kind of you, Gerome, but do you truly realize what you're saying?

    I mean, it could be years before I remember anything. Or decades.

    Heck, there's a decent chance I may never get my memories back at all.

    I don't want to drag you into something that could last forever.

    Gerome: I'm already stuck with you forever. I'm your brother.

    We're family-memories or no. You couldn't keep me away.

    Morgan: Gerome, I... *sniff* Thank you!

    I'll do everything I can!

    Gerome: Then climb up on Minerva and come with me to town.

    Morgan: Huh? But you said that doesn't have to do with getting my memories back.

    Gerome: There's no rule that says you can't have a little fun while you try.

    And there's certainly no rule against making happy new memories, either.

    You're young yet. There will be plenty of time for worry later.

    Morgan: Right... You're right! Thanks, Brother!

    Yay, I helped!

  6. My Unstoppable units are Chrom and Sumia (his defence and her Res bonus make most damage inconsequential),

    Gregor and Cordelia (He's just bulky as all get out, and her bonuses help quite a bit),

    and Lon'qu and Panne (Their speed bonuses make them the dodgiest of dodge-tanks).

    These three pairs are always good for a hard chapter, for me.

  7. A smaller scale thing, but whenever I seem to place my dodgetanks on a forest (most of the time, Anna), they seem to start dodging stuff like 50s and even 60s in hit like they were single digits. And especially if the attack in question would two-shot them. Granted, it doesn't always happen, but it happens more often than not. Knocks the breath out of me every time.

  8. I haven't married mine to her QUITE yet, but I plan on going for Cherche. Wyverns 4 lyfe.

    Thing is, I planned on making a choice between Tiki, Nowi, and Panne, since they all have access to Wyvern Knight, and Panne's got the whole Last Of Her Kind Thing going, but I just decided no on all three. Plus, Cherche seems quite interesting.

  9. Marcia is more likely, since the main characters' SpotPass teams tend to make reference to early units.

    Also, most referenced characters are male, for some reason, even though there are data for female generics. Julius' team has a female Swordmaster in it.

    Yeah, forgot about Marcia.

    Still, I have to say, the fact that they put in the extra effort for the little references here and there is really cool.

  10. As to Ike's team, what's with the Assassin and Falcon Knight? Also, it was Gonzales Lillina recruited, not Geese. And looking at King Marth's team... Anyone know what the reference is supposed to be? I can only assume it corresponds to the new characters from Shadow Dragon, but... Also, I can't help but think that the two Falcon Knights on Hector's team are supposed to refer to Florina and Farina, two of his potential wives. And then there's Edward and Leonardo, who have skills refrring to their respective personalities (Edward has Zeal, Leonardo Discipline).

    I would Imagine the Assassin is Volke, and the Falcoknight is Tanith (since she's been in both games).

    EDIT: Ninja'd.

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