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Posts posted by Diortem

  1. Any posts made the day the site went down were lost - (Example: The DLC claim thread I made no longer exists, which I ironically have backed up on MY computer) IIRC it was restored via a backup made daily, but that's why you and Tsamimi, and possibly others didn't have supports in the claim list.

    I can re-add these after work as well.

    Since I need to do the REALLY long Chapter 11 transcription, I can't actually progress on the game till after work, where I can type for a long time. I've been relationship grinding but I still don't have Henry or Cherche.

    BTW, Chrom x Gaius is no longer about going to the red light district/strip club. And Gaius calls Chrom "Blue". Maribelle is "Twinkles" or something. I can't remember.


    Also, Chrom X Gaius is not about a strip bar anymore? DISAPPOINT

  2. To go with my comment from earlier, from GFaqs


    [spoiler=C Support]Tharja: .....

    Avatar: Tharja? ...Are you following me?

    Tharja: ...Maybe.

    Avatar: Maybe?! I've seen you hiding behind tents and wagons all week!

    Tharja: So you finally noticed...my love.

    Avatar: Sorry, what? Your...love?

    Tharja: Oh yes. I realized it the first moment we locked eyes. "He isn't like the others," I thought. "He's the one I've been seeking!"

    Avatar: Riiiiight. Well, um, thank you? ...I guess?

    Tharja: That's why I've been watching your every...single...move. Yesterday you read two books and part of a third. You snacked on an apple. And last night, you turned over 12 times in your sleep. ...Well below your average.

    Avatar: You've been watching me sleep?!

    Tharja: I thought you'd be grateful.

    Avatar: No, I think "disturbed" is more the word. You mean to tell me you've been following me every single day since we met?

    Tharja: ...Yes.

    Avatar: I suddenly feel very ill.

    Tharja: Don't worry. I'll take care of you. ...Veeery good care.

    Avatar: Coming from a normal friend, I'd probably be happy to hear that. But somehow when you say it, it's not quite so comforting...

    Tharja: Is that what you want, MU? Someone..."normal"?

    Avatar: Well, I...suppose? That's to say-

    Tharja: All I needed to hear.

    Avatar: Wait, Tharja! Stay here! ...Where I can see you! Oh gods, this will not end well...

    [spoiler=B Support]Tharja: Why good day, Avatar! How fare you? Enjoying this weather?

    Avatar: ...Tharja? What are you doing?

    Tharja: What, me? Ho ho! Whatever do you mean. Just a normal greeting on a typical day. ...Why? Are you concerned for my welfare, good sir?

    Avatar: Um, well... I suppose, in a way.

    Tharja: You ARE?! Why, how sweeeeeet!

    Avatar: Actually, I'm more concerned about whatever you're planning for me.

    Tharja: Of course I have a plan for you, silly-billy! Now close your eyes, and get ready for... A slice of liver-and-eel pie! That's your favorite, correct? Oh, I do so adore baking...

    Avatar: ...Are you SURE you're all right, Tharja? You didn't eat anything strange, did you? Miscast a hex? Hit your head on a rock?

    Tharja: Oh ho ho, goodness me! Such an imagination you have, good sir. I'm sure I wouldn't know anything about anything strange, much less eat it! Just a typical day for a typical girl here.

    Avatar: This is about our conversation from before, isn't it?

    Tharja: Don't be silly. Now have some pie!

    Avatar: Look, I don't want-MMPH! *Munch, munch, munch* ...Actually, that's delicious.

    Tharja: Oh, huzzah! I've been working on the recipe every day after normal practice!

    Avatar: "Normal practice"...? You mean you've been practicing being normal?

    Tharja: Indeed! And it worked! I'm perfectly normal now! Ho ho! My yes, so typically normally plain.

    Avatar: Do you realize that your "typical normal" is actually ver, very unusual?

    Tharja: Oh my, huzzah? Goodness, I simply must...something?

    Avatar: Tharja, I'm sorry about what I said before. You shouldn't have listened to me. I liked you more the way you were, so can you go back to being the old Tharja?

    Tharja: Gracious, I... I have been practicing so diligently as of late, I'm not sure I can stop!

    [spoiler=A Support]T: (...Heh heh heh!)

    Avatar: I'm glad Tharja's acting like her old self again. A-although... I feel... Urk! Ch-chills up my spine... G-goose bumps... C-can't stop sh-sh-shivers...

    Tharja: Avatar? ...You all right? Avatar, you're shaking like a leaf! And your forehead's on fire! Okay, Tharja, think. We need cold water and a spell to bring down the fever...

    Avatar: Nnnrgh...

    Tharja: Hello.

    Avatar: Huh? Wh-what happened? Why am I lying here?

    Tharja: You lost consciousness and collapsed. It was because of the fever.

    Avatar: Yes, I-I;ve been feeling unwell for a while. Probably been working too hard.

    Tharja: I thought you might accuse me of putting a curse on you...

    Avatar: I'd never assume that! What kind of monster would curse their friend...

    Tharja: ...Oh. Right. That would be crazy! Heh heh.

    Avatar: Anywya, thank you so much for taking care of me.

    Tharja: Didn't you once say you wouldn't want me taking care of you?

    Avatar: Clearly, I was mistaken.

    Tharja: You're just saying that because I helped you out.

    Avatar: No, it's true! In fact, I wonder if you wouldn't mind...staying... *Yaaaaaawn* Just...just for a while...

    Tharja: Aw, how sweet. He's sleeping. Sleeping and...helpless. Hee hee hee hee!

    [spoiler=S Support]Avatar: Tharja?

    Tharja: Yes?

    Avatar: Don't you think it's time you stopped standing right behind me?

    Tharja: Why?

    Avatar: Because I can't see your face.

    Tharja: Why would you want to?

    Avatar: Fine. I'll just turn around. That's better. ...Now that I think about it, this is the first time we've stood like this... So close...face-to-face...

    Tharja: Perhaps.

    Avatar: I rather like it. Maybe we should do it more often... Maybe we could stand together...forever.

    Tharja: ...Forever?

    Avatar: ...Forever.

    Tharja: Wait, what are you giving... Avatar, is this a ring?

    Avatar: I love you, Tharja. I want to be with you, forever.

    Tharja: No-no! I can't! Not like this!

    Avatar: Oh.

    *they switch places, she's behind him*

    Tharja: ...There. Now try it again.

    Avatar: Um, well, I guess if this makes you more comfortable... In truth, I'm getting used to it myself...

    Tharja: Good. Heh heh...

    Confession Voice Clip: I can't believe you made me love you ...Of course if you back out, I'll murder you in your sleep.

    1) I like how they added a bit of detail towards her "observations" about Avatar in this.

    2) Her in the B support was legitimately terrifying. She even said Silly-billy.blink.gif

    3) Also, more pies. This is probably going to be a running gag.

    4) At least they improved her dialogue.

    Overall, nice.

  3. [6:47:10 PM] shadowofchaos: Also, I'm recording me and Liv's support conversations in both voice sets.

    [6:47:21 PM] Seph1212: olivia isn't moe I was so happy

    [6:47:27 PM] shadowofchaos: WAAAAT


    [6:47:30 PM] Arieta: ...

    [6:47:30 PM] Arieta: what

    [6:47:32 PM] shadowofchaos: BAAAAAAAAAAAAAKANAAAAAAAAA

    [6:47:33 PM] shadowofchaos: BAKANA

    [6:47:34 PM] AstraLunaSol: no moe for rey

    [6:47:41 PM] Seph1212: she has

    [6:47:44 PM] Seph1212: A NORMAL

    [6:47:45 PM] AstraLunaSol: instant japanese voices

    [6:47:45 PM] Seph1212: VOICE

    [6:47:48 PM] shadowofchaos: BA.KA.NA.

    [6:47:57 PM] Cam-tasia: obviously this is just motivation to learn how to hack

    I'm apparently gonna be sticking with the Japanese voices forever.


    Oh well Rey. XD

  4. I don't mind Inigo's name; it's pretty awesome in my opinion. And besides, I didn't even think of Princess Bride stuff at first, I just thought it was supposed to be kinda like Indigo, but without the d.

    Exactly, that's one of the biggest things to come to mind: Indigo without a D. It matches his Japanese name drawing from a color, too.

  5. pray tell, what's wrong with "Inigo"

    that is, objectively speaking and completely ignoring the Princess Bride aspect

    Really, that seems to be people's only gripe with it, is the inevitable Princess Bride jokes. That, and it's quite different from his old name. Otherwise, not much else.

    Also, I don't really have a problem with these names. Some of them are... out there. But I REALLY think that it isn't that bad. Seriously, these names are fine.

  6. May I just say that, should someone find one of the supports that I already claimed, which previously included these:

    Male Avatar X Cherche (Romantic)

    Nowi X Gregor (Romantic)

    Gerome x Lucina (Romantic)

    Sully X Stahl (Romantic)

    FeMorgan X Cherche (Parent/Child)

    Nah X Owain (Romantic)

    Degel X Stahl (Parent-Child)

    Miriel X Libra (Romantic)

    Amongst some others claimed in the thread...

    You could transcribe them here if you want. I will try and transcribe any ones I get when the game comes out. But still, it'll save me some time and keep the rabid fans from wanting to eat my face.

  7. I'm going to try and get as many DLCs as I can, but I'm mostly going to focus on Future of Despair, Festival of Bonds and those related ones, and the DLC that gives the Limit Breaker and Iote's Shield Skills. Mainly because they are crucial to my ideal team.

  8. Well, it's not exactly the best kept secret in the world or that hard to figure out, especially considering her voice. Though I must say that I actually like it from what I've heard from the review.

    Still cannot tell who it is since I suck at pin pointing VAs.

    These review scores are pretty high judging from all these sites. I certainly wasn't expecting a 9.6 out of IGN. Strange that no flaws are listed though, I would think there would be something that would bug reviewers.

    Well, there are some people who do not know that, as few as it may seem. I can see your point, but spoiling it THAT much is just not a good idea for such a big release.

  9. Yeeeeeeeep.

    They showed her promoted model at the 30 sec mark, Chrom's child., her eye, her getting a level up, her promoted sprite, the ending of the review using a clip of the "reveal".

    So it's a lot longer than just 5 seconds.

    Wait. They said and did all that? That is just an epic fail. Seriously, you can't get any worse than this. Spoiling Lucina's identity that much is almost trying to ruin the game for people.

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