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Posts posted by Diortem

  1. Best: FE10 Sothe. For a required unit, he's actually okay. Not TOO bad, although his use diminishes over time.

    Honorable Mention to: FE7's Legault, FE9's Volke

    Worst: FE6 Cath. She's basically FE9 Sothe, except worse in some aspects. You already have Chad (and Astol) as a thief, so not really too good.

    Dishonorable mentions towards: FE9's Sothe, FE6's Chad, Dickard Rickard in FE1, 11, 3, and 12.

  2. You won't be saying that when all of them have maxed stats and horrendously unfair skillsets. |D

    But it'd be perfect for a solo.

    Still, that seems to be the normal unit cap for one side in some strategy games. Not that one would normally hit the cap, mind.

  3. ...maybe...

    I forgot to hit the Case sensitive buttom obviously >_< *to the edit box*

    To be fair though, Avatard is just too funny. XD







    It's like that now, Rey. She's not moe anymore. Oh well.


  4. I have a slurry of supports now


    [spoiler=C Support]Lissa: Avatar? Where aaare yooou?

    Avatar: ...Zzz...

    Lissa: There you are! I was just... Oh! (You're sleeping... ?)

    Avatar: Snnrk! Zzzzzzz...

    Lissa: (You must really be wiped out. Not that I blame you, getting wrapped up in all this.) (Hee hee! Looks like it's time to quiiietly... geeently... hold your nose!

    Avatar: Nh... gnnkh... nnrrrgh... ! BWARGH! Wha-?! Risen! Wolves! Risen riding wolves! They're... all... Wait a moment...

    Lissa: Hee hee hee hee hee! AAAAH ha ha ha ha! "BWARGH"?! Oh gods, that was HILARIOUS! Heeeee hee hee hee hee!

    Avatar: Lissa, gods bless it... I was fast asleep!

    Lissa: And dreaming of Risen and wolves, apparently? Tee hee hee! I'm sorry, I tried to resist-I really did. But it was just to perfect!

    Avatar: Who does such things? Is that really how your parents raised you?!

    Lissa: ...I...I don't know... I never really knew my parents...

    Avatar: Oh... Oh, right. That was... Er...

    Lissa: Oh, don't worry about it. I know you didn't mean anything by it. And actually, there's something else that I should be apologizing for...

    Avatar: Whatever it is, I'm sure I can forget it if you can forgive my heartless comment...

    Lissa: Really? That's great! Oh, I was SO sure you were going to be SO angry... See, I was kinda doodling a pic of you in your big, new book of battle strategies... ...Aaand then I kinda spilled the ink and kinda... ruined the book, kinda... completely. Ireallyreallyreallydidn'tmeanto!

    Avatar: WHAT?! But that was a rare text! I had just started to... ...Er, *ahem* I mean... It's... It's fine. Accidents... happen.

    Lissa: Oooh pheeew!

    [spoiler=B Support]Avatar: Phew! I am beat...

    Lissa: All tuckered out, Avatar? How about a quick, refreshing shoulder rub?

    Avatar: ...What are you plotting now?

    Lissa: Oh, please. One little joke, one little time and you get all paranoid. This isn't about pranking anybody. I figure I owe you...

    Avatar: How do you figure?

    Lissa: Because you've taken a huge weight off my brother's shoulders, silly! You know what Chrom's like. He never asks for help, even when he needs it. But he trusts you, Avatar. Enough to rely on you. He's not the type to come out and say it, but I know he's grateful.

    Avatar: You... think so?

    Lissa: I know so! Nobody knows my big brother like me.

    Avatar: Well, that is nice to hear...

    Lissa: So, what do you say? Free massage? Going once... Gooooooing twiiice...

    Avatar: Okay, I accept! I accept! ...Thanks, Lissa.

    Lissa: Okay then... Urgh! Geez, your muscles are just one big knot back here...

    Avatar: ...Aaaaaah, yes, right there... Oooh, that feels amazing...

    Lissa: How about...this?

    Avatar: WhaAAAAGH! Cold! Cold and slimy and coooooold! AUGH! IT MOVED! WHAT DID YOU DO, LISSA? WHAT IN BLAZES WAS THAT?!

    Lissa: Teee hee hee hee! Oh, relax. It's just a frog. You were so perfectly calm, tee hee. I couldn't resist! It had to be done!

    Avatar: I'm pretty sure it did NOT! And weren't you just saying yesterday that frogs make you "all pukey"?

    Lissa: I'm willing to put up with a lot for the sake of comedy.

    Avatar: Well, that makes one of us!

    [spoiler=A Support]Lissa: Hey there, Avatar.

    Avatar: Get away from me, she-devil!

    Lissa: Aw, don't go getting your hackles up! I'm not here to prank you.

    Avatar: Ha! Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...don't talk to me again.

    Lissa: Hee hee! Aw, come on! ...Wait, are you really mad?

    Avatar: Of course I'm mad! You dumped a toad down my collar.

    Lissa: I'm pretty sure that was a frog...

    Avatar: I'm pretty sure I don't care!

    Lissa: Okay, okay! I'm sorry, Avatar! I'm super-duper 100 percent sorry. And I won't do it anymore, so please be my friend again. Okay?

    Avatar: ...You're really sorry?

    Lissa: Terribly!

    Avatar: And you SWEAR you won't do it again?

    Lissa: Princess's honor!

    Avatar: ...Well...all right. In that case I suppose I can forgive you... Let's just shake hands and put this silliness behind us.

    Lissa: Thanks, Avatar! You're the bes... AAAAAUGH! Wh-what is that, in your hand?! Is it a sna... A sn-n-n...

    Avatar: A snake? Oh, no, Lissa. I'm pretty sure this is a worm. ...Gotcha!

    Lissa: Gya! I thought my heart was going to jump out of my throat! You're terrible, Avatar! AND a total hypocrite!

    Avatar: Uh huh... Why don't you show me what's in YOUR hand, then.

    Lissa: O-oh! What? ...This? Hee he... Why, how did this frog get here?

    Avatar: ...Sorry, you were saying something about hypocrites?

    Lissa: Aw, it's no fun if you see it coming!

    Avatar: I'd have to be blind not to at this point.

    Lissa: Oooooo! Next time I'm gonna prank you good!

    Avatar: And next time I'll seriously stop talking to you.

    Lissa: What?! Oh...fiiiine! Fine! I guess I'll stop. For real this time. *Sigh* Guess I still have a long way to go...

    Avatar: Till you grow up?

    Lissa: No, to the pond! ...I've got about a dozen frogs to put back.

    Avatar: *Groooaaan*

    [spoiler=S Support]Lissa: *Sigh* I thought "dying of boredom" was just an expression...

    Avatar: All those pranks, and you're still bored?

    Lissa: Oh, hi, Avatar. Yeah, it's not that much fun messing with the others... Their reactions are all quiet and stale and...blaaah. I mean, they just stare, or sigh, or walk away shaking their head... Nobody else does that rubbery thing with their face that you do.

    Avatar: I do a rubbery thing with my face?

    Lissa: But don't worry! You're safe. A promise is a promise, after all. I'm not thrilled about it, but I don't want you to hate me. So...no more pranks.

    Avatar: ..... *Sigh* All right, Lissa. I give you permission to prank me again. I won't hate you for it, I promise.

    Lissa: Wait, really?!

    Avatar: BUT! On one condition... You have to open this box first.

    Lissa: Ha! No way, mister! I know this trick! A bunch of snakes or bugs or guts or whatever is gonna pop out!

    Avatar: ...Perhaps. It's up to you. I'm not forcing you.

    Lissa: Hmm... I'm scared, but... Gya, that thing with your face, I miss it SO much! Okay then. Here goes... YAAAAAH!

    Avatar: .....

    Lissa: A...ring? Wait, Avatar, what's going on?

    Avatar: I...I love you, Lissa. I love your loyalty, I love your candor, I love your spirit... Gods bless me, I think I even love your pranks! So...what do you say? Will you be my wife?

    Lissa: *Sniff*

    Avatar: Are you crying?! Don't cry! I'm sorry! You can say no; it won't hurt my feelings!

    Lissa: No, stupid! I'm happy! I just... I've loved you for so long!

    Avatar: What?! Really? ...Since when?

    Lissa: Yes, really! And since the very beginning! ...I only pranked you to get your attention. Chrom gets to be close to you all the time, when you meet, or when you talk strategy... But I didn't have anything like that...

    Avatar: Lissa, you could have talked to me about anything, anytime... I can't believe I never noticed...

    Lissa: Me either... But now we've got all the time in the world to spend together! Oooo! Plus I opened the box, so I get to prank you again, right?!

    Avatar: ...I thought the pranks were just to get my attention. And if we're getting married, I'd say you got my attention. Sooo...

    Lissa: You think I'm going to marry that face and never make it do that crazy rubbery thing?! You're nuts!

    Avatar: What?! Hey! I'm not sure I... Ah, well. If that's what it takes to make you happy...then so be it. Just go easy. We won't have all the time in the world together if I die of a heart attack.

    Lissa: Heh ha, okay, I promise, Avatar. Wow, what a day... You must be tired out from all the excitement! Sooo...how about a quick shoulder rub from your new wife-to-be, hmm?

    (Confession Voice Clip: Oh my gosh, this ring is huge! Oh, we're gonna have such a great life together.)

    [spoiler=AvatarxSay'ri][spoiler=C Support]Avatar: I have a question for you, Say'ri.

    Say'ri: Then I shall strive to answer it.

    Avatar: It's about your armor. I've never seen anything like it. Where did you get it?

    Say'ri: This? It's a common enough sight in Chon'sin. All warriors wear a variation.

    Avatar: The shape is unusual, but clever in its design. The plating looks tough as well.

    Say'ri: Hardened lacquer. It keeps the armor light while providing excellent defense. It's quite rare to see heavy armor where I come from. And we wield a curved, single-edged blade in both hands, so we do not carry shields.

    Avatar: That's a far cry from what I'm used to... Are there any other important differences?

    Say'ri: Aye, a world's worth, sir! You'd find much of Chon'sin culture curious. Food, dress...most everything.

    Avatar: I'd love to hear more sometime. ...If you don't mind, that is.

    Say'ri: Of course, I would be honored. Talk of my homeland keeps it close to my heart.

    [spoiler=B Support]Avatar: Are you free, Say'ri? I was hoping to hear more about Chon'sin culture.

    Say'ri: Aye, I am always free for such a thing! Where shall I begin!

    Avatar: Well, how is the food different between there and here?

    Say'ri: Rice is our mainstay. 'TWas only recently that first I tasted bread or cheese.

    Avatar: Interesting.

    Say'ri: Raw fish is also a Chon'sin delicacy.

    Avatar: ...Raw? Is it any good?

    Say'ri: Quite so, provided the fish is fresh. If not...well, it can be an ugly sight indeed.

    Avatar: Seems our foods are as different as our weapons and armor. It must have been difficult to grow accustomed to life in the camp.

    Say'ri: I find yout cuisine quite palatable, in truth. Though I do miss the tastes of home.

    Avatar: I'd love to try it myself someday.

    Say'ri: Aye! If ever the opportunity arises, it would be my honor to treat you.

    [spoiler=A Support]Avatar: Hello, Say'ri.

    Say'ri: .....

    Avatar: (Did she not hear me? Or is she distracted by something?) (Oh, I say! She's painting! ...Huh, she's actually quite skilled.) Ho there, Say'ri!

    Say'ri: Wha-?!

    Avatar: Sorry! I didn't mean to startle you.

    Say'ri: Oh, Avatar! Fie, but you gave me quite the start... I should be the one to apologize for shouting as I did. Er, I was just... That is... Please don't concern yourself with this.

    Avatar: What, with the painting? Whyever not? It's breathtaking... You're really talented. There's no reason to hide it, is there?

    Say'ri: I suppose not. ...And less still, if you've already seen it.

    Avatar: What a lovely tree... But why are the leaves that color?

    Say'ri: 'Tis a tree called the cherry. The pink you call out are its blossoms, not its leaves.

    Avatar: Interesting. I've never seen one like it.

    Say'ri: It's unique to Chon'sin and blooms but briefly once a year.

    Avatar: I must be quite a sight.

    Say'ri: It is a dearly-beloved symbol of my people. The river near my childhood home was lined with these trees. When in full bloom, 'twas a spectacle fit to steal one's breath away. I think of it often, of late...

    Avatar: ...Say'ri?

    Say'ri: Ah, apologies! I lost myself in nostalgia, it seems. I don't know what came over me.

    Avatar: Not at all. I enjoy listening to your stories.

    Say'ri: Saying so is the greatest reward you could offer. My thanks.

    [spoiler=S Support]Say'ri: .....

    Avatar: You're awfully quiet, Say'ri. Is everything all right?

    Say'ri: Ah, Avatar. Apologies. My head swims with memories of Chon'sin as of late.

    Avatar: It wasn't my asking questions that brought this on, was it? If so, that was certainly never my intention.

    Say'ri: No, no. It's quite all right. Better than all right, in fact... Because in looking to the past, I've found my way forward...

    Avatar: Oh?

    Say'ri: I realize that I'm not sad anymore. Even far from Chon'sin, I feel as I belong here. I've found someone whose breast is home, you see, and my place is at his side.

    Avatar: You...have? Er, I mean, that's...great. I'm happy...for you...

    Say'ri: Ha! See how your face falls at the news... But fear not: that someone is you.

    Avatar: ...What?

    Say'ri: I'll never be far from home as long as I'm with you, Avatar. Please...stay with me.

    Avatar: Oh, Say'ri! I want to spend the rest of my life with you, too!

    Say'ri: I...I would be honored.

    Avatar: And I'd still love to see Chon'sin once the war is over. I want to see the place that could produce someone as amazing as you.

    Say'ri: Then I will show you.

    Avatar: It's a promise. You can bring your new nome to your old one.

    Say'ri: Perhaps under the cherry trees, we can be joined. Together, as one...

    (Confession Voice Clip: To think my greatest joy should be found within this chaos. Your heart and mine shall be bound forever.)

    [spoiler=AvatarxNah(Romantic)][spoiler=C Support]Nah: Ooo! Look at all those berries!

    Avatar: Do you know if they're edible?

    Nah: Yup, they're safe to eat! Really sweet, too!

    Avatar: Mmm, we'll have to pick a few, then.

    Nah: The leaves are a little bitter, but they're not half bad, either.

    Avatar: The, uh... The leaves?

    Nah: Oh, and if you chew on the roots enough, they make a juice that's pretty okay. Plus it keeps you from feeling hungry, so that's convenient for long marches.

    Avatar: No kidding...

    Nah: I don't think I've ever seen this many berries at once, though. This is great! Woah, and there's a ton more over there!

    Avatar: ...Just what sort of diet did she grow up on, anyway?

    [spoiler=B Support]Avatar: Hey, Nah?

    Nah: Hmmm?

    Avatar: Earlier, it sounded like you'd eaten roots and leaves and whatnot before, yes?

    Nah: On the good days, anyway. But at least it was food!

    Avatar: Well, of a sort, I suppose.

    Nah: Oh! You can eat the leaves of these plants growing by the road, too! See? *Avatarnch, Avatarnch, Avatarnch*

    Avatar: Those are just weeds, Nah!

    Nah: Yeah, but the un-poison kind! They're a lot tastier than you'd think. Wanna try a bite?

    Avatar: No, I'm sure they're great. But, uh, Nah? We have food now, you know. Plenty of it tastier than weeds.

    Nah: I think anything that keeps the walls of your belly from clanging together is good. Hey, look! Those fruity things over there are great, too! Once you get used to the sourness and the itchy tongue and the dizziness, anyway.

    Avatar: There's got to be SOMETHING I can do for her...

    [spoiler=A Support]Avatar: Do you have a minute, Nah?

    Nah: Sure! Whatcha need?

    Avatar: A taste tester, actually. I fixed a little something and wanted you to help me out.

    Nah: Me? Oh, yay!

    Avatar: Don't get too excited till you've tried it.

    Nah: It looks great! Gimme! *Avatarnch, Avatarnch, Avatarnch*

    Avatar: ...Well?

    Nah: What...what IS this?! I've never tasted anything so amazing! It's incredible! It's life changing! It's... It's... AAAAAAAAAA!

    Avatar: Heh heh, I'm glad you like it.

    Nah: Hey, so no offense, but you lost all your memories, didn't you? How do you know how to cook?

    Avatar: Oh, I've just been reading up a bit. The first few attempts were ghastly, but I finally got it to taste almost normal. Anyway, I wanted you to be the first to try it.

    Nah: Wow, Avatar... Thank you! It's so nice of you to think of me!

    Avatar: Of course, Nah! I'm always thinking of you.

    [spoiler=S Support]Avatar: I tried out a new recipe today, Nah. Want to give it a try?

    Nah: You bet!

    Avatar: Here you go.

    Nah: *Avatarnch, Avatarnch* ...Hey, this is great! Everything you've made has been tasty, but this may be the best dish yet!

    Avatar: Glad to hear it.

    Nah: Hey, can I ask you something? ...Why are you so nice to me?

    Avatar: Why am I...nice?

    Nah: It may not seem like it to you, but cooking like this is a really big deal to me. In the future, there was never enough to eat, you know? Just finding enough to fill your belly for a day was cause for celebration. Especially for a manakete. We need to eat way more than you to survive. So, um, yeah. Your food just makes me really...so happy.

    Avatar: Nah, I don't know what to say...

    Nah: And you have your own troubles to worry about with the amnesia and all, right? So why go all out of your way for me?

    Avatar: Well... At first, I just wanted to introduce you to all the flavors you've been deprived. But after a while, I guess I got hooked on seeing how happy it made you...

    Nah: Um, Avatar?

    Avatar: Hmm?

    Nah: Would you, um... After this war is over, will you still cook for me?

    Avatar: As long as you're willing to eat what I come up with, it'd be my pleasure.

    Nah: Oh, Avatar! I...I love you!

    Avatar: Y-you LOVE me? Why, that's... I mean, I hoped, but... Nah, if my cooking tastes good, it's only because it's filled with MY love for you!

    Nah: Mmm... Your love is delicious... Hee hee!

    (Confession Voice Clip: Look, it's gonna be you. Better just give up and accept it now.)

    [spoiler=AvatarxSevera(Romantic)][spoiler=C Support]

    Severa: Hold it right there, Avatar!

    Avatar: Severa? Is something wrong?

    Severa: Well, duh! Yes, something is wrong! What was that nonsense at the war council just now?!

    Avatar: What, with the battle scenario siAvatarlations?

    Severa: On the last one, you said we should let the enemy retreat. Are you daft?! Anyone with half a brain would know to pursue and finish off the enemy! Gawds!

    Avatar: I considered pursuit, but it seemed too risky. Factoring in everyone's exhaustion from the first round, it seemed safest to stay put. Chasing a bear into its den can be asking for trouble, especially after a long fight.

    Severa: Unless you actually want to SLAY the bear, in which case it's exactly what you do!

    Avatar: I think it really depends on the circumstances... In that scenario, we would've been chasing them into rugged, mountainous terrain.

    Severa: So?!

    Avatar: So they can't travel at speed throught those mountains. It's just not possible. That leaves us plenty of time to finish them off once we're back at full strength. Besides, if a storm hit while we were marching, we'd be devastated. Mountains are fickle things. I thought it best to play it safe in that case.

    Severa: ...You just think yoi've got ALL the answers, don't you? You sure have gotten a big head since Chrom made you our tactician...

    Avatar: Hey, I hardly think that's fair...

    Severa: Oh, so you DON'T think you're the smartest one here? How humble of you!

    Avatar: All right, then. Let's say you were the tactician in the same situation. What would you do, Severa? How would you direct the Shepherds to pursue the enemy?

    Severa: HA! Do't think you can trick me with your...trickery!

    Avatar: It's not a trick. I'm honestly curious. If you have a solid plan, then great. I don't want to let them retreat any more than you do, after all. Take a while to think on it, and let me know. Right now, I need to meet with Chrom.

    Severa: Oooh! The big man has a big meeting! ...Gawds, he thinks he's so clever.

    [spoiler=B Support]Severa: Ha! Found you!

    Avatar: Did you need something, Severa?

    Severa: Don't play dumb with me. I'm here with an answer to your little question.

    Avatar: Ah, how best to pursue enemies fleeing into mountainous terrain? Excellent! And what is your solution?

    Severa: You let the main force rest, but send a small strike force of your best fighters. That way, you minimize risk while also having the best chance of killing the foe. What do you think about that?!

    Avatar: It sounds reasonable enough... But what if their retreat was just a ruse, and they littered the mountain with traps?

    Severa: H-hey! You didn't say anything about traps!

    Avatar: Without knowing anything about the path ahead, sending anyone is a risk.

    Severa: Yeah, and so that's why you send your best men and minimize casualties!

    Avatar: ...Not good enough.

    Severa: Not good enough?!

    Avatar: Chrom and I aren't trying for fewer casualties, Severa. We're trying for none. Anytime we lose a fighter, the operation is a failure-no matter the result. Your plan is a compromise we're just not willing to take.

    Severa: Oh. My. Gawds. Are you serious?! You think you can win a war with pretty ideals and zero casualties? Wake up! You think the war fairy is gonna come flying over and sprinkle victory dust everywhere? ...This isn't about the plan at all, is it? You're just making fun of ME! Well, I'm so sorry if I'm not as smart as my mother!

    Avatar: Er, I think you're misunderstanding what I'm saying, Severa.

    Severa: Well I think you're being a big, fat tactical jerk!

    Avatar: ...Well, that could have gone better. But at least now I see what this is about.

    [spoiler=A Support]Avatar: Oh. Hello, Severa.

    Severa: ...Hey.

    Avatar: I should apologize. For before, I... I shouldn't have been so quick to dismiss your plan. I know you spent time on it.

    Severa: No, I'm sorry. I was immature and angry. ...I didn't mean it when I called you fat.

    Avatar: heh, I admit, I did check myself on the scales afterwards.

    Severa: Um, so, I thought more about the scenario, and I think I've got an answer.

    Avatar: I'm all ears.

    Severa: What if we sent a scout group by air? Like pegasus knights or whatever. They map out the area, nail down the enemy's position, and sniff out any traps. THEN we send a ground force to take out the enemy.

    Avatar: ...That is a nuanced, well-considered plan. I'm quite impressed!

    Severa: Right? The aerial units just avoid archers, and the ground troops aren't going in blind. It's the perfect scheme!

    Avatar: It's a B+ plan, with an A+ for effort!

    Severa: ..... B PLUS?!

    Avatar: It's a great idea, Severa, but the scenario we ran at that meeting lacked air support. In this hypothetical situation, there ARE no pegasus knights or...whatever to send. That's why we decided not to pursue the enemy in the first place.

    Severa: Y-you can't do this! You can't keep making up new rules all the time!

    Avatar: Heh, sorry, Severa. Really I am. I thought that was clear from the start.

    Severa: Now I feel like a total idiot for wasting all that time thinking about it!

    Avatar: Oh, I wouldn't call it a waste. Considering a problem from different angles leads to useful discoveries. In fact, your answers have given me ideas for new strategies down the line.

    Severa: Yeah, my WRONG answers! Bah, I'm done talking about this!

    Avatar: Hey, I'm sorry! Don't be mad, Severa! ...Come back!

    [spoiler=S Support]Severa: Hey, Avatar?

    Avatar: Yes?

    Severa: ...How come you don't avoid me like everyone else does?

    Avatar: Wait, do peoiple do that to you?

    Severa: Not always... But whenever I contradict someone or start to get angry, they usually stop listening. I think most people think I'm...difficult.

    Avatar: Well, for what it's worth, I don't think so. You're emotional, yes, and you say what's on your mind. Forecfully, usually... But that doesn't really bother me. In fact, I find it refreshing...

    Severa: Refreshing?!

    Avatar: Sure! I mean, look at me. I'm pretty dull when you get right down to it. And even when you say something unkind, there's still a bit of... Hmm, how to say it... If I read between the lines of what you say, there's usually some good in there.

    Severa: So...can you read between the lines of what I'm saying now?

    Avatar: I'm afraid I may need a little more to go on.

    Severa: Ugh, you can be SO dim sometimes!

    Avatar: ...Am I missing something obvious here?

    Severa: I love you, Avatar! That obvious enough for you?! You're always so caring, and it makes me feel...special, I guess. You make me happy.

    Avatar: Wow, Severa...

    Severa: L-look, I'm sorry for being so snarky and competetive all the time. But maybe in the future we can be more of a team?

    Avatar: You mean a couple? I'd like that.

    Severa: REALLY?! ...You would?

    Avatar: ...Heh. I love you too, Severa. I love your passion and your drive. I love how you never hide what you're feeling, for better and for worse.

    Severa: Well, this time I think it was definitely for the better.

    Avatar: Heh, that Avatarch is obvious, even to a big, fat tactical jerk like me.

    (Confession Voice Clip: I...I love you... Hey, pay attention for once! And say something sweet why don't ya!)

    [spoiler=AvatarxCynthia (Romantic)][spoiler=C Support]

    Avatar: The scouts picked up signs of an enemy force ahead. Could be as many as 50.

    Cynthia: I'm on my way! I'll have 'em begging for mercy in no time!

    Avatar: What? No, it's too dangerous to go alone. We'll wait here until support arrives.

    Cynthia: A hero does not wait for backup! A hero charges into the fray alone! And now, I ride!

    Avatar: Cynthia, wait! Come back! CYNTHIAAAAAAAAA!

    Cynthia: Gyaaa!

    Avatar: Cynthia! Are you all right?! What happened?! ...And why are you covered in Avatard?

    Cynthia: Oh, it was awful! I headed to where they said the enemy was, but it was a SWAMP! I charged in and couldn't stop in time... Next thing I knew, I was stuck and...and... And it was not heroic in the slightest!

    Avatar: And...the enemy?

    Cynthia: Not a one. The scouts Avatarst have been mistaken, I guess. Oh it was awful... All our soldiers who came in behind me got stuck in the Avatard, too. They're probably just crawling back now

    Avatar: Ugh... Good thing there weren't enemies after all. We would have been like fish in a barrel, mired in that swamp.

    Cynthia: The worst part is that I had a REALLY good victory line picked out for when I won! Now it's totally wasted...

    Avatar: I'm not sure that's the WORST part...

    [spoiler=B Support]Avatar: Hey, Cynthia?

    Cynthia: .....

    Avatar: Is everything all right? I can practically see the dark clound hanging over your head. Are you still upset over the whole charging-in-alone-oh-wait-it's-a-swamp thing?

    Cynthia: Shouldn't I be? It's my fault. If I hadn't gone off half cocked, the others wouldn't have spent a day wallowing in Avatard.

    Avatar: It's just Avatard. I think they'll survive.

    Cynthia: I...I need to apologize to you, too, Avatar. I was a big fat idiot! I'm really sorry!

    Avatar: Don't be so hard on yourself. It's all right. It worked out, and no one was hurt.

    Cynthia: No, it's NOT all right! I'm supposed to fight to keep everyone else safe! Gods, it's all so embarrassing...

    Avatar: Your heart's in the right place, Cynthia. But sometimes you forget that you fight as part of a team. Even the greatest hero has to have sidekicks, right?

    Cynthia: I know that, but...

    Avatar: You'll have a lot more success keeping everyone safe if you work with the team. And people really admire those who work well with others, you know.

    Cynthia: ...You think?

    Avatar: Hey, we already consider you pretty darn heroic.

    Cynthia: Aw, REALLY?! All right! That settles it! Starting today, I'm a team player! Thanks, Avatar!

    Avatar: Glad to help.

    [spoiler=A Support]

    Avatar: Cynthia!

    Cynthia: Huh? What's wrong? Did something happen?

    Avatar: You were amazing in the last battle!

    Cynthia: ...I was?

    Avatar: The last few, actually. Keep this up and we won't even need a tactician!

    Cynthia: That's great to hear! I mean, not that we wouldn't need you... Oh, you know what I mean.

    Avatar: It seems like you're aware of everyone else's situation and only go where you're needed. Honestly, it's been a huge help.

    Cynthia: Just doing what you said, Avatar!

    Avatar: Er, what did I say again?

    Cynthia: You said I needed to fight as part of the team!

    Avatar: Oh, right. I mean, of course I did! Well, I'm glad it helped.

    Cynthia: I just had to be less of a lone-wolf hero and more of a Justice Alliance hero, you know?

    Avatar: I don't think...I'm quite familiar with that organization? But whatever works for you.

    Cynthia: Yep! I'm gonna give it my all, just like a real member of the Justice Alliance! "Never capitulate, never succumb!" That's the Justice Alliance creed!

    Avatar: Er, all right, then.

    [spoiler=S Support]Cynthia: Avatar, do you have a minute? There's...something I need to talk to you about.

    Avatar: Is everything all right? You seem rather...subdued today.

    Cynthia: I just...I wanted to thank you.

    Avatar: Heh, you've already thanked me. Many times over, in fact.

    Cynthia: No, not for that. Well, it IS for that, but also for a different reason... What I mean is, I kept thinking about what you said, and I realized something new.

    Avatar: What's that?

    Cynthia: I always thought protecting other people meant charging in alone, you know? It always felt good to do that. I...I liked it. But it wasn't quite right.

    Avatar: How so?

    Cynthia: I was running ahead of the pack so I could feel like I was the one winning the war. But after what you said to me that day, I started watching you. I saw that you were always in the heart of the group. Not charging ahead, not taking all the glory. And yet, you were doing more than anyone to keep us safe.

    Avatar: Well, I'm just doing my part.

    Cynthia: As our tactician, you know us all even better than we know ourselves. You make us all better. You're like our ringleader or whatever it's called.

    Avatar: Er, I'm not sure "ringleader" would be best... You know what? Never mind. Thank you, Cynthia.

    Cynthia: So, I was hoping...maybe you would help me be a better person...off the field, too?

    Avatar: I'd be delighted. Er, wait. Do you mean...

    Cynthia: I think I'm... I'm in love with you, Avatar. So I was hoping when you aren't busy being the heart of the group, maybe... Maybe it could just be the two of us?

    Avatar: I'd like that a very great deal, Cynthia.

    Cynthia: Oh? yes? Oh, thank the gods! I was worried you would say no!

    Avatar: It's easy to love someone who gives so Avatarch of herself for the sake of others.

    Cynthia: Oh my gosh! I love you so Avatarch!

    Avatar: And I you. I'll be counting on you to make me the best man I can be, too.

    Cynthia: Now that's one job I know I can still handle on my own!

    (Confession Voice Clip: I love you best of all. You're like my own personal hero!)

    [spoiler=AvatarxNoire(Romantic)][spoiler=C Support]Noire: *Siiigh*

    Avatar: Something on your mind, Noire?

    Noire: Eep! Oh, Avatar! N-no, nothing... Just a bit tired, I suppose.

    Avatar: Then you should rest up and take a nap. We don't have anything planned for today.

    Noire: Is that so? Yes, perhaps I'll do as you suggest. Hmm, but...

    Avatar: No buts! Whatever you're worried about can clearly wait. You always push yourself too hard, Noire. I'm sure the exhaustion's just built up.

    Noire: B-but it's hardly fair to rest while the others are still working! Otherwise I'm only holding everyone back.

    Avatar: Well, do what you have to do, but just promise me you'll take care of yourself.

    Noire: I will. I'm...sorry you had to see me like this.

    [spoiler=B Support]Noire: *Siiigh*

    Avatar: What's wrong, Noire? Tired again?

    Noire: N-no, that's not it. Well, I AM tired, but...

    Avatar: Yes?

    Noire: I was trying to think of ways I might grow a bit...sturdier. So lately I've been watching the other girls and trying to identify differences.

    Avatar: And have you found any?

    Noire: Well, the others are healthier, obviously, and their bodies seem more resilient. Also, their figures are just a little bit more...robust.

    Avatar: Phrased with the delicacy of a diplomat! Er, and I suppose you would be on the...slight side?

    Noire: Slight? Ha! I'm skin and bone! I fall over in a stiff breeze! They're all so full of energy; it's like staring into the sun... They make me feel like a troll! ...Er, if trolls were scrawny. Oh, what do you think I should do, Avatar?!

    Avatar: W-well, I do think you have a tendency to worry more than most... And that stress is bound to harm the body in one way or another...


    Avatar: Whoa! N-no, Noire! Never! I didn't say anything like that!


    Avatar: W-well... *ahem* They say that clothes make the man, right? perhaps they can make the wo-man, as well? Why not try getting into the role form-first?

    Noire: Oh! So you think I should maybe dress more...festively?

    Avatar: Y-yes! That's the perfect word! Festive! Maybe that will energize you a bit?

    Noire: ...Huh. Well, I guess I'll consider it.

    [spoiler=A Support]Noire: *Siiigh*

    Avatar: Still sighing away, Noire?

    Noire: Oh. Hello...

    Avatar: Troubles still not resolved, then?

    Noire: I wanted to take your advice, but...I don't know what constitutes festive attire.

    Avatar: Ah. Well, even if you had, I'm not sure where you'd find any, with the war and all...

    Noire: Is there no way to become more girly? I just want to shine like all the others, even for a day...

    Avatar: Well, worrying about it isn't going to help. Worry might just be your biggest enemy. Why don't you try unwinding a little? Go do something you enjoy!

    Noire: I see. Yes, perhaps I'll treat myself to... Um, to what, exactly?

    Avatar: Why not head into town and enjoy a nice meal?

    Noire: I couldn't be the only one to enjoy such luxury! Not in times like this.

    Avatar: Aww, live a little. You like sweets, right? I don't think anyone could fault you for indulging in a little cake or two.

    Noire: You're sure?

    Avatar: Sure I am! And if you really don't want to be the only one eating, I'll go with you.

    Noire: You...wouldn't mind?

    Avatar: Eating cake? Only if you twist my arm! ...So, it's a date? Next time we're in town, we'll swing by the bakery and see what's on offer. Agreed?

    Noire: Agreed!

    [spoiler=S Support]Avatar: Everything all right, Noire? You seem down.

    Noire: Eep! ...Oh. Avatar. No, just the same-old, same-old. Thinking about how to be more vibrant... How to be more like the other girls... It just seems so hopeless! I feel like I haven't made a bit of progress...

    Avatar: Hmm, well... W-well... Have you tried falling in love?

    Noire: Wh-what?

    Avatar: They say a woman's never as radiant as when she's in love. Why not give it a try? If, um... Well, you know. I guess you'd need to find someone special first...

    Noire: W-well, I...I suppose I think I might...have someone in mind... There's someone who... Well, he's always listening to me and offering advice... *Avatarmble, Avatarmble*

    Avatar: ...Sorry? I didn't catch that.

    Noire: *mumble* ...You really want to know?

    Avatar: Huh? Well, sure.

    Noire: Well, all right... Here goes...

    Avatar: Hmm?

    Noire: It... It's you, Avatar. I...love...you.

    Avatar: What?


    Avatar: Gah! S-sorry! I'm sorry! I heard you! I was just suprised! ...Er, so did you mean it? This isn't something to feel more vibrant?

    Noire: No, I mean it! Of course I mean it! I've had feelings for you from the start.

    Avatar: Wow. Really?


    Avatar: ..... Heh...Ha ha. Aaaaaah ha ha ha!

    Noire: H-hey! What's so funny?!

    Avatar: Ha ha ha! Ha ha... I'm sorry. All this talk of being vibrant and such... Who could be more vibrant than you?! Don't change a thing, Noire. I think you're amazing just as you are. Delicate and sweet, always more worried about others than yourself... And prone to the occasional...flight of fancy, shall we say? I love it all.

    Noire: You really mean that?!

    Avatar: Of course I do, Noire! So stop pushing yourself to become someone you're not... And let's enjoy the amazing person you already are.

    Noire: I... Oh, Avatar... Thank you.

    (Confession Voice Clip: You fill me with the strength I never thought to have. Please stay with tme always?)

    Got more coming, these are just the Avatar romantic ones

    ...Did you replace all instances of the letters MU with Avatar? Since Nah says "Avatarnch", it seems so...

    Also, Lissa X MU is so cute.

    And holy crap Noire is scary.

  5. Alright, next up are the Male Avatar x Panne supports! Which only serve prove that a Male Avatar is the best waifu of them all.

    Male Avatar X Panne

    C Support

    M: Er, Panne?

    P: What?

    M: Would you tell me more about the taguel? I barely know a thing about them, and I thought... I mean, if you don't mind...

    P: I do not.

    M: ...Wait, really?

    P: No, I do not mind. Why do you doubt me?

    M: I don't know, I guess I just didn't imagine you saying yes so easily. I was all ready to argue my case. You kind of took the wind out of my sails.

    P: Is it I who frighten you so, man-spawn? Or the fact I am taguel?

    M: N-no, neither! Nothing like that. It's just... I thought you might not take kindly to me asking about your people. I know it was humans like me who killed them, after all.

    P: Humans like you, yes. But not you. You do not bear the blame for what was done, so do not bear the guilt. Guilt creates distance. If you would learn of my people, cast it aside.

    M: All right.

    P: Mmm. At last you are calm. Your heart has slowed.

    M: You can hear my heartbeat?

    P: Lesson one-taguel have strong ears. A heart's beat always betrays its owner.

    M: Heh. Remind me never to play cards against you... Oh, I have a meeting, but I would love to know more... Can we talk again soon?

    P: Of course. It is nice to find someone who is curious about my people.

    B Support

    M: So, do all shape-shifters turn into rabbits, Panne?

    P: No. There were others, far from here. Tribes of cat-wearers and bird-wearers.

    M: Woah, I would have loved to see that... I bet they were so cuddly and cute! Er...sorry. I probably shouldn't call a race of proud warriors "cute."

    P: They were not cute. At least, not like the rabbit-wearers are cute. But then, what is? Nothing.

    M: Heh heh, r-right. So, did you ever meet these tribes yourself?

    P: Long ago. How they fare now, I do not know. Perhaps they shared the same bloody fate as my own people...

    M: I... I didn't mean to...

    P: I am sorry. There is no call for you to share in my gloom. So, another question?

    M: Oh... Um, well, what do you like to eat?

    P: Taguel eat many things.

    M: No, I mean you, specifically. I'm on kitchen duty tonight-I'll cook whatever you want. It was me being nosey that made you sad, right? Let me cheer you back up!

    P: You are...oddly kind.

    M: So, let me guess... Carrot stew?

    P: ...How did you know?

    M: Ha ha, sorry! I know, just because you're a rabbit doesn't mean you... Wait, I was right?

    A Support

    P: *Sniff* Ah! Is that your famous carrot stew I smell? I hope you don't mind if I sneak a taste before dinner?

    M: No, Panne, wait! That's not for-

    P: *Sluuuurp*

    M: ...Oh dear. I'm SO sorry, Panne, but I messed up the recipe on that batch. Everybody said it tasted...off. Well, actually they said it tasted like last month's dishwater, but...

    P: It seems perfectly fine to me.

    M: ...You've got to be joking.

    P: Taguel never joke about food. Nothing seems off here. It tastes exactly the same as every other time you have made it.

    M: It does?! You mean, ALL the stews tasted like this to you? And you ate them? Taguel taste buds must not work like ours. ...Or at all.

    P: Would you mind if I had a bowl?

    M: Hey, take the whole pot if you want! No one else will touch the stuff.

    P: Many thanks. You really are too kind, MU.

    M: Soup-er happy to hear you say that, Panne!

    S Support

    P: Mmm, that was excellent. Delicious, as always, MU.

    M: Not a widely held opinion, but thanks.

    P: That suits me fine. I get your food all to myself. More warmth for me.

    M: I suppose it is warm, at least... Not a very high bar, is it?

    P: No. Not that warmth. I mean it warms my heart. I had forgotten what that felt like. I was alone for so long...

    M: .....

    P: ...Heh, I am being gloomy again. Forget I said anything.

    M: Panne, I... Here.

    P: Wait, this is...?

    M: It's a ring, Panne. I want you to marry me.

    P: ...Marry?

    M: Oh, well... Marriage is when two people promise to stay with each other for life. You mean so much to me. It tears me up to think of you being alone... You've had too much of that already. ...Let me be your family.

    P: You would do that?

    M: If you'll let me, yes.

    P: And I would never be alone again?

    M: Not for as long as I lived.

    P: And will you cook for me every day?

    M: If you want, sure.

    P: ...I knew you were kind, MU. But this... I'm happier than I believed possible! This is better than the first time I tried your carrot stew!

    M: Well I should HOPE I'm better than that!

    (Confession Voice Clip: To think that I might love a human. Oh, what a strange world this is.)

    And then we have the Male Avatar x Anna supports. Which are surprisingly good. These two supports have really shown how good the localisation team are.

    Male Avatar x Anna

    C Support

    A: Tee hee hee!

    M: Ha! Someone's cheerful today.

    A: EEEEEEEEK! Oh! Sorry! I didn't notice you there, MU.

    M: No, I'M sorry! I didn't mean to scare you like that. I was just wondering what you were laughing about?

    A: Well, I just sold some inventory at three times the price I paid for it!

    M: That's great ...So long as I wasn't one of the suckers who fell for it?

    A: Hey, if you don't know the game, you shouldn't make the deal! But don't worry. It wasn't you. ...Ah, there's nothing like the feeling of when the coins hit your hand.

    M: If you say so.

    A: Oh, I do! I tell ya, the path to happiness is paved with gold!

    M: ...But there are some things money can't buy. Important things.

    A: Pffft. That's a load of bull plop! And even if it was true, money makes you care less about not having those things.

    M: I don't know...

    A: I love money! Money, money, money! Clink clink clink go the coins!

    M: .....

    B Support

    M: Hello, Anna.

    A: Oh! Hello, MU!

    M: I've been thinking about our last talk... I must say, I'm a bit concerned. You do know there are things money can't buy, right?

    A: Well, everyone says that, but it's not really true. Money can buy loyalty. It can buy safety. ...Power. ...Strength. Even love is for sale, if the price is right.

    M: You can't possibly believe that!

    A: believe it? Heck, I've SEEN it! I can't tell you how many men I've had to turn away. Besides, even the noblest soul considers finances when looking for a partner. No one wants to marry a broke joker, no matter how sweet he might be.

    M: I don't... Hmm...

    A: Or say there was a girl you were completely in love with. What would you do? Take her to nice restaurants... Buy her expensive gifts... That's money at work right there... And there's nothing wrong with it!

    M: I suppose your argument has some merit, though it still seems extreme. And even if true, isn't it kind of... I don't know. Sad?

    A: Look, I'd love to live in a rainbow-sprinkle world where money didn't matter, too. But it's important to be realistic about things, even when reality isn't pretty.

    M: I guess that's fair...

    A Support

    A: Rragh! What gives today?!

    M: Something wrong, Anna?

    A: Yes, something's wrong! I didn't make a single sale all day! And my merch is top notch, too. The world's gone topsy-turvy!

    M: Sorry to hear it.

    A: Times like this, a girl needs a shoulder to cry on.

    M: Perhaps you could rent one?

    A: Oh, ha ha. Very funny... Look, I may be pragmatic, but I'm still human. I need companionship, too.

    M: ...Really?

    A: YES! Do you really have to ask? Sheesh, why can't you just listen like you always do?

    M: Maybe I'm holding out for more money.

    A: Now just a... Come on! Stop it already!

    M: Hah! Okay, okay. I'm sorry. But after all you said before, I had to razz you a little. I'm happy to listen, free of charge.

    A: Good! Now wipe that smirk off your face. And get comfortable. This may take a while.

    M: Sure, I'll just start a tab...

    A: *Sigh* ...You just don't give up, do you?

    S Support

    M: Hello, Anna. I brought you something.

    A: Ooh! A present? For me?!

    M: It's not much, but...

    A: Aw, it's a necklace! That is SO SWEET! But, um... Why?

    M: Well, it's your birthday, isn't it?

    A: Is it? ...Wait, it is! I completely forgot! I'm surprised you even knew.

    M: I wouldn't let a good friend's birthday slip past unnoticed.

    A: I'm a...good friend?

    M: Of course you are.

    A: Um... Gosh, you really ARE sweet.

    M: Thanks.

    A: .....

    M: Something wrong?

    A: No, I'm just...realizing something. People say "it's the thought that counts"...and it's actually true.

    M: You realized that because of my gift?

    A: I did. And you know what, MU? You're right. Some things money can't buy. ..... I love you!

    M: Wh-what?! What's this, all of a sudden?

    A: What can I say? I'm a whimsical girl. So you wanna get married now or what?!

    M: Okay, that's REALLY sudden!

    A: I TOLD you I was whimsical! Better decide quick, before my whimsy takes me in a new direction.

    M: Looks like I'm feeling whimsical myself. Let's do it! Let's get married! Just don't ask me to help out with the business. I'm terrible with money.

    A: It's a deal! Now let's go find a ring and talk the owner down to half price...

    (Confession Voice Clip: Keep THIS up and someday I may love you more than money... No, seriously.)

    Male Avatar for best Waifu, who's with me?

    Seriously, that Panne support was nice.

    Also, Anna's got some depth behind her devotion to money. Interesting, albeit cynical.

  6. Guys, just be patient. Some of us will have to wait months after the release to get it, so one extra week really isn't that big a deal, is it?

    Eh, I don't see it as THAT bad, but you have to keep in mind, the fact that some people have been waiting a year and a half for the release, and Nintendo and all these retailers fuck it up so close to release, especially after all this hype, that won't really sit well with a lot of people. Wouldn't you and the others that have to wait until April get angry too if the release was delayed (especially after some people already got it early)?

  7. Reading one of the new reviews on Metacritic...

    "During this story you'll discover there is more going on, as strange beings known as Risen are attacking all the towns in the game world and there is one really evil leader, Marth, whose goal is to see that anything remotely human is obliterated."

    I just...what? That's almost as bad as Rey and Arietta being married!


    Facepalm_emote_gif.gif Just... why. WHY.

  8. The net delivers more complete supports. Huzzah!

    Parental Supports

    [spoiler=NahxNowi (ChildxMother)]

    [spoiler= C Support]

    O: Nah, look, look! See all the pretty flowers?! Let's go pick some and make flower necklaces! It'll be fun! SO much fun!

    A: You go. As you can see, I'm busy right now.

    O: What is that, some kind of picture book? Let me see... Oh, boo! It's full of writing!

    A: It's a book on the use of dragonstones in battle. I found it in the baggage train.

    O: Is it fun? because it looks like the opposite of fun.

    A: Of course it isn't "fun" But it's vital that I study these kinds of things.

    O: This army would be WAY better if we didn't have to do so much boring stuff.

    A: Doubtless. But it's out duty to learn all the arcane secrets of our dragonstones. We have inherited a unique, and truly powerful, ability. We must cultivate and master it so that we can better serve our allies in battle.

    O: Ew. Do you always use such big words? I'm not used to thinking so hard! Why don't we run out to the woods and play a game before our brains melt?

    A: Mother, you need to take this more seriously! We're in the midst of a war!

    O: I KNOW, silly. But thinking about it all the time isn't going to help me! The tougher things get, the more I laugh, and that makes everyone else laugh, too. I think that's kind of my job here. To keep everyone smiling.

    A: Wait. You think your role in this army is to play all the time?

    O: Exactamundo! So what do you say! Let's go play!

    A: *sigh* Well you certainly are good at your "job," I'll give you that...

    [spoiler= B Support]

    A: Oh, darn. It's not here, either. Where can it be?

    O: .....

    A: Oh, hello, Mother. Have you seen my dragonstone anywhere?

    O: D-dragonstone? Er, NO! Not a clue! I have no idea. Nope. None whatsoever.

    A: ...You're a terrible liar.

    O: B-but I'm NOY lying. Ha ha. Ah ha...ha?

    A: *Sigh* All right, Mother. What did you do with it?

    O: Nothing! ...I, er, just decided to look after it, is all.

    N: Give it back! Honestly, how am I supposed to train without it?

    O: Oh, training, schmaining! Let's have some fun instead.

    A: I don't want to have fun. I want to get stronger. If I don't, I'll never help win this war or earn my place in this army.

    O: Er...

    A: If I'm not helping people, then what's the point of even having me around? No real human wants to be friends with a half person who can't look after herself.

    O: Is that what you're worried about? But I'M here-and I'm a manakete! You don't have to prove something to the humans to be here with us. Manakete, taguel, human-everyone in this army is equal and in it together!

    A: You truly believe that?

    O: I do. And more importantly, you're still very young for a manakete. You can't overuse the dragonstone. It's far too powerful for one your age.

    A: It's true that after a day of training I tend to feel terribly weak...

    O: I'm going to give it back to you, but I don't want to see you hurting yourself. You must promise to only use it during actual battle. Do you hear me?

    A: All right, Mother. I swear to use it more responsibly from now on.

    [spoiler= A Support]

    O: Hee hee hee! Come on, Nah! I'm over here!

    A: *Pant, pant* I don't think...I can run...*pant*...any more...

    O: Tsk. Well, I suppose we can rest for a while if you REALLY have to.

    A: D-don't you think we've...played enough? Maybe we could...study a bit...


    A: Mother, you do realize we're in the middle of a cataclysmic war, yes? The fate of the entire world depends on whether or not we emerge victorious.

    O: I know! That's why we have to get stronger and always be ready to fight.

    A: Which means we must study-

    O: Nah, when it comes to thinking or studying, I leave that to Chrom and MU. I trust them to do their egghead jobs, and they trust me to fight.

    A: Yes, but training and studying...that's how we grow stronger.

    O: You DO know that training isn't the only way to make yourself strong, don't you?

    A: But how else... Wait. Are these games how you practice for battle?

    O: Well, it tired you out, didn't it? The more you play, the stronger you get!

    A: ...It appears I might have underestimated you, Mother. From now on, I'm going to trust you more. ...AND start playing a lot more seriously!

    O: "Playing seriously"? Oh Nah, that is SO like you!

    [spoiler=NahxGregor (ChildxFather)]

    [spoiler= C Support]

    N: *Sigh* Dealing with Mother is just so exasperating! All she ever does is play, play, play, as if she hasn't a care in the world!

    G: What is wrong, Nah? You seem to be in foul mood.

    N: Oh, hello, Father. I was just thinking about Mother again... How do you stand her? Don't you find her incredibly childish? Annoying, even? She spends all of her time running around camp playing games.

    G: Strange. Gregor was just thinking how you two are so alike in many ways... But no, mother is not annoying. She is mother. Gregor not want her to change.

    N: Tsk! father, you're MUCH too kind. If you're always this tolerant, she'll never learn to act her age!

    G: Well...

    N: What do you like about her, anyway? You're so serious and responsible, and she runs around like a headless chicken! I have no idea what you see in her... Unless...you rushed into marriage for some reason? Like you got her-

    G: What?! D-don't be silly! Gregor knew just what he was getting into!

    N: Oh? That's quite a protest there... I guessed right, didn't I?

    G: Not even close. Gregor find Nowi, how you say, charming? ...That is word, yes?

    N: You know what, Father? I don't believe you one bit. Come now, spit it out. Why DID you marry her?

    G: Enough! You should not speak of mother in such ways.

    N: Hey, stop! Don't run away from me! WAAAAAAIT!

    [spoiler= B Support]

    N: Father! Cornered you at last! It's time we finished our conversation.

    G: You are very persistent, Nah, but previous discussion is over. Gregor not going into detail for choosing of Nowi, and that is last straw on camel!

    N: AWWWWWW. Why not?! A daughter simply MUST know how her parents fell in love! You don't understand how a woman's heart works. You're so CRUEL!

    G: Heh, you are too young to understand about "woman's heart," yourself.

    N: ...Did you just mention my AGE?! Gods, forget what I said. It's a wonder any woman deigned to choose YOU...

    G: Nah, Gregor see what you are trying to do. But don't forget, Gregor IS your father. If you keep up, Gregor WILL get upset, and Gregor WILL punish you...

    N: Eep! S-sorry, Father, I didn't mean to make you angry... I swear.

    G: Very well, then... Gregor accepts apology.

    N: I've been selfish an unreasonable. Please find it in yourself to forgive me.

    G: Yes, of course. But-

    N: I guess I've wasted enough of your time. I'll just be...going now.

    G: Nah, wait.

    N: Yes?

    G: You seem like crest has fallen... Are you all right?

    N: *Sigh* I suppose I'll just have to deal with the crushing disappointment, won't I? I mean, if my father is going to become so angry over a simple, innocent question...

    G: Um, yes, well... See, it just-

    N: No, no. You don't have to explain. I'm used to dealing with hardship. Being spurned by my own father is just another drop in my bucket of torment. Hardly worth mentioning at all. Truly! ...Anyway, have a nice day.

    G: B-b-but... ...Oy, is this what Gregor must look forward to for next decade?

    [spoiler= A Support]

    G: Nah...

    N: Why, hello, Father. What can I do for you?

    G: About other day, when you said you were used to disappointment... Gregor is confused by this, yes?

    N: Oh, that... I was talking about growing up in my foster home.

    G: Wait, you mean Nowi was not around to raise you?

    N: No. I never knew either of my parents. I was sent to live with the family of one of my father's soldier friends. But my new family wasn't very welcoming so their semihuman-mongrel foster child.

    G: Do not say such things.

    N: I soon learned that I'd have to work hard to fit in and survive in my new home. I did chores before I was asked. I helped defend the house from marauding Risen. I thought that if I could make myself useful, they would stop...hating me. I mean, how could they resent a child that always helped and never asked for anything? But they never accepted me... I just learned to deal with disappointment. I had no friends. No one to talk to. ...I was utterly alone. And I never once mentioned how much I missed my father and mother. *Sniff* I...I didn't even ask...when...when they would come back for me...

    G: ...Nah...

    N: Wh-when I arrived here, I wanted to find out everything I could about them. *sniff* Th-that's why I keep asking you so many questions and making you angry...

    G: ...Gregor is sorry, Nah. He has been blind all this time, yes? Gregor tell any story you want to know about mother. Even how we fall in love... And if you ever make with the sadness, Gregor will be right here by side. Long as he around, you will never be lonely again.

    N: T-truly? Do you really mean it?! Oh, thank you, Father!

    G: Think nothing of it. Now tell Gregor what you want to know.

    N: Let's start with how you proposed to Mother! What'd you say? What'd you do?! I want to hear EVERYTHING, and don't leave out even the smallest detail!

    G: Oy... Is tall order, but very well. As you know, Nowi always look young, and...

    and Male MU with Cherche

    [spoiler=MaleMUxCherche (Romantic)]

    [spoiler= C Support]

    C: Oh, this one is cute! Er, then again, maybe not. Hmm, this one has some nice horns, but I think it's the wrong type for Minerva. Dear me, this is harder than I expected.

    M: Cherche? What are you up to?

    C: Ah, perfect timing, MU. I want to ask you something.

    M: What about?

    C: Among your many friends, are there any particularly beautiful wyverns?

    M: ...Did you just ask if I have good-looking wyvern friends?

    C: Well, it was worth a shot. I'm looking for a partner for Minerva. I must have searched through dozens of portraits and letters of introduction. And yet, not a single one has been up to Minerva's very exacting standards.

    M: Minerva? That massive thing you ride into battle? I, er, didn't know that anyone offered match-making services for wyverns.

    C: No one does! That's what is making this so very difficult. I've been doing everything all on my own so far...

    M: Impressive. You're breaking new ground in wyvern relations.

    C: It's a giant leap for mankind and wyvernkind alike, I'll wager. ...Want to pitch in?

    M: Well, if you think I can help! Ha ha ha...ha? Wait... You were being serious?

    C: Did you hear that, Minerva? MU is going to help us! *Minerva roars* Oh, look how happy you've made Minerva!

    M: That bloodcurdling sound was happiness?!

    [spoiler= B Support]

    M: I've assembled an extensive dossier on prespective wyvern mates, Cherche. ...I can't believe I just said that.

    C: Oh, thank you! This is so exciting! Let's see what you have.

    M: Here you go.

    C: Ah, you've included oil portraits of all the wyverns! What a nice touch. Hmm...no. ...No. ...Nope. ...Ugh, not a chance. ...No. ...Aaand, no. Um, MU? Did you know that these are all female wyverns?

    M: Er, right. Is that a problem?

    C: Minerva is a girl. ...Who likes boys.

    M: He is? ...I m-mean, she is?!

    C: Yes, SHE is! ...It's perfectly obvious if you just bother to look.

    M: (Why in blazes would I ever be looking at-)

    C: I'm sorry? I didn't quite catch that.

    M: J-just scolding myself for making such an obvious blunder! Ha ha! ...Ha. Well, I guess I'll be starting over then.

    C: You can probably tell just by looking at her, but Minerva is VERY picky. So do make sure that you bring her only the most handsome candidates.

    M: ...You do realize that I have no concept of what makes a wyvern handsome, right?

    C: The shape and length of his horns, the shine of his scales, and the length of his wings. Also consider overall musculature, roar volume, and fire-breath heat. ...Oh, and if he happens to be rich, so much the better.

    M: Oh, you have GOT to be joking!

    [spoiler= A Support]

    M: Cherche, I believe I've found the perfect wyvern for Minerva! Here, look at this... ...Well? What do you think? Not bad, eh?

    C: If this oil painting is accurate, he appears absolutely perfect! Look, Minerva! What do you think? Isn't he terribly handsome? *Minerva roars* Oh, she definitely likes him.

    M: Thank heavens! I was just about at the end of my rope with all this wyvern business...

    C: Thank you, MU. We both appreciate everything you've done for us. You are truly too kind.

    M: Well, if I do succeed, I imagine my name will go donw in history books.

    C: As the first-ever chaperone for a wyvern blind date? Oh yes. I wager you'll be famous for centuries.

    M: ...Wait. I'M not going to be there when they meet! That's absurd! I've never even matched up people, let alone giant reptiles!

    C: Oh, you're a quick study. I'm sure it will all go swimmingly.

    M: I'm not!

    C: If it makes you feel better, I'll be there as well. I'm very familiar with the nitty-gritty of wyvern romance.

    M: No, knowing you are familiar with wyvern romance does NOT make me feel better! Besides, why don't you just take over from here and enjoy all the glory? I mean, I'm just blundering around in the dark, and frankly- *Minerva roars* WAAAAAAH! WH-WHAT WAS THAT? MY EARS ARE RINGING! HELLO? CAN YOU HEAR ME?! WAS THAT A CRAY OF HAPPINESS OR INSANE RAGE?!

    C: Rage. ...She's concerned you might abandon the project.


    C: She seems sure that you are the key to all of this working.

    M: A BEE IS LURKING?! I CAN'T... WAIT. HOLD ON! *sniiiiiiff* ...Oh, gods, that's better. My ears just popped. But look, I still have no idea what I'm actually doing... *Sigh* Aw, heck. I started this. I suppose I might as well see it through to the end.

    C: Oh, I'm so glad to hear you say that! And so is Minerva. Aren't you, Minerva? *Minerva roars*


    [spoiler=S Support]

    C: Oh, MU, I'm sorry Minerva's date didn't work out so well... Especially after you went to all that trouble. He was such a fine-looking wyvern, too- I truly thought Minerva would take to him.

    M: I wasn't sure what I was in for, honestly, but I certainly didn't expect them to fight! They would have burned down the entire village if you hadn't intervened!

    C: They just needed a good scolding to get them to settle down

    M: *Sigh* I suppose it's back to square one again then, eh?

    C: Actually, I'm starting to think Minerva is simply too old for marriage now. I suppose we'll both just be a couple of old maids until the ends of our days.

    M: Have you ever...looked for a husband?

    C: Oh, sure. But it never really worked out for one reason or another. Well, actually, it usually didn't work because of Minerva. She tends to scare people off. A couple men even asked me to leave her for them, but I couldn't do it. I guess a wife with a wyvern just isn't an enticing prospect...

    M: Then Minerva has my eternal gratitude.

    C: ...What do you mean?

    M: She chased away my rivals. Thanks to her, I get to be the one to give you this.

    C: A ring? An...engagement ring?

    M: Cherche, all of this matchmaking has made me think about my own prospects. And also it's made me think of you and...how much I love you. I swear I will look after you and Minerva till the end of our days. ...Will you marry me?

    C: Why, MU! Th-this is so surprising! I accept! Oh, I gladly accept!

    M: I won't let you down, Cherche. You or Minerva. I promise!

    C: It's funny how this all started with me trying to find a mate for Minerva. And now she's still alone, but I managed to find a man of my own!

    M: I'd call that a happy twist of fate! Heh heh, no offense, Minerva. ...What, Minerva? What is that look? Wait, not the fire breath! I didn't mean it!

    (Confession Voice Clip: It's funny. Being close like this just feels...right. It's as if it was always meant to be.)


    Well, I've heard some people mentioning he was like mixing Mordecai and The Heavy together.

    Still, Gregor is awesome from what I can tell from all these supports.

    EDIT: Done goofed, fixed.

    The Nah X Nowi support was really cute. Shows off how mature Nowi REALLY is.

  9. So it would be a popular consensus that the PRE-ORDER copies of Fire Emblem: Awakening are expected between February 4th-6th and the next shipment of nonpre-order copies are expected any time after that with no specific date set due to uncertain circumstances.

    It seems it's moreso somewhere from today to the 8th as for when pre-ordered copies might come in. The one about non-pre-orders, however, is correct, most likely.

  10. Is it safe to assume that the Supports of Male Avatar X Owain and Male Avatar X Laurent that are left are the Friendship supports? If so, I'll take those.

    EDIT: If no one else has any Objections, and no one else already claimed them, I'll take the following Parent/Child Supports as well.:

    Kjelle X Stahl

    Nah X Gaius

    Ricken X Brady

    Severa X Gregor

  11. ...Fred is played by Kamina. We need to give him a drill.

    Owain is


    Olivia and Anna is Aigis, Nanako and Izanami?! Oh, and Rouge the Bat.

    Emmeryn's CHIE? ...I'll need to create a weapon called Fsteak in that case...

    And I KNEW Donnel was Teddie! ...And Stahl as well?!

    Flavia and Miriel... Raine Sage's obvious, but... HOLY SHIT THEY'RE ALSO MITSURU AND ELIZABETH.

    Yen'fay... is King Moron. *rolls on the ground*

    ...Basilio is Ragna the Bloodedge


    ...So a bunch of VAs from the SMT series are voice acting in this game. This can't be a coincidence.

  12. Okay, I was able to use Gamestop's website to see if any here had FE: Awakening yet, but none within a 100 mile radius do. So no early release for NC...yet.

    ...That is a thing. I never really realized that's actually the best way to check.

  13. I liked the Kotaku review. It gushed a little, but it presented the review from not only a more positive perspective on the game itself, but someone who new what they were talking about. Some of the other reviews were done by people who didn't know a whole lot about the game, others seemed to have a big bias against the game, but this was a nice review in comparison to those, to be honest.

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