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Everything posted by Diortem

  1. XD As if the game couldn't ship them any harder... This is on the level of freaking Bianca from DQ5. Even so, this is still hilarious. SUMIA WANTS HER CHROM-NOMS!
  2. This should prove to be interesting. I do wonder what they're going to be doing for the other DLC...especially FOD, since that's pretty much a walking spoiler to those who haven't played or gotten far enough.
  3. I love how this sheds a light on the fact that "Gregor" isn't even his real name.
  4. I just play casually, because I would find that, unless I specifically want it, challenges that aren't imposed by the game itself hinder my fun. I generally play what is considered to be the normal mode of the game, so I have a semi-decent challenge. Also, generally, fallen allies don't stay dead. Unless I'm doing a Gaiden run of Shadow Dragon. I also prefer growth rates in characters, mainly because that's one of my favorite parts about FE: seeing even the wimpiest characters grow up through harsh training into decent combatants. Finally, my favorite class is the Dracoknight/Wyvern rider classes, due to the fact that they usually have really bulky and good stats, they have amazing movement, they can FLY, their biggest weakness can usually be negated by an item (which is why I enjoy the Iote's Shield), and there are generally no really BAD Dracoknights in the series. Sure, there are some ones that are below average in terms of quality, but even then, they're usually quite good.
  5. If I recall, basically reclassing saves half of the levels you've gained up until that point, and uses those for the EXP calculation. So a level 16 Tactician reclassed to, say, a Level 1 Barbarian, would gain exp as if they were a Level 8 Barbarian. If you were to gain levels as a barbarian and reclass again, half of those levels would be added, so this hypothetical Barbarian being reclassed at level 4 would then gain experience like a level 10 unit after the reclassing. It keeps going until one hits the internal level cap (I believe 20 for Normal, 30 for hard, and 50 for Lunatic).
  6. "She said to get a room." Naga, you're amazing.
  7. Fighting Jaffar's Streetpass team. Last guy on the map was an Assassin with a Killer Bow. He had a 50-someodd chance to hit, and a 2% chance to crit and kill Lon'qu. And he did. He hit and crit. Also, I can no longer trust anything higher than 30% chance to hit, even then, that's pushing it.
  8. "Time for my BISHOT! I'm gonna ROOK YOUR WORLD! KNIGHT-NIGHT!" Iunno.
  9. Id-iot: Play the final level on Lunatic+ Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny: Play the final level with one Lord character from each game in the series. The Atoners: Play the final level with one of each of the villains obtained from the Spotpass teams.
  10. Really, I don't see the problem with these names. Sure, they're...odd, but they're the localized names of these characters. Doesn't matter what they are, as long as we have them. I'm just kinda neutral on a couple.
  11. Gregor's "Stay Frosting." is pretty good. As is his line "Your jigging is up!" Then there's Nowi's "I'm gonna crush you!" Plus, we can't deny Basilio's line: "Now don't you put any stock in this destiny hogwash."
  12. ...The sheer cleverness of that name is astounding. Also, I can't wait for the localized names. Fanboy tears at them? They'll be delicious.
  13. Now for a generic support: MaAvatar X Gerome(Parent-Child). Please note that I used Lon'qu and Gerome's Parent-Child Support as a base, so I didn't have to type out the whole thing. Which is why it is typed out similarly to that support. Please note this is identical to Gerome and Stahl's Parent-Child Support. I guess I'm kinda reposting it, because I might as well, but it seems to pretty much be identical to Stahl's support with Gerome. Also, FeMorgan X Cherche's support is identical to FeMorgan's with Cordelia. Not reposting it, because I don't want to waste my time like I did with the MaAvatar X Gerome Support.
  14. Maybe they haven't gotten to a point where they find that out? I would assume they're not that far in.
  15. You get an Energy Drop and a Hammer from the other villages. So you get a stat boost, and a weapon that's effective against the other side. Also, personally, if I ever try Lunatic, I'll just go with the Knights. An extra stat boost, slaying weapon, and bit of gold is kinda irrelevent with that difficulty.
  16. Well. Now that it's been featured on Penny Arcade, we know the game's getting really popular.
  17. FE4 remake. Just. FE4 Remake. Let's be perfectly honest here, as fun as FE4 may be, it's in dire need of a remake. Some of the features more recently introduced (support conversations, pairing up, sidequests, actual convenient trading, animated cutscenes), combined with some of the game's already present features (the generation system, castles having a bunch of features, repairing weapons, the inheritance system) would make for a nice game. Plus, the original game is kinda clunky, and it could do with an update in general. Maybe even include a remake of Thracia 776 in the game in some way, and pull a Metroid Prime 2 with 776 (keep the original difficulty as a higher difficulty, and create a semi easier mode to make the game tolerable). And let's be honest, if Jugdral's story could be introduced to the influx of new fans that don't know some of the bigger twists, it'd definitely leave an impression. Plus, they've already let some Jugdral characters out of the bag, so they might as well.
  18. Huh. Okay, so I used: Chrom X Sumia: Why? Because why not? As much as I would've liked to pair Henry X Sumia, my other pairs wouldn't have given me the choice to. Plus, her bonuses were nice. Avatar X Cherche: Pairing these two up, especially as flyers, was a great idea. Just, a great idea. Lon'qu X Panne: Just saying this right now, but their speed bonuses were INSANE. Great dodge-tanks, and they weren't any slouches in attack. Cordelia X Gregor: Somehow, Gregor just would not die. I could put him into a giant mass of enemies, and he just survived. Probably because of his bulkiness, but still. Tiki X Anna: I was definitely using Anna, and I needed a partner for her, so I got her Tiki. Worked out very nicely. Morgan X Gerome: These two just worked great together. Since my Avatar's MASSIVE strength got passed down, these two could rip enemies to shreads. Nowi X Gaius: These two worked nicely. Their bonuses were quite helpful to each other. I also used some other characters on and off, but they were used VERY infrequently.
  19. Best: Awakening's Level-Up Jingle. Worst: GBA "Something was pilfered/broken" jingle. Nominate: Best/Worst Mount Name.
  20. I'm using Nergal (because I beat his fight, and I might as well), a Swordmaster Avatar, and Prince Marth. To be perfectly honest, I can't wait for when they release SD Spotpass Units, because Minerva all day every day for me.
  21. You know, I almost felt sorry that we were going to have to take what seemed like the army's entire life savings with this chapter... but when I found out that their savings were so little, I didn't feel as bad. When all the gold came from Vincent and Victor, I felt even better. Also, those two's dialogue with their fake british was hilarious.
  22. And now for an attempt to apply science to religious practices, it's Miriel and Libra's Romantic Supports! Show of hands, who needs a dictionary to fully understand Miriel?
  23. "How in blazes did you get me to... love you? If you're trying to make a new man of me, it's...working." I...don't know what to say.
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