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Everything posted by Diortem

  1. Now for the man of science and the Lad-ette, Laurent and Kjelle's Romantic supports!
  2. Yeah, Vincent mentioned that on the Q&A thread. Ragnell is now a throwing sword. Awesome. XD
  3. It's funny. I got it on the fifth, too. Also, the fact that the guy said they flat-out CAN'T keep it in stock is a very good sign for the sales of the game. And again, my respect to those of you who are staying sane while still having to wait for the game.
  4. All three are: "The Golden Gaffe, EXPonential Growth, and Infinite Regalia". And yes, those are the exact names. EDIT: Ninja'd
  5. And now for the people of the masks themselves, it's Lucina and Gerome's romantic supports!
  6. Now for the large ham to romance the dragon girl, it's Nah and Owain's Romantic supports!
  7. And here we have Germoe Gerome X FeMorgan sibling support! Yay, I helped!
  8. I've literally got 3 chapters left to do in Awakening before I unlock the support viewer, so some of my supports should be up by tonight. After a lot of grinding.
  9. Okay, expanding on my previous question: does anyone know how to get the item in Laurent's chapter?
  10. Question: Are there any hidden items in the desert chapters?
  11. Best: FE11 Armors. They honestly look really nice, and practical. Worst: FE1 Armors. The General. Need I say more? The Regular Armor is kinda bleh too, but the GENERAL.
  12. My Unstoppable units are Chrom and Sumia (his defence and her Res bonus make most damage inconsequential), Gregor and Cordelia (He's just bulky as all get out, and her bonuses help quite a bit), and Lon'qu and Panne (Their speed bonuses make them the dodgiest of dodge-tanks). These three pairs are always good for a hard chapter, for me.
  13. Actually, he also removes it in the Future of Despair DLC that he stars in (Number 3), when he talks to Cherche, I believe.
  14. A smaller scale thing, but whenever I seem to place my dodgetanks on a forest (most of the time, Anna), they seem to start dodging stuff like 50s and even 60s in hit like they were single digits. And especially if the attack in question would two-shot them. Granted, it doesn't always happen, but it happens more often than not. Knocks the breath out of me every time.
  15. It is around 13-15 units (most of the time fourteen) towards the end of the game.
  16. So, other than possible strategic advantages, there's no rewards for one side over the other?
  17. I mostly main in strength for my Avatar (since I plan on making him as a Wyvern Lord for his final class), but I don't neglect magic, since that will help with tomes while he's still a Grandmaster, and the magical weapons as well.
  18. Question: For anyone who's done Chambray's Paralogue, is there a preferable choice between which side you support?
  19. I personally would just want more Wi-fi support. Not really much else is necessary, the game's still really good.
  20. I haven't married mine to her QUITE yet, but I plan on going for Cherche. Wyverns 4 lyfe. Thing is, I planned on making a choice between Tiki, Nowi, and Panne, since they all have access to Wyvern Knight, and Panne's got the whole Last Of Her Kind Thing going, but I just decided no on all three. Plus, Cherche seems quite interesting.
  21. Yeah, forgot about Marcia. Still, I have to say, the fact that they put in the extra effort for the little references here and there is really cool.
  22. I would Imagine the Assassin is Volke, and the Falcoknight is Tanith (since she's been in both games). EDIT: Ninja'd.
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