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Everything posted by Trickster

  1. I am HYPED... except for the Norhian Shapeshifter.... they look.. not pretty. At all. WHY DOES HOSHIDO GET THE PRETTY SHAPESHIFTING BOY NIIIISHIIIIIIKIIIIIII
  2. I think at this point, not using the outrealms would look bad. They created a concept of a multiverse and then just suddenly drop it because a few people dislike it? Dropping an entire concept because a small portion of their ever growing fanbase is just ludicrous especially if it's popular with both new players and some older players.
  3. I'm starting to think it is just the kids after awakening, I couldn't imagine Owain dropping his sword for anything. I also don't mind them as long as they have a good reason for being there. I'll even take outrealms as an excuse.
  4. They said they needed 60+ characters to be designed so I think that they're be plenty more characters to be included.I'm guessing each route will have the same numbers of characters or maybe slightly less than Sacred stones did. About 30 on each side.
  5. Pretty sure they already confirmed that you side with neither on the third path during an interview. Now the final outcome of that path could be a few things, but I hope it results in the forming of a third nation.
  6. They do have an odd presence but unlike Marx or Garon, their face is hard to make out, it's kinda blurred. A part of me wants to say it's just a random guard. another part wants me to say they're the final boss.
  7. I suppose another flame bait question to ask is: How stereo typical are they allowed to be? While (as far as I know) bisexuals don't get stereotyped much, if there was a gay character, would call someone sweatheart a few times be acceptable? Because while no one likes stereotypes, there are people who do act in a stereotypical manner, but we don't say 'you're bad for the community, stop acting so stereotypical'.... I hope.
  8. Can we have a maybe option? Saying yes just feels like I want IS to rip money out of my wallet but saying no sounds like any atheistic DLC is a waste of money. If it's a good deal (no pun intended) then I don't see why not.
  9. Perhaps we should change the poll to say, "assuming the character would be well written, would you support a LGBT character?" Because right now every is just bickering about how they'll be written and I don't feel like that was what the poll was trying to go for (OP correct me if I'm wrong). I mean, it's clear that no one wants to have a poorly written character ever, so why does this have to be the topic where, let's face it, everyone is just worried about bad characters, it's just manifesting as worrying about a bad homosexual/bisexual/pansexual character.
  10. I actually want to point out that Heather's supports with Volke have her being really friendly and since they're also unique (not the fill in the blank ones) I'd say she doesn't hate men.
  11. Waaaait didn't Inigo's, Severa's, and Owain's ending say they all traveled the world? Laurent, Yarne, and Kjelle confirmed. But if they were the same character I wouldn't be surprised if the US just translated them into having the same name and just skipping the not-so-subtle hints.
  12. If you told me there wasn't any, I'd be like, whutever. If you told me there were... I'd say give me Nishiki and his foxy booty. It's the only reason for me to join Hoshido.
  13. I just noticed something, after Kamui gets rekt by Marth, Takumi runs away and disappears.
  14. People always seem to forget that the Dragon's Gate in 7 was basically the outrealms 0.5 you know with the whole traveling to another world filled with dragons.
  15. I agree that just having them have absolutely no relation to Severa is probably the worst possible route the could ever take. I agree that it would be interesting to explore the children from the good future, it would even make sense if they had different names, Cordelia already knew a severa, one she treated like a daughter, why would she give her actual child the same name? tbf, he could be reclassed which could mean that henry or Libra is owain's canon dad especially since we haven't seen what his sprite is wearing.
  16. Miccy was still a glass cannon at least on easy mode
  17. I SPY A SOLDIER! Halberdier confirmed!
  18. I'm guessing it's called 'gourdian' I'm not sorry.
  19. Eh it seems interesting but until I can play it I just can't be certain, it seems to be a bit more complicated than just having weapon uses but I suppose it just adds another layer of strategy onto the game.
  20. At this point we might start just posting memes and dongers because people just apparently don't care about the topic anymore. But in all seriousness, what's worse, the face that we can rub some virtual person's face in-game or the fact that it's generating this much blind rage at optional content that affects a game we still know about 20% at best about?
  21. Luna is most certainly not Severa, but she fights like ten women.... IT'S NOT THE SAAAAAME ;~;
  22. Whelp it looks like it actually is Severa under a different name. (Probably) They did this in awakening when Katarina fought the avatar, or Lyn talked with them. "You remind me of someone I know." Whole deal. And regarding the Outrealms I'd rather them continue using it and keep it as canon instead of just dropping it and saying "Lol was that a silly thing we did, it's not a thing anymore." Arguably if messes with canon less.
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