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Everything posted by NotYourKindOfPeople

  1. I love Three Houses but Byleth should not have existed, and instead the three lords could have been the protagonists of their respective routes.
  2. Expectations: Either a FE4 remake or a Binding Blade localization. Reality: Probably nothing FE related. (Hope I am wrong though...)
  3. Even Engage made me feel that something was going on between Ike & Soren.
  4. I've been hearing around the internet that a FE4 remake was also revealed alongside Engage's leak. Since Engage leak turned out to be true, I just want to know if there is some truth to the FE4 news or it is just usual internet rumors. Was there ever even a leak to begin with?
  5. I know Fire Emblem Engage gave us the summoning mechanic. But I would like to see a proper SMT style Fire Emblem game where you can summon over 100+ old FE characters in battle. Basically Pokémon but all the Pokémons are FE characters.
  6. But these days the avatar is the protagonist of the story. Wouldn't that just be locking the romance option to the character the story revolves around?
  7. Engage had the right idea by making romances avatar-exclusive, it wasn't executed the best way but the idea was great. That leaves room for other characters to be their own people instead of just standing & waiting to wed the person standing right next to them.
  8. The problem with Chrom x Sumia was that if that is supposed to be the canon pairing, then why bother even giving Chrom more romance options? Chrom should have been locked to Sumia & fRobin only. I know many fans who support Chrom X Olivia, but even that gets thrown out the window by Fates when Laslow doesn't acknowledge Lucina as his sibling and starts flirting with her. My guess is that Chrom was always designed to be with Sumia (as a nod to Marth x Caeda), but someone in the staff was worried about players who would want to ship themselves with Sumia or Chrom. Thus, it was removed late into the game and even the FMV was left unchanged.
  9. I agree with this. Kaga was instrumental not just for the creation of Fire Emblem but the SRPG genre as a whole. However, he was never capable of writing strong female characters and would reduce them to be mind-controlled, kidnapped or even implied to be victim of abuse.
  10. Fire Emblem should have ended as a franchise with Awakening, and everything after (Fates/Three Houses/Engage) should have been completely separate SRPGs.
  11. To be honest, I am a fan of Awakening and even I have to agree how expansive yet wasted 3/4th of the cast is. Even fan favorites like Tharja ultimately have nothing to do with the story in the long run. If it were up to me, I'd rather see a Tellius series adaptation.
  12. I think Engage had the right idea by making romance Avatar-exclusive but it was flawed in execution. Persona does a better job at handling romance in general, and I wish FE would take a few lessons from that series.
  13. I can tell you are coming from a personal place, but even so. If the adaptation is going to ignore every future child except Lucina then what is even the point of an anime adaptation at that point. Might as well not do it at all, which is exactly why I think a modern FE adaptation is never going to happen. We are more likely to get another shot at a Shadow Dragon adaptation.
  14. The issue with an Awakening adaptation is that it is a story about a lot of children coming from the future to save the past and the games leaving it to us to decide who parented said children. No matter what pairings they decide are canon, it will make the adaptation very much hated by the people who played the original game as everyone has their own pairing choices that they consider "canon". Same goes for Fates as well. Even so, they can't ignore Owain, Severa and Inigo at the very least as those three have a rather bigger role in a future game.
  15. The season stories are their own thing, but the main story shares a lot of the same formula as Awakening/Fates style story-telling, and even shares the same director as those games. You can deny it if you want, but it is hard to ignore that the Maeda formula is more dominant in the franchise than one introduced by any other director.
  16. I think the Awakening/Fates philosophy is very much alive at least in FEH, which makes sense since that has the same director. Blue-haired knight, helped by an avatar character is the entire basis of that story. And with FEH being the most selling FE of all time, I don't see them changing that mentality anytime soon. Kouhei Maeda might be a controversial figure among fans, but each of his games are among the most selling FEs of all time with FEH being at the absolute top.
  17. Well I see you are on the side that thinks she is not the lead, that is fine by me; my original question was asking for opinions if she is or not after all.
  18. From what I understand, Engage had some of the same writers as Fates. Veyle does share some similarities with Azura with how she is a central figure in the MCs life and that she has
  19. Even so, she is the central piece on the Elyos Collection, so least the devs think she is more important than most characters.
  20. Similar to Lucina for Awakening, Azura for Fates, Celica for Echoes, and Edelgard for Three Houses: Is Veyle supposed to be the female lead of Engage? If so, she is kind of a lacking character, and not to mention that: Did they not think that that will not fly among their international audience, and will affect her popularity very badly even in Japan? EDIT: I need to explain my choice of words if that is alright. I am only talking from the perspective of a Japanese game developer, where majority of them believe that you can't sell a JRPG without a male lead. There are obviously exception to that rule, but the FE series as a whole is not among them. There has never been a FE with a sole lead who happened to be female, hence why I used the term female lead to distinguish the pattern that modern IS seems to follow where there is always a secondary female lead with a direct plot-connection to the lead character who is either male or an avatar character with option of changing between the genders but never solely female.
  21. Doesn't matter, point still stands that Engage just doesn't have the same community circle that 3H does, and Awakening did before it. It truly is the Fates of the Switch era, where it is popular sure but its predecessor is still talked about more fondly.
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