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Everything posted by Gorgar

  1. OOoooohhhh nooooooo... there goes a source of our precious diabetes D:. Not that I ever really liked most of these to begin with. Also obviously I don't support diabetes, nor I do I think it's a precious commodity.
  2. Happy birthday Vincent! I wish I had found the site earlier... but better late than never. Thanks for making such a great site.
  3. Hello! Welcome to Serenes Forest! I'm personally not into RPing but from the looks of it, it is a pretty nice section. There's all sorts of other sections to check out too. Anyways, enjoy your stay.
  4. your* bleh. Also... what's your MH3 HR? I haven't played in a little while but I might get back into it.

  5. Thanks for you permission :P. Just to let you know... I was plannin' on staying anyways o;.

  6. Gorgar


    Hello! Welcome to Serenes Forest! Even though I'm sure you probably paid a pretty decent amount to play before it was localized... I was going to do the same if it wasn't going to be >.>. The community is generally pretty nice, from what I've seen. Anyways, enjoy your stay.
  7. Gorgar

    Hey guys

    First of all... Hello! and welcome to Serenes Forest! I hope you enjoy your stay here! Also, it's pretty cool that you're a game dev student, I might be getting into some sort of game designing classes as well next year. I've got a little experience with it though. And yeah, it usually is a pretty nice community. You've got some eccentric/strange people here. But overall, most people seem to be easy enough to get along with.
  8. Hello! And welcome to the Forest! Enjoy your stay.
  9. I'm also optimistic about it. We didn't get a LOT of Wiiware titles. But I'm pretty sure they've sold well enough to bring it stateside. It'll just be next year (probably mid to late next year... ) That we get it. But better late than never, I suppose.
  10. Gorgar


    Hello, and welcome to the Forest! Sacred Stones was also my first FE game and my favorite one. I'm hoping that Awakening can replace that though. Anyways, enjoy your stay!
  11. Since you DID go to Serebii I would assume you know.. But you know that's for Japan, right? Unless you have a Japanese 3DS. I kinda assume you don't though... since you don't already have Fire Emblem Awakening/Kakusei. Sorry to burst your bubble if you didn't know... ._.
  12. Happy 20th birthday! Hope you have an awesome day.

  13. Gorgar

    Oh, hay!

    Hello! Welcome to the Forest! Enjoy your stay... there's also sections for other non Fire Emblem games here, so don't feel like you have to stick to just FE.
  14. I agree, another Uprising game would be awesome. But I think there isn't going to be another one . At least not on the 3DS. Maybe there's hope for another new Kid Icarus game on the Wii U? You could still play it basically the same way... But it might actually be able to address some people's complaints with the controls.
  15. If I remember correctly it had something to do with the fact that Miyamoto already named a series after the villain - Donkey Kong, Already named one after the hero - Super Mario, and so he named it after the princess... Zelda.
  16. I just checked the link and it says that's it's been removed.... is there any other site you could use for this? Or at least provide a different link for it? I'd really like to try it.
  17. Gorgar

    Uhh, hey!

    Hello! Welcome to the Forest!
  18. Thanks! You were the only person to say that to me on here

  19. I'm not entirely sure... So sorry if I'm wrong. But as long as he didn't edit any of the "bones" of the character then I think they should be able to be used online.
  20. That's awesome! How close are you to being completely finished with Mia? It's looking really good. I see you decided to give her Alondite. And it is pretty funny how Marth's animation fit so well. (I guess that shows how people could still possibly think that he's a girl? xD) And I've got a question... if you were to use this in a team battle would it mess up? or would it still just give her the same outfit as usual?
  21. So you made that whole weapon from scratch? That is pretty impressive! It's certainly much better than anything I could hope to do . I couldn't code OR animate the attacks. I'm replying to things very out of order but... oh well >.>. I was in game design class and animation... But through a turn of events that could've and should've been completely avoided.... I wasn't the entire school year. Maybe if I was I could help. Just try and keep me updated if whenever you can. I'll definitely have to learn how to get all of this on to my Wii once it's fixed. (And once you're finished with it.)
  22. I don't even know if I'd like Melee as much now xD. It's been a loooonngg time since I've played it. I figured that much. I know it can't be easy completely making/adding in new motions and attacks to replace previously existing ones. Ah, I see. Well... I wish I could help speed the process up somehow. But I have no knowledge of these sorts of things, and would it would probably take me a very long time to figure out how to be good at it. Do you plan on continuing to use this to update your progress on Mia? I'd really like to see how it looks when it's all finished.
  23. I would also really like to see Hector. Especially if he had a very unique moveset. Once my Wii is fixed I might just have to figure out how to get some of these to make Brawl a little less bland. Don't get me wrong, it's a good game. But I played Melee a LOT more. Of course I was younger and probably more easily entertained... And maybe that's why I don't like Brawl as much. Anyways... They're both looking pretty good. I know it's probably getting way ahead of what you're doing right now, but do you have anything in mind once you finish all of those?
  24. Very awesome stuff as well . Just do whatever you have to do with the voice. Anything remotely feminine sounding would be okay. Astra as her side B would be a nice change to help her stand out a bit more. I really wanna see that moveset for Nephenee, considering the fact that if someone has a weapon in SSB it's always been a sword. (Excluding the Ice Climbers.. and I think that's it?) I think it'll be nice to finally see someone use a lance. You're welcome :3. What game is the Nephenee model from?
  25. Path of Radiance is probably one of my favorites. Though I haven't played 1-5 at all. Anyways, welcome to the Forest! Enjoy your stay.
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