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Gold Vanguard

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Everything posted by Gold Vanguard

  1. Loool your responses make that video.XD Add me for a scurbes time.
  2. So has anyone else played this amazing fighting game? Good music, short but balance(somewhat) roster, and easy to learn. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhVHpC5ns10
  3. I never said love ones getting injured as a bad thing. I mean like whenever they like lose a battle or trip and fall.They seem to be more "emotional" about it, and sure this can apply to both genders but it seems to happen more to girls in anime. And this is what I got from watching many animes,so don't blame me if this is 'inaccurate" to you. Edit:Sorry for getting a little bit offense near the end of the post.
  4. Yes it is a problem. Many male characters in anime usually take a loss and move on with there lives. But no, anime women sulk about for it a few epsiodes until they learn themsleves are someone has to tell tem to get over it and do better.
  5. Now that you mention it... -Power levels are bullshit. -My hair, its always been white. Why do you ask? -Gays characters are usally flat characters. -Lebsains are lurking in every corner. -Main character confess there feelings on the last epsiode. -Eveyone in anime has tasted the rainbow. -NO, THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE!! BUT HOW!! WHERE DID HE GET THIS POWER FROM!! HOW CAN THIS BE!!(Yo villian character, quit bitching and get back in the game). -Emo lone wolf. -Cat ears -Bunny ears. -People in anime can shoot laser, summon monsters,but yet they worry about not having a job. -GODDAMN GENDO POSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. What happen that made the kids come to the present?
  7. I have learn that... -The less armor you have, the less damage you will take. -People in anime never lock doors,mostly when there takning a bath or a shower. -Yelling makes you stronger. -If a characters that wears glasses all the time takes them off they become 100% more attractive. -When fighting someone its ok to explain your attacks to the enemy. -When someone is charging up there attack stand there an watch in awww instead of dodging. -Rank means nothing. -Underdogs are everywhere. -Girls almost always have a defense role in battle. - 2/5 Girls that are more offense wine over the simplest things such as losing a fight or having someone they love injured. -Fanservice, its everywhere and in more ways than 1. -There is always a beach episode. Even when it has nothing to do with the story there will be a beach whether you like it or not. -Fighting for friends makes you stronger as well. -Band aids and a wet cloth can fix ANY injure. -Staying in the rain for to long will give you a high fever. -Losing is never a problem since 9/10 you will get a hidden power out of nowhere. -In school the main character ALWAYS has a seat next to the window. -Men have very long hair. -Parents are USELESS. -9/10 the parents are either dead,left,not even mention. -The father is always over protecting there daughter. -Hot moms. -Big women, never heard of them. -Big boobs, seen way to many. -People can take alot of physical abuse. -Nerds and wimps always have harems with hot women. -Triping and falling on someone and grabing there boobs is common and is some form of greeeting.(Hear that guys next time you see a girl trip and fall on her chest, its anime for "Hello"). -Swords are most usful than guns. -The good guy's guns never run out of ammo,unless there cornered or about to die.(Or get saved). -All old sensei are perverts. -how many saiyans does it take to screw in a lightbulb? 1, but it takes 5 epsiodes. -Fights are drawn out with flasbacks and talking in the middle of battle. -I'm bigger than you so I must be weaker and slower and go down in one hit. -Pretty boys are often mistaken for girls. -It is my drean to become "Insert goal here" and your not going to stop me!!! -People on the sidelines explain everything we just saw in there minds. Goku:" Kamehamehaaaa!!! Gohan: Dad just used the Kamehameha(No shit). -Girls remeber promise they made with someone for years. -Guys can never tell when someone like them. -Guys forget EVERYTHING. -Main character:"Hah" you won't stand a chance after I use "that' attack. Other guy:"Oh no he's using "That" attack!!!" Us:" WTF is it!?!?!" -Everyone has a six pack. -SPIKEY HAIR!!!!
  8. Since the people overseas never got this mode i'm wondering how hard is it.
  9. I now active my spell card "REVIVE THE TOPIC" Effect:Brings this topic back to life.
  10. By walking into this topic.... Effect: You must now waste 20 seconds of your life by posting on this topic.
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