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Everything posted by MJThom_2009

  1. *you fell over trying to throw it* *throws Nowi*
  2. [spoiler=I got two more] He's back! And it was on her first level up.
  3. Heal Mia Mia attacks the BK through the open area of his armor
  4. It seems no one started the draft. [spoiler=Progress] Prologue – 4/4 Chapter 1 – 3/7 Just the standard three turns. Chapter 2 – 6/13 I wish Ike got a critical on the last enemy. Chapter 3 – 3/16 I have Ike go alone to face enemies and get the elixir and Titania rushed to the boss. Chapter 4 – 2/18 Titania kills the most and Soren did a small amount of crippling. Chapter 5 – 6/24 So far Ike used all the power up items and my main focus is to have Soren keep up the pace, as in levels. Chapter 6 – 6/30 Titania moved towards the seize point while she was carrying Ike and faces the boss. Chapter 7 – 10/40 Wasn't proud in this chapter because I tried to kill the thief but Titania missed him. Chapter 8 – 8/48 Man Mia almost died in this chapter when she was defending the left side. Soren was switching places between her and Ike. Chapter 9 – 6/54 It was brilliant in the end because when they encounter the boss Titania made the opening move. And then second attack Titania's counter ability activates and it was enough for Soren to kill him. Chapter 10 – 8/62 I have to make it an even fight with Soren and Mia by have Titania kills enemies coming from our entrance. Then she headed back to Ike where they kill the soldier that is blocking the escape route. Chapter 11 – 6/68 Titania was leading to the escape point and when we reach within the boss' range there was an opportunity to surround him so he won't attack anyone else but the units I've trapped him. Chapter 12 – 9/77 Some of my units were weak against the ravens but mostly their not fast enough to get to double attack. I had to focus on one raven at a time to complete this chapter. Chapter 13 – 10/87 I was lucky that I got all the treasure in this mission. I first thought Mia would finish the boss but the sad thing was she missed a 92. I was going to blame her if one of my own died but he targeted a NPC. Chapter 14 – 4/91 I have Titania carry Ike near the boss and he only crippled him and Kieran came in with the finishing blow. Chapter 15 – 6/97 I wanted Soren and Mia get close to Muarim so they can team up and defeat him. Soren manage to get adept right of the bat and it was enough for Mia to take him down. Chapter 16 – 7/104 What a surprise! Soren, Mia, and Kieran promoted in this chapter.
  5. I got lucky with this one. [spoiler=Beware Other Navarre Archtypes]
  6. Corrections: I've beat Ch 8 in 17 turns. Chapter 21 – 14/249 I wasn't that proud in this chapter because a lot can go wrong. I first have Juno carry Lance to kill some dracoknights and then have her carry Saul so he can uses rescue Roy while he's carrying Lilina. Then Juno brings Echidna to assist them. And for the rest, I have Lance carrying Roy to the throne and Lance defeated Murdock. Chapter 21x –15/264 I have Lance, Juno, Saul, and Lalum be with Roy to get to the throne as quick as possible while the others kill off enemies to gain experiences. Chapter 22 – 17/281 I have Marcus and Echidna go for the fight switch and Dorothy and Treck go get the left switch. I also snagged all the treasure before I've faced Zephiel. Chapter 23 – 11/292 I took the north road to get to the seize point and both Lance and Echidna clear out the first wave of enemies. On the fourth turn I recruited Karel so he can wipe out the dragonknights from behind. Before facing Brunya I have Saul put the dragon to sleep because he was a danger to us. After that was done I finish her of and to control. Chapter 24 – 18/310 I use a lot of rescuing with my units and sometimes I seize the thrones quick as possible to speed things up while the dragons are chasing us from behind. When we reached to Yahn both Dorothy and Echidna tried to kill him but didn't. So Lilina was the one with the final blow. Final – 1/311 I moved Roy the first time so Lalum can refresh him and then he was in enough spaces to get to Idoun. Roy attacked first the on enemy phase Roy finishes. Results Roy - B: 154 W: 48 Fa – B: 3 W: 2 Lance – B:410 W: 176 Saul – B: 47 W: 23 Lilina – B: 117 W: 82 Lalum – B: 67 W: 0 Dorothy – B: 125 W: 68 Echidna – B:178 W: 86 Treck – B: 186 W: 60 Marcus – B: 266 W: 117 Lot – B: 186 W: 74 Yuno – B: 29 W: 12 Barth – B: 70 W: 17 Hugh – B: 37 W: 22 Chad – B: 53 W: 13 Karel – B: 5 W: 4 [spoiler=Characters going in the final 2 chapters]
  7. Tomas: No I wouldn't. He's out of my league. Vaike are you forgetting something?
  8. Man I got a superior lance and I already have one. Dammit. I'm full of disappointment.
  9. I just got the game two days ago and I heard about her birthday coming up yesterday.
  10. Lucky Aimee not up there. After I voted, I was surprised that meat was leading and who is that one village girl?
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