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Everything posted by MJThom_2009

  1. Chapter 7 – 10/46 I send Marth to the village to get Bantu and Bantu onlydefeated one enemy and that was Minerva. After he was recruited I rushed Cainto the boss and defeated him. Chapter 8 – 5/51 Gave Cain a health boost before the chapter and it reallyhelped him against the boss. Chapter 9 – 5/56 Again Cain rushes to kill the dragon. Chapter 10 – 8/64 I send Marth and Cain to the seize point where Cain againdefeated another boss and both Jagen and Vyland team up to kill the enemy herowho has the master seal. Chapter 11 – 9/73 I have Vyland, Castor, Bantu, and Bord head south towhere the village is at so they can fight the enemies down there. But onlyCastor did one round in the arena. The other headed to the seize point so theycan kill the dragon, clear the area where Marth seizes, and Caeda recruitsJake. Chapter 12 – 8/81 I used Jake to attack the healer so Cain can get to theboss easily while Yyland and Bantu cover him. Chapter 12x This was an opportunity to get experience for my units. Stats: http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00001_zpsc826002c.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00002_zpsb4e4d4d9.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00003_zpsd8515194.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00004_zps986a6020.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00005_zps985b285d.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00006_zps4c114d3d.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00007_zps01756869.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00008_zpsf5e55bab.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00009_zps57e0d33e.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00010_zps9bc17dbf.jpg
  2. Kieran: How dare you put the great Kieran in your so called gallery! Anna can you explain why we couldn't find your secret shop in Tellius?
  3. Chrom: Cordelia is a brilliant pegasus knight but lately she was mostly close to me during the previous battles. Ilyana there's a person name Gaius and he loves candy. Would you like to meet him?
  4. I swear if Soren dies you know how I react.
  5. Heal Titania Strike, strike, up strike, adept, astra and down goes Lucia
  6. Titania goes down=my reaction: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOYyG81_5vM&feature=share&list=FLezifqhIV3uBSeFRVAmcPHw
  7. Prologue 1 Five turns and Marth leveled up once. Prologue 2 I wasn’t proud of Marth with his level ups. Prologue 3 My number one concern is to have good level ups withMarth and Cain. Prologue 4 I had to wait out the pegasus knight reinforcements to gainsome experience before chapter one. Chapter 1 – 5/5 Did my best to get Marth to the seize point without goingto a single village. Also having Cain gain experience. Chapter 2 – 4/9 Ogma, Bord, and Castor are now on my team. I have Jagenattack the boss and Cain finishes him. Chapter 3 – 6/15 I use Caeda to recruit Navarre because I want to use thekilling edge. Both Marth, Cain, and Jagen team up to kill the boss. Chapter 4 – 6/21 Rushing to the seize point and Ogma, Cain, and Jagen gainon the boss. Chapter 5 – 8/29 This chapter was a total cluster**** because since I’musing Bantu, I have Marth go get the firestone. There was a small retreat to avoidmy drafted characters from being killed but they pulled through Bord killed theboss. Chapter 6 – 7/36 In this chapter I got both master keys and I only used itonce. Also using the armourslayer, Cain defeated the boss. Chapter 6x I had to give Vyland experience for the next chapters tocome. [spoiler=stats] http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00007_zpsc66db9f4.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00008_zps248ae867.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00009_zps06aee4b4.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00010_zps431cdb7a.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00012_zpsee91f2bf.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00013_zpsa82cfa1c.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00014_zpsac9d4199.jpg
  8. Chapter 9 –11/93 I decided topromote Lance to paladin in this chapter and have Roy and he support eachother. Chapter 10 –8/101 I was mostlyconcerned about the enemies who use ranged attacks so I kill them first. Them Imove Lance while carrying Roy to the seize point and kill the boss. Chapter 11 –10/111 I used Lance,Marcus, and Treck mostly to kill the enemies because they have better movement.But I only used Lance to carry Roy to the seize point. Also I have everyoneelse headed to the house where Echidna is going to be at so I have Lalam talkto her and recruit her. Chapter 12 –8/119 I have Lancecarry Roy straight to the throne and utterly defeated the dragon boss withoutgetting killed and put to sleep. Also I have Lott promote to warrior class forthis chapter. Chapter 12x –8/127 By usingLance and Treck, I have them take turns carrying Roy to the seize area. I alsohave Treck grab the white gem. Chapter 13 –12/139 I use Lanceand Echidna to go up front to clear some enemies and have Lott cover the rear.I let Echidna go for the boss but Dorothy was the one to give him the finalattack. Chapter 14 –13/152 Both Treckand Barth can't move well in the desert so I benched them for this chapter. Iuse Echidna to lead while Lance carries Roy and the other were killing off moreenemies and picking up items. I gave both Dorothy and Saul their support and Imade Lilina promote to sage class. Chapter 14x –8/160 That chapterwas horrible because of the two sages with the bolting tones targeting myunits. I have to do a lot of carrying Roy to get to the throne faster and useLance to kill the boss. But Echidna utterly took him out. Also Dorothy promotedto sniper. [spoiler=stats]
  9. Yours, I was last in line the last draft.
  10. Best: Black Knight Worst: Awakening's Knight I think I saw a pic of a gag about the armor.
  11. Best: Sothe Worst: Cath "Kill that bad girl!" Nominate Best/Worst Comic or Funny Moment
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