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Everything posted by MJThom_2009

  1. *catches it and uses it, max hp increased* *throws Joshua's hat*
  2. Tiamo: Well, yes I would. *blush* Gaia, does your mom ever tell you that candy can rot your teeth?
  3. Lord: Marth, Roy, Ike Paladin/Cavalier: Oscar, Cain, Titania Myrmidon/Swordmaster: Mia, Rutger, Navarre Fighter/Warrior: Barst, Vake, Nolan Soldier/Halberdier: Nephenee, Aran Mercenary/Hero: Ogma, Raven, Dieck Pegasus Knight/Falcon Knight: Caeda, Elincia, Catria Draco Knight: Minerva, Miledy, Haar Archer/Sniper: Innes, Viole, Jeorge General: Oswin, Gatrie, Gilliam Mage/Sage: Merric, Lilina, Soren Priest: Rhys, Saul Cleric/Troubadour: Lena, Mist, Liz Thief/Assassin: Volke, Sothe, Julian Beast Laguz: Lethe, Ranulf Bird Laguz: Tibarn Dragon Laguz/Manakete: Tiki, Myrrh, Nasir Dancer/Bard: Reyson, Elphin, Ninian
  4. If ur worried about that try thinking about where you respawn cause you might die at least one second.
  5. When some is camping, I usually find them and kill them.
  6. Completed the Experimental FE9 Draft in 211 turns
  7. Last of the chapters Chapter 19 –3/149 I have everyone rush towards the boss. I took out the ballista guys up front first, then enemies coming towards us. Then I had Astrid kill the boss in one hit. Chapter 20 – 4/153 Tanith rescues then drops Gatrie near the arrival point, then comes to picks up Ike. Gatrie OHKO's the boss and Tanith arrives. Chapter 21 –10/163 I load upsome pure water ahead of time so I can use it for this chapter because of the sleep staff users. I left Gatrie to kill some enemies from behind and the others headed to the throne. Both Astrid and Mia take on Ena and defeated her. Chapter 22 –3/166 I moved everybody except for Titania and Gatrie to move forward and shove the priests. After the path was clear, I moved Astrid to come in for the kill. Chapter 23 –7/178 Trap holes and ballista are one way to piss me off. Tanith was the only unit I need to keep alive so I can rescue anyone foot unit and send them up front. When approaching a unit with a bow, I kill them first. I have Astrid not attack Petrine so she can attack first, then attack again, and Ike finishes it. Chapter 24 – 5/183 I gave Tanith an elixir because I'm sending her to the arrival point while the others battle much of the enemies. I also let Bastian get some kills and I had Titania get savior. Chapter 25 – 7/190 Uphill battles are a real pain. I have Ike, Gatrie, Astrid, Tanith, and Titania headed the west side while the other headed east. The enemy boss targeted Ike's group and the best thing was Gatrie took him out when he was on the verge of death. Chapter 26 –7/197 I send everyone to the center and headed to the castle while Gatrie take the enemies at the south area. When the paladin enemies came I used Mia to fight them. And as for the boss I use Ike to weaken and Astrid to finish. Chapter 27 –6/203 I thought I might need rescue but I didn't use it. I move everyone forward and ignore the pursuing enemies. I just take care the enemies up ahead including their boss and got the resolve scroll. Chapter 28 –6/209 I had to use Tanith to rescue Ike to get to the other side of the map while the others take the long path. I had to make sure Reyson is transformed so I can vigor Ike and at least three units to get close to the boss. Titania killed him and Ike seized. Endgame – 2/211 Tanith rescues Ike and moves far enough so Reyson vigors. Then Ena smites Tanith so she can drop Ike into Ashnard's attack range. On the second turn Ike Ike defeated Ashnard twice. Top 5 5thGatrie: 90 wins 4thIke: 103 wins 3th Astrid:105 wins 2ndMia: 126 wins 1stTitania: 187 wins
  8. I played goldeneye on the wii and I just leave the room and wait a bit until at least a few minutes.
  9. Kieran: No I wasn't aware. I was training to become much stronger. Fire emblem lords, if someone that is closer was being controlled and wants to kill you, would you not hold back and save them?
  10. It has taught me that the RNG can bite you back even if you quit playing another game that also uses RNG.
  11. Etzel: I'm doing OK. Nothing much. "sigh" Volke, if someone ask you a question about your life, how much will you charge them for?
  12. *use rescue staff to save Ghosten and Paris* *throws rescue staff*
  13. *catches it, now I can buy things for half the price* *throws Est*
  14. *catcher her* *throws Donny's pot that he uses as a helmet*
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