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Everything posted by MJThom_2009

  1. I was hold this finished draft: Passive Knight: Draft Number 16 - #34472 - Oscar, Lethe, Ilyana, Zihark, Rhys, Sothe, Geoffrey, Ena/Nasir
  2. First time doing a FE6 draft. Im in.
  3. Heal Mia Grabs Janaff, puts him down on the ground, and breaks his arm. Paul Phoenix style.
  4. Just when I was getting into Devil Survivor, I see this. I wonder how the story is gonna be.
  5. Here's what happen in the demo [spoiler=What I've found] Smoothing Sword Superior Jolt Katarina's Bolt Tiki's Tears Superior Lance Kris Confect [spoiler=My Demo Gameplay]
  6. is this game done? cause i want to try it
  7. Best: Wallace Worst: Macellan Nominate Best/Worst Triangle Attack
  8. Heal Lethe This what happens to Gatrie: (0:35-0:44)
  9. Canas: It's how I use the tones. That's what makes me awesome. Brady could you please stop crying and man up. Your worst than Neimi.
  10. *uses warp staff to teleport her* *she reappears fall on to the next person*
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