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Everything posted by MJThom_2009

  1. Sully: I not aware of that. *looks at Kieran* I don't even look like him damnit. Bastian how do you describe Elincia when she gets angry?
  2. Heal Lethe Did this to Nolan: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IOYyG81_5vM&list=FLezifqhIV3uBSeFRVAmcPHw
  3. Heal Titania Grabs Heather by the face and then swing her to the ground
  4. I always thought of that crossover. Link is the main hero and he uses the master sword which kind of sounds close to all the fire emblem games.
  5. Malicia maybe dead, but at least she wont be all over Marth.
  6. Finished [FE11NM] Ye olde Shadow Dragon Draft in 147 turns
  7. Chapter 21 – 3/125 The one thing that annoys me in this chapter is the paladins and they almost killed Bord. But I manage to kill some enemies so Cain can go in and kill the boss. Chapter 22 – 7/132 Before the chapter began I've max out Cain's speed and during the chapter Bantu wasn't gaining any stats when he leveled up. Chapter 23 – 7/139 Manage to use up the geosphere and surprised that Gharnef was near the stairs and I planned ahead to get some pure waters. Chapter 24 – 4/143 Cain finally reaches to level 20. Chapter 24x Grinding before the final chapter. Final Chapter – 4/147 Cain headed straight to Medeus while the other fight to survive. Marth – B: 99 W: 53 Jagen – B: 126 W: 45 Cain – B: 198 W: 59 Ogma – B: 90 W: 49 Bord – B: 95 W: 53 Castor – B: 118 W: 56 Vyland – B: 119 W: 57 Bantu – B: 32 W: 24 Jake – B: 70 W: 15 Boah – B: 7 W: 3 Astram – B: 50 W: 20 Lorenz – B: 19 W: 6 [spoiler=Final Stats] http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00001_zps15501bdb.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00002_zpseb4f1355.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00003_zps40ffaf1a.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00004_zps92533a90.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00005_zpsa7507142.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00006_zpsabbde09d.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00007_zpsbe5ed1e5.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00008_zps43b8a936.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00009_zps12f10dd6.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00010_zps7a643496.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00011_zpsb0a87ead.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00012_zps2b91f47f.jpg
  8. Best: FE13 Level up jingle "Best one ever." Worst: GBA Weapon broken and item stolen jingle
  9. Heal Titania Picks up Sanaki, jumps in the air, and lands her on the head
  10. Is it part of the rules ur suppose to use all ur drafted characters?
  11. I'm starting the draft over because I forgot Ymir
  12. Chapter 13 – 3/84 Rushing was the main part of the chapter. Chapter 14 – 6/90 I have Castor, Vyland, and Bord go get the silver cardand also made Jake kill the healer with the fortify staff. Cain rushed to theboss and kills it. Chapter 15 – 5/95 Both Cain and Jagen headed to the boss while the otherskill some enemies and avoid Gharnef. Chapter 16 – 7/102 I used Jake to fire against the enemies from afar whilethe others rush to the seize point. Both Castor and Cain face the boss anddefeated it. Chapter 17 – 3/105 There was a manakete that has a firestone that isrequired if killed. I have Astram, Bord, and Castor go and get it while Cainrushes to the throne and kill the boss so Marth seizes. Chapter 17x More training. Chapter 18 – 6/111 Rushing to the seize point no matter what. Chapter 19 – 5/116 Move Cain ahead to the throne so Marth can seize. Also recievethe geosphere. Chapter 20 – 6/122 Cain was far ahead and defeated Camus. Also Lorenz is onmy team and both Vyland and Castor leveled up at the arena. Chapter 20x In this chapter I have Marth gain experiences. Stats: http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00001-3_zps1ee30cfa.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00002-4_zps47df7cd8.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00003-8_zps872d4ac0.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00004-9_zps44d4984f.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00005-8_zpsbe492982.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00006-8_zps7da6d2c9.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00007-8_zpsf70b9285.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00008-8_zpscff60289.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00009-8_zpsd7e9f6ed.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00010-7_zps21f1efa9.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00011-6_zps1875fb7b.jpg, http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k28/MJT_02/FE%20draft%20stats/DSC00012-3_zps3ceb81c4.jpg
  13. Chapter 15 –12/172 This chapter was tough without a flier so I use the rescue plan some of my units including Roy. I load up some keys for the next chapter and both Lance and Lott defeatedthe boss. Chapter 16 –15/187 I promoted Treck in this chapter and manage to raise the support of Roy and Lance to level B. Both Hugh and Zeiss are recuited and Echidna killed Narshen. Chapter 16x –11/198 I did a lot of carrying and healing in this chapter. Usually the ranged enemy mages are targeting Lalum and the one sage with the silence staff was targeting Saul and Lilina. I prepared for Saul to promote so he can keep up with the crowd when his service was need and I safely kill the boss and complete the chapter. Chapter 17 –8/206 I moved all of my cavaliers, Echidna, Saul, and Lalum to the castle while the cavaliers take turns carrying Roy and the others train in the arena. I thought Lance would come in for the kill but Echidna and Saul team up with him. Chapter 18 –9/215 Our winter assault began with Barth promoting to general. Going through the woods was tough with my cavaliers and Lance was leading ahead. But in the end he weaken the boss and Lilina finishes it. Also Roy's and Marcus' support went up. Chapter 19 –10/225 From the previous chapter I received a guiding ring at a village and I used it on Hugh. All my cavaliers were leading and crippling the enemies and others behind kills them. All the villages on the map were reach, Lance made the kill to the boss and both Lilina's and Barth's support went up. Chapter 20 –9/234 The chapter wasn't easy because how it started. So my first action was to get to the druid with the sleep staff so I won't have a problem with the other one. Then get to the throne room where Lance faces Roartz. A few misses later he beat him and I finished the chapter with Juno recruited. Chapter 20x The two druids were a problem so I having my units tough it out and break our way through. [spoiler=stats]
  14. *silence* You know what vid to watch after Soren was defeated. That's how I feel inside.
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