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Everything posted by Hirondelle

  1. If Glee does a cover of a song, it obviously means that the song is awesome. I mean, Glee is the go-to show for good song remakes... I hate that show actually
  2. Cool! Check out my topic here/channel for some of my battle videos. If you have any of your own, I'd like to see them!

  3. Judging by your profile photo...are you a fan of Dissidia? Or just Gabranth in a solely FFXII sense?

  4. That's actually pretty interesting, IMO. I'm no way obsessed with death or anything, it's just the uniqueness of it that I find cool. Anyways, welcome!
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRSgtjExUgQ New, as of this morning! Vaan VS Terra, with some VI DLC music.
  6. Aah, thanks. I'm only allowed to post one, it seems, so I'm putting the other at the end of this post. And by "UNDUB perfect release", do you mean something like Universal Tuning? Because Duodecim isn't getting a 2.0 version or anything like that; the developers decided to focus more on providing DLC than producing a whole new updated game. Yeah, I love my Aerith assist, as you can tell in these vids. They really do help with the pacing of battles. And yeah, I did the uber-transfer from my 300-hour Dissidia save file as well, and raged when equiment didn't transfer...I'm currently working on getting the "Succubus Soul" set from the Labrynith; it allows you to restore to your health 20% of HP damage dealt. "In unison!" Yeah, Kuja's an interesting character to play as, but his playstyle isn't really my cup of tea; if he was my main, I would be sure to get his DLC costume that actually has him wearing clothes. Here's the other video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-0vqvyuzYY
  7. I know there's another topic out there, but it's pretty old; instead of necroposting, I figured I would make a new one, with an emphasis on video sharing. Anyways, this topic will be for the few of you who play DDFF here (Eclipse said there's about three) to show off your replays! I've only done one PvP, and that was with the original Dissidia, so I don't have any "real" videos to showcase. In any case, I still believe there's something to be learned about fighting/watching others fight against CPU opponents. So let the constructive criticism flow~ Here are two to start things off. Both were done earlier today! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rAgRsT8k29c Besides from that, this topic can be for general Duodecim discussion as well. I'll start! My mains are Vaan (Obviously), Firion, Tifa and Yuna.
  8. Haha, you're right about Firion and his shield bash/amazing Duodecim buffs. But, I won't make this topic revolve more around Dissidia than it has to; some SSB fans might protest or something. Thanks for the welcomes you guys.
  9. It's all good! I don't have anyone to PvP with, so all my "skills" have been honed with a CPU opponent in mind. Who do you main? I used solely Firion in Dissidia, but in Duodecim I use him, Vaan, Tifa and Yuna.
  10. I forgot to put that, as well. My ceiling fan makes a little noise, so I guess I've adjusted to that. But, I can honestly say that I never adjusted to intoxicated girls yelling and even vomiting outside my dorm, conveniently located near my school's Greek housing.
  11. What this topic is asking is, how do you all sleep best? In order for me to have an optimal sleeping experience, I need to have: -A mattress (As opposed to a futon or something) -Sheet covering the mattress -Two pillows, a firmer one below a softer one -A ceiling fan on "high" -Complete darkness. Meaning, no laptop lights, no cracks of light under the door, no clock illumination...nothing. As for my body, I usually fall asleep on my stomach/side with my head resting on my arms, but always wake up on my back. So, how do the rest of you sleep?
  12. Bumping, only because my story is half-interesting. As a freshman, I started out as a Spanish major; I liked (and still do!) the language, and had taken it all during high school. After my first semester, however, I realized that I would need to take classes like "Spanish Composition" and "Spanish History in *insert area here*". I wanted to learn the language, but so much the history. So, I switched to Political Science, thinking I would have some kind of edge since my father was involved/participated in state politics. But by that point, my NROTC unit told me I would have a better chance of getting an NROTC scholarship by switching to International Studies, with a concentration/minor in the Arabic language. An NROTC scholarship pays for all your tuition in college, plus other benefits (Stipend, Military I.D., etc), so my choice was obvious. Lo and behold, I actually was one of twenty-four students in the nation to get this certain type of scholarship, so my major is pretty much set in stone. As an added bonus, Florida-native students get the chance to have their tuition fully paid for ("Bright Futures" program), something I qualified for- now that money goes directly into my pocket. So, tl;dr, I changed majors from Spanish->Poly Sci->International Studies/Arabic.
  13. I'm not really used to being a part of an active forum, so this experience as all kind of new to me. I've technically been a member for two years, but just spent my time randomly lurking from time to time...figured I'd stop being lame and actually contribute! Anyway, introduction...I've played/beaten all FE's (except for Gaiden, New Mystery and anything after Chapter 1 of Seisen), but hardly consider myself an expert at gameplay, so to speak...I'm the kind of guy who will play on the "Easy" setting for any and every playthrough, simply because I enjoy the game's aesthetics, plot, characters etc. more than the gameplay itself, really. I'm a pretty avid fan of Final Fantasy, with II and XII being my favorites. I play Dissidia 012: Duodeicim a lot, as well. What else...I'm going to be a sophomore in the fall at the University of South Florida, and my major is International Studies, with a focus on the Middle East; I'll be taking Arabic for the next four semesters as well, fun stuff. On a side note, I'm in NROTC as well, so once I graduate, I'll commission as an officer in the Navy. That's pretty much it...I'm stoked to be a legitimate member of this forum!
  14. God, I have so many songs, but I guess I'll just limit myself... It's from Metroid Fusion, and possibly one of the only tracks that's not seriously unnerving. Examples of unnerving songs... This one's pretty unique, as it's creepy, but it's full of energy and kind of gets you going. And at this point, the "Environmental Sound" music series just gets...interesting. Yeah so, that's Metroid Fusion for ya. Pretty ingenious, how they were able to convey unsettling situations in a myriad of ways.
  15. Josef, Minwu, Ricard and Scott would like to speak to you. :P
  16. Yeah, you're right about Haste- It allows more hits, and therefore more damage. Berserk increased the strength of your attacks as well, so with those combined, along with Aura (Which adds an elemental "type" to your weapons, making them super-effective in some cases), you can pretty much tear through anything in the game. Yeah, Osmose was pretty cool, it's too bad that you can only get it in one single chest, and I think by a dropped item from a Sorcerer/Magician/whatever that enemy is.
  17. Final Fantasy II is my favorite. Why? I love the music, first of all. I also enjoy the fact that there are no "levels"; the way the character's stats increase is, to me, ingenious. One thing that has always irked me, however, is how the precedents that this game sets seem to go unnoticed. For example, many people fawn over the fact that Cecil (FFIV) was the first real dark knight of the series; what about Leon? They also praise how deep the antagonistic connection between Cecil and Golbez is, especially since they're siblings; what about Maria and Leon? The first Chocobo? The first Cid? etc, etc... Also, it always felt awesome to defeat the Emperor of both Hell and Heaven. How epic is that?
  18. Since I'm taking AP English Literature this year, we're being made to write poems. Now, poetry has never really been my thing, but when my teacher assigned this...assignment, I really went all out. Since we've been wrapping up our Mythology unit, he gave each student in all his eight classes a different mythological allusion or whatever. Mine's Artemis (A goddess affiliated w/ the moon, she had a kind of evil alter-ego named Hecate), and in the end, we had to make a poster, explain it in a "dramatic presentation", and do a poem which alludes to said topic. ...But, I digress. This topic is meant to be a place where we can share our poetic works, and here's mine:
  19. *Taken from the GameFAQS Dissidia Board* Accessories like Chocobo Hair help. That and aligned the Calender with your favorite day. The thing that helps the most I believe is fighting higher level characters. Of course this serves as a problem, how can we defeat them if they're stronger? In truth, there is no way to overpower a higher level enemy. Which is why we manipulate their AI, specifically, Exdeath's. What you'll need is to go under "System" in the PP Menu and buy "CPU LV" caps. These will allow you to fight stronger enemies. You may not be able to buy up to one-hundred, but buy as high as you can. Next, you're going to need Exdeath (500 PP) and enter Quick Play Mode. You're going to want to pick a character with good HP Attacks (Terra's "Flood" attack is a good example.) Depending on which character you choose for this method depends on the ease you're going to have gaining experience. After setting Exdeath's level, CPU level, and behavior (I always set it to max) enter battle. Because of the flaw in Exdeath's AI, it's extraordinarily easy to manipulate it so you remain unscathed. Because hit with an HP Attack means a OHKO. What we want to do use only HP Attacks to drain his health. Why? With most characters (maybe all) Exdeath counters with Teleport. Depending on how fast you're attack is, you can end up hitting him. *One thing this guy failed to mention was that Exdeath's behavior has to be "Cautious", otherwise it'll be a lot harder 'cause he's trying to actually kill you. Now, you can slowly chip away at his HP until dead or until you mess up and die (I've done this many times.) The alternative is using Magic Pot. There are two kinds of Magic Pots, one that activates after recovering Brave, and one you use manually. Should Exdeath's Teleport attack collide with you, it'll put you into "Break Status." This will give Exdeath 9999 Brave (or around there.) Using Magic Pot will copy that Brave onto yours, manual or automatic. Allowing us to OHKO Exdeath! The flaw in this, is that Exdeath will also be looking to expel his Brave. In this case, it's best to get the hell out of his way. If you manage to unleash an HP Attack though, you'll be surprised to find you can go from one to one-hundred in a single battle.
  20. I guess it's a hit or miss...I find the controls extremely customizable and easy to use, and I would have stopped playing this game a long time ago if the opponents weren't at least a little challenging to beat. There's a certain feeling that this game evokes when you're in the BREAK status and your opponent's brave is something ridiculous like 9999 (lol stage bravery)...kind of gets the adrenaline pumping, m I rite? I've finally bought the "Lunar Whale" version of the Duel Coliseum, and have also leveled Firion to 100 (Without the cheap Exdeath trick). If only PP wasn't so hard to procure...
  21. I've been playing it since I got the bundle, as well. Here are some videos I've uploaded: http://www.youtube.com/user/MiiBossadaiBryars#play/all BTW, don't expect any more Squall videos; I'm using Firion only now, and WoL occasionally.
  22. Midna's Desperate Hour Via Purifico Both are from a completley different set of games, but it is interesting to see musical similarites, like these, pop up from time to time. What do you all think? Did one game copy the other?
  23. I'm a lifeguard at the local YMCA.
  24. I claim... Final Fantasy II: Firion Maria Leon Minwyu Scott Ricard Trauma Center: Derek Stiles Angie Thompson Fire Emblem: Ronan
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