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Everything posted by Hirondelle

  1. Simply put, who's your favorite game hero/heroine? Mine has to be...Final Fantasy II's Firion! I mean, in one FF, you have a "sphere grid" to get stronger, in another, you have an incredibly confusing "Junction system" (VIII's still great, regardless). In II, however...Firion gets stronger when he hits people, and when people hit him. That's it. And there's nothing more badass than that, IMO. So! Let me hear who your favorite game heros are!
  2. ^5/10 I don't really like any of the Mario games.
  3. Email? You mean the email...that got sent to my spam box, olol. Well, Marcus is solely an advisor as of now, so I daresay you could register again because of the lack of membership or whatever, but that's probably something (I think) you'd rather not do, right? Because I'm sure your attatchment to FEF is super deep and intricate.
  4. Oh my God somebody actually noticed outside of FEF. Maybe my forum isn't totally fucked after all...! Anyway, hackers are terrible, but not backing up your site/forum is terrible, too. Both are to blame for this situation, but the good news is that it hopefully will not happen again, if you truly learn from this scenario.
  5. ...The Thracia 776 FOW Wifi music. Never thought I'd hear that song again outside of the original game. :)
  6. ...The names of the "filler" charcters you get when you kill off your army? Wieklin, Rejek and Lucer are the ones I have currently. Notice their similarities...? :P
  7. If incest is fairly common, running away as a child seems kind of normal, IMO.
  8. I actually don't like them. D:
  9. Hirondelle

    Hits images

    Ronan, because you said he was a hottie. ;3
  10. Eirika. Though I don't think she should be on a horse. >
  11. FE1: Nope FE2: Nope FE3: Nope FE4: Beat the first three chapters FE5: Beat it. :D FE6: Beat it. FE7: Beat it FE8: Beat it, and am continually killing monsters on creature campaign FE9: Beat it FE10: Stopped playing at Lucia's FOW map in part 2.
  12. Hirondelle


    Nice to see this place has a forum! :D I'm Bryars. The only thing I think VincentASM knows about me is that I almost won one of his trivia contests at FESS. And yeah, my favorite FE character is Ronan.
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