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Everything posted by Aurion_Emblem

  1. hmm, I'm interested to see if/how this will change the board... I'm gonna go with CGV or Rfof for first to get warned, unless they've changed...maybe Amarao, but he doesn't come on very often...
  2. wow, this topic has died...from what it once was... poll time! how many brawl videos have you watched (estimate)? 0 1-5 6-10 11-25 26-50 50-100 100+ well? how many? 50-100 myself...I'd have to guess 70-80 if you wanted specifics...in my spare time, I watched through the entire SSE (which is 30 right there)...plus watching final smash, taunt, and kirby hat compilations...various game play videos...plus the ones watched before the massive "Brawl is released in Japan" spammage... this is not including the E3 trailer, and other videos posted on Brawl's site...and watching 1 movie many times only counts as 1 video...
  3. erm, a note Wifi is 1 vs. 1, so you can't play it with people...sorry to ruin it for you...unless you get together with someone locally, you can't play it with anyone else...
  4. is it an Über Pokéblock? I thought you could only have 3 flavors in those things! #340/\/
  5. negative post cookies are bad for you... noreh
  6. yeah, I think so...but Brawl Ike = PoR Ike... if Ike is 17 at the beginning of PoR, then at the end he would be 18 (because the game takes place over a year), and if there were 3 years inbetween PoR and RD, then yes. he would be 21
  7. I think so...but I haven't tried...should be able to, logic dictates there should be no rules against the trading of Wishblade, so yes...but why not just beat the game that many times yourself?
  8. Girly here too! how do you post pictures? I'm try, but it won't let me...
  9. no, it's definitely T...I think Melee would be on the T side of the line...but it would be close...
  10. my worst Arena experience was when (I don't know why I even did this...) but for some reason, I was arena-ing Dart, after he was promoted...and well I ran into a Swordmaster with a Silver Sword...and he criticalled me twice...yeah, Dart was dead... promoted units always face Swordmaters with Silver Swords...it's not fair... but my luckiest experience was when I had a Rebecca that was particularly Res blessed and had good Str to boot...well stuck her in the Arena, the magic users did little damage and she overpowered all the archers...Nomads were annoying, but she usually beat them...I retreated when a Nomad had the upper hand...it was fun...
  11. it's in France...you lose...besides, Ubisoft is not a Nintendo 1st/2nd party, they make games for everyone...you lose again...they have more PS3/360/PC games than Nintendo games anyways...you lose everywhere you go, sorry... no...it's something I've noticed recently...not sure how it works though...
  12. Mechs take our Anti-Tanks faster than the land speed record, so they are not too overpowered...rockets take them out quickly too...they destroy vehicles, but that's it...it's fun to take out copters too... but yes they re-did many of the units' attributes...Anti-airs are very useful defending small islands against infantry and air units... they didn't move it, because they didn't like it enough...
  13. huh? how did I diss him? in this post I did not say anything against Sakurai "seems too timid to be from Sakurai..." that would not be diss-ing him...unless you think that being timid is the ultimate form of being... in my other posts I may poke fun at him, but I don't really diss him...a decent portion of my day is devoted to various things Brawl, so don't tell me it's what I'm waiting for...I think I'd know... and this post really doesn't belong with my previous post, 2 different trains of thought, and they are both reasonably long, they both deserve to be posts, so sorry for double posting, but it was meant to be...I spent a long time on my other one, which is why I did not see Metal Rabbit's post...and well walls of text intimidate people, so seperate these two should be...
  14. yeah, I try to be reasonable in my rants... that is probably why Europe gets everything later...but considering they basically have a Nintendo of France, Nintendo of Germany, Nintendo of Great Britain (England? U.K.? I don't know what they officially go by), Nintendo of ect. which would make communication and co-operation a pain between factions...yes translating to English would make it easier, because English is the language of business yeah, there would be some reformating, but if you think about it, if they take the basic physics engines and game programs for Brawl, put them on a computer (or USB device) transport that over, then they would re-program the game script and put the North American encryption on the game...not a whole lot of extra stuff...the main reason why US Wii's can't read Brawl is because Brawl is dual-layered (like a DVD), which means there is data that is written on the disc clock-wise spiraling and counter-clock-wise spiraling, where as most games are single-layered, so they only spin counter-clockwise(?, not sure, sorry)...Brawl comes with an update when you put it in that updates your Wii and allows it to read the Dual-layers (because Wii's don't normally know how to read the opposite direction)...unless NOA has troubles with programming the update, there should be no reason for issues...the Hackers have not made Brawl available yet, because they have to program the update that came with the game, so American Wii's know how to read the data for Brawl that would be illegally DL-ed...once they program it, then you will be able to go through the methods to have an illegal copy of Brawl I do not suggest you do this, to any extent, this is just what I currently know about it...I have no further information regarding illegally downloading anything, so go find it yourself, if that is the kind of activity you enjoy...(hope that suffices for a disclaimer) yeah, that's what I figured, but I uhh didn't want to say it...kinda works against what I've said... it builds hype, and allows more time for anxious gamers to pre-order the game...the side-effect is that it encourages DL-ing Brawl to some of the more shady gamers, who want to play it and can be found lacking on the ethics side...
  15. it's a very true member title, something the whole world should know...at least it didn't revert back to member...
  16. I was going to use her when I did get her...but I left my Bartre at level 5... level 5 swordmasters are not very useful for the last few chapters of a game...she couldn't stay alive...so sad... but I'm not the one who said I used her 'till the end...
  17. wow, 12 block-thingys... though he now has more posts than me...oh well...Hikarusa, member of the Negative Post Club, and the Founding member of the Million Post Club...go figure...
  18. right then, as per your request, I shall continue... you see, traitorous NOA is determined to undermine Nintendo as much as possible...by delaying games, they cut down on the instant income from games, instead causing buyers to wait, resulting in loss of money (from interest, investment, or otherwise) for Nintendo...NOA also contributes nothing to overall videogames available from Nintendo there are two 1st/2nd party developers located in the US, the one that has made the Metroid Prime series (1, 2, 3, Hunters)-they are in Texas...and another one located right on NOA itself, right in Redmond, Washington, guess what they've done. Nothing. They helped out on Metroid Prime Hunters, and made the Mario vs. Donkey Kong (original and M v DK 2 March of the Minis) series. They were working on project H.A.M.M.E.R. you know the one with the robot destroying everything, but it was cancelled... Europe had Rare, but now Rare is with Microsoft...everyone hates Europe anyways, so it evens out (no games developed = no games for gamers until a year after the fact)...though Europe is thus far the only people going to get Wii Chess (Wii Sports, Wii Play, Wii Fit, Wii Chess, where will they go next?) Japan has oh, every other company affiliated with Nintendo... we don't have an American professor making Brain Age games... how hard is it to translate Wii Fit? US doesn't have a launch date yet...Japan got it Dec. 1...and if NOA is putting all effort towards Brawl, then they must have a staff rivaling that of a diner in the middle of nowhere... when it comes down to it, NOA is not a team player
  19. they have pictures of cats, I question the legitimacy of the pictures...simple as that... then I threw in a comment about why drywalling is annoying if you don't have glasses of some sort, because I was talking about drywall in the upper part of my post... how does asking me about my relevance qualify as being relevant itself? (aside from the fact that now this topic is about questioning relevance)
  20. AW:DoR, yeah you play on maps, but I don't think turns are really timed...unless it is like 10 minutes...when I was messing around with the wifi mode with Amarao, I must have taken at least 5 minutes on a turn, yet it didn't say anything...I couldn't even find a timer saying if I did have a time limit...
  21. I couldn't run through my cash fast enough in FE9...I started forging maxed str and crt silver weapons on Chapter 20 or so, and I made it almost all the way through without hitting 0 money...sold all my iron/steel weapons on the second to last chapter and had more than enough for the rest of the game... ...I'm not sure quite how you can run out of money in FE9...
  22. nice...weird glitch? can you still change your member title?
  23. NOA are a bunch of lazy *insert what you think they are here* (awesome dudes is not an option), who don't really do much other than mooch off of NOJ... why do you think Japan gets so many games before us? NOA doesn't feel like trying...there is nothing really (other than trophy descriptions) to translate in brawl...unless you include giving all the characters lame, crappy voiceovers...and yet, lo, we get the game a month and a half after Japan? Why? NOA...plain and simple everyone hates Europe though, it's ok! and well the translator, being a part of NOA, has decided to further betray Nintendo...I could go on, but no one would read it...
  24. no ≈ is "roughly" ~ is "similar to" Meteor is not roughly lazy, he is similar to lazy...
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