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Everything posted by Aurion_Emblem

  1. really? I thought it was 43%...must be on the rise, we should kill people who go around falsely making up percentages!
  2. next person to post? or next person to talk about? 'cause I already posted, and Lucas has a weird pink tongue-animal thing...anyone know what it is?
  3. you could have left this thread to die, you know that Amarao?
  4. that's cause Sakurai delays it for every 1,000 (10,000?) people that pre-order the game...
  5. uhh, that sounds lame...we would end up with a bunch of empty threads or people multi-posting in their threads... besides, as you said, it would take a lot of effort...
  6. he sounds awesome when he uses his up+B that's all there is to it...I really want to hear people speak Japanese right now...listening to Marth on SSBM, and it made me want to hear more...
  7. yeah, I enjoy abusing it...but this game is 60% about the Meteor's attacking, 20% about "the Owls", 15% about Greyfield being retarded, 100% about people dying, 50% about whacked theories, and 40% about retarded civilians... ask if you really want spoilers for an explanation of %'s but on another note, this game is 285% in case you weren't doing the math... if Meteor tells me to stop, or changes his name, then I would stop being like this...
  8. yeah, it's good to use Dream Eater before they wake up...and if they are asleep, they can't attack you...
  9. ToS...you could at least wait for me to leave the forums before asking about a game I <3... Tales of Symphonia's luck determines whether you will learn new skills/magic, whether you will get a secondary effect, such as poison or stone or get stunned...very odd stat that changes every time you stay at an inn and sometimes when you spend the night somewhere as mandated by the story (yeah sometimes it changes sometimes it don't).. *edit* just so Meteor doesn't edit his post and steal my cookie
  10. yes If no one understands this, will they hate me?
  11. they don't bother me... so umm the point is...that Sakurai had final smash sounds back during the 64... I don't mind the different sound effects...the game looks beautiful!
  12. really? didn't notice...there are some spoilers in here...I think...
  13. If Amarao has a flashlight, does Redfoxoffire have a flashlight?
  14. Aurion_Emblem


    huh, I usually end up roughly level 17 or 18...but I have like Dart and Guy kill all the re-inforcements... and well, sometimes an enemy dies on accident...
  15. no, these missles are like, "lol, we destroy the entire world, and are programmed to all launch at once" oh and Lazuria and Rubinelle had these before the Meteor strike (he wants 5 cents a post instead of 4) but didn't use them, despite being at war for 100+ years... there are no missiles on the map...but naval units can now pass through (under) bridges! that made me very happy
  16. I don't like how she looks, so I didn't use her...her face is weird... ...besides, there are way too many Paladins in this game already...
  17. Aurion_Emblem


    yeah, it's fun to have her kill mom...wait, do you have Nino kill units on the level you recruit her? or do you promote her before level 20? 'Cause I don't think you can get enough experience normally...or do you have her kill the reinforcements?
  18. Listen, if Meteor has a flashlight, do you have a flashlight? let me know if this one is horribly old...
  19. Dr. Mario was a pill popper! But ROB is like "I CAN HAZ ILLOGICAL JUMPING?" I wish doc was an alt costume, but I doubt it would happen...
  20. lul, dieth... yeah, I still claim wolf is a heavy weight character...sakurai isn't that retarded...
  21. it's frustating and makes a difference, but it isn't the defining feature of will I use them or not
  22. Aurion_Emblem


    I usually do...but if I'm feeling impatient, then I won't...
  23. Hanz, verah nice, Brenner is a man! , but an awesome man nonetheless!
  24. dang, ur awesome Meteor...liek roflez! on shoez! its in FftF, so I decided to act like a retard...
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