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Everything posted by Aurion_Emblem

  1. why is a cat sticking its head through dry wall? furthermore, why aren't there any nails in studs in the drywall? I'm gonna go with, that isn't actually an in-place wall, much less a ceiling...it would be an awkward angle too, if it was really the ceiling... sorry, had to criticize the picture... you know what else? the powdery stuff from drywall hurts a whole freaking lot when it gets in your eyes...
  2. no prob, I know the feeling...
  3. which would annoy most people...spamming is annoying...I try to have quality in my posts...most of them anyways...so unless all the other high post users were on, I would not be able to get 100 posts in a day...much less 1 sitting...
  4. *Actually not Uctually *your not you (other characters) to make it look better, If Karel was not obtained no need to burst into 1st person for one option (If I didn't obtain Karel) I'd probably have to go with Didn't bother recruiting her...why should I bother with Bartre? my sig says BERSERKERS FTW! besides, Bartre doesn't really support with anyone I like, and I don't like him... I have gotten Karla, for the sake of saying I have, but usually, I don't bother...
  5. I don't... Naesala = Leanne = Bolting Hikarusa = Blizzard = Hikarusa Meteor = Meteor ~ lazy
  6. no...you have a lack of self-confidence, and make up for it by bestowing honors and titles upon yourself... besides, you are unoriginal...you are not only copying us, those who forged the path, but you are also not as epic as us, as you got less far into the negatives...my -864(?) beats down your -135(?)... the question marks mean I do not know the exact numbers reached...they lessen the lesson naught...
  7. right...I don't keep track of these things in the middle of a post...it was a generic he...it's better than saying it I should hope... sorry... So if I came up and said "I am most certainly not Aurion_Emblem", you would believe me? how many black people are there in FE? Danved/Devdan and Fiona...Fiona is neither Danved nor Devdan, so we can rule her our of the picture...why? she's a girl, and looks nothing like either of them... Devdan and Danved A. look the same (freaky green hair, black, facial structure) B. are very lame (crappy units...besides all you need is Nephenee) C. do the same (drugs...it takes effort to have that look to you) D. play the game (how does Danved have bonds with people Devdan supported? how does he know them?) too bad D ruined the diagonal inwards trend...but it is the best point I haven't considered mentioning 'till now... ...and you could argue that Largo taught Calil how to be awesome in the areas he capped during the time lapse... ur lazy & a disgrace...
  8. we've been through this, Sakurai says something that is only somewhat stupid...the translator hates Sakurai (and/or is affiliated with NOA) and decides to make Nintendo (and/or Sakurai) look stupid... alternatively, the translator is bored and tries to be funny by giving the updates noxious grammar... either way, Sakurai thinks everyone is stupid, because they aren't designing SSBB like he is, so he feels the need to say stuff such as "this is where the Master Hand is" "4:3 and 16:9 are TV dimensions" "You must recover" "Bonsly walks around" and "Terrain that changes suddenly makes fights excitingly unpredictable"
  9. *takes poll on getting this moved to FftF* any takers? Move: 1 Stay : 0
  10. uhh, spam messages on your wii? besides, it's not like there are any other wifi games to play on the wii...PBR has its own friend code, and well I don't think most people here have it (I don't)...and well, there is no FE game for wii, or any other game that a majority of people on here would play... unless you want to trade Mii's...at which point, just PM the person you want... that would pretty much be the lack of a general Wii Friend Code List (and we already know Brawl has its own friend code that is separate from your wii code)
  11. sorry, but Bolting, you do not qualify to be part of the Elite Negative Posting club...the Negative Posting club, maybe, but you do not get to be part of the Elite one...
  12. he said "... just... just throwing that out there, you know?" wow, I didn't see that line...seems too timid to be from Sakurai... but that is more of a stupid comment that is completely obvious, something we already knew... he was saying in Classic mode, you face the Master Hand on Final Destination...what you think Final Dest would have a gimmick where the Master Hand appears? Final Dest is t3# anti-gimmick... but it confirms that you will indeed battle the Master Hand at the end of Classic...and not like Mario's Hand or something lame like that...
  13. yeah, but the minor alterations are just that...minor...they do not make it anything special...the only major alteration is for what class you are, that permanently changes 4 of your growth rates... I just don't like the concept of fixed stat mode...and I have never been betrayed by RNG...stat-wise at least...
  14. I think I've said this before...but sifting through the over 500 posts in the original SSBB thread is a daunting task...but something tells me that unless roughly half of the active users on this forum totally spam the game, it would not happen... but I think it would be nice... have character debates, item discussions...friend code lists? it's worth a shot at least, though something tells me the argument would stand up poorly to the mods' "So why should we care?" response...that and I'm feeling a particularly lazy streak coming on right about now...eh, I'll post this and let someone else give their say...
  15. You, I see, are too trusting of this charlaten. You believe the lies all too willingly. You think Danved would not lie to you? Why? Really, Bolting put it best when he said
  16. 'twould explain my fruitless efforts... the sheer amount of songs in this game is crazy...which basically rules out there being another orchestra performance CD, like the one they had for Melee...it's too bad really...
  17. very good game...not that I've said that before...*shamelessly plugs for game* really what they did was take the previous AW's and decrease the insane advantages of CO's from the previous games and add in the ability to "level up" units...they also completely revamped the art style, and the end product is probably my favorite DS game to date (well a good FE game would top it, but hey, it kicked out Meteos, my pride and joy)...definitely an excellent game to buy...
  18. random...it's what the game is about... fixed is well, lame and predictable...and harder to abuse...namely, you can't prevent nothing-ups...
  19. no, look, this is the simple version... Danved/Devdan is a bloody liar, they are the same person DV = DN since Devdan does not like to fight (he only says so numerous times), he has no fighting capabilities Danved tries to fake everyone out by enjoying fighting (and having stupid gold armor) so we have 1 soldier in the army, who is no spectacular fighter, who also lies about being able to fight like 10 men, 1 Man fighting / 2 identities = Danved fights like half a man however, if you take it to mean he has 10 fighting styles, then he is no lying as much as he is intending to deceive you with his words, by getting you to believe he is actually a good fighter...which is basically the same thing as lying...if you will note, he has say 3 normal attacks, 2 critical attacks (lethal and non-), 1 ranged attack, 1 ranged critical 3 + 2 + 1+ 1 = 7 if he promotes, then his mastery skill can be considered another type of attack... which brings us to 8 different attacks...so at the most, Danved fights like 8 men, still not 10...which would bring to question, why if he was smart at all, he would choose to not fight like the Critical-ing man...however, this 8 man theory is not very common... no matter how you spin it, Mr. D is a blatant liar, who cannot fight like anything more than 1 man, because the 8 man theory is obviously lame and/or wrong *edit* I like the Haiku
  20. it's nice to see the final smashes in an actual gameplay scenario... Peach's FS is incentive to work on Button Mashing skills...and besides, whoever said that Lv 1 computers were capable of waking from sleep? short of say a team match, Ness & Lucas's FS's are easy to avoid...team match I say, because in a free-for-all, there would be no one running around immune to the meteors giant falling things, and well it would be generally smart to have a cease-fire during a FS...or only hit when you are positive that you will be able to dodge the meteors falling rocks...usually when Ness/Lucas uses his(their?) FS, the falling rocks are too spread out to really be a threat...occasionally they might trap you, but not usually...
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