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Sidereal Wraith

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Everything posted by Sidereal Wraith

  1. Banned for not fighting. Get back in the fight damn you!
  2. Survived humping through the bush in ‘nam.
  3. The insanity of my own existence...Oh and the hundreds of books I’ve read too I guess.
  4. Your waifu loves you. Now I’m going to crawl over into this corner and laugh at the wall.
  5. Twilitfalchion knew in his heart that he had seen to many horrors and told so many lies that he couldn’t discern reality from nightmare anymore, even if that was what he wanted the most.
  6. A perfect representation of twilitfalchion’s soul.
  7. Have you no soul @twilitfalchion? The Emperor says suffer not the heretic...
  8. I’m half way through The Black Company, then I’m going to read the Death Dealer series, and then tackle Thieves’ World.
  9. I haven’t read the Wheel of Time yet, it’s a series that I will get to eventually.
  10. Ah yes PETA, People Eating Tasty Animals, my kind of organization.
  11. Are you crazy @DragonFlames? ...I think I’m having a mid-life crisis.
  12. Why do I feel so dead inside? Is it my recent literary diet of Thomas Ligotti and Moby DicK? My interest in Tempus Thales, an immortal, evil, repugnant villain from Thieves' World similar to Kane? Am I crazy?
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