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Sidereal Wraith

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Everything posted by Sidereal Wraith

  1. Wasn’t made a slave to the Dominator’s will and unable to break free of it like me. https://blackcompany.fandom.com/wiki/Ten_Who_Were_Taken
  2. Knows deep down in his heart that this near-immortal, near-demigod evil sorcerer is indeed his role model. https://blackcompany.fandom.com/wiki/Limper
  3. @Ottserviaif you want a more lighthearted series to enjoy I’d recommend either Edgar Rice Burroughs’ John Carter of Mars series or Fritz Leiber’s Fafhrd and The Gray Mouser series.
  4. Dorian Grey is probably one of the best gothic novels I’ve ever read so it comes highly recommended.
  5. I’d recommend: The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas Moby Dick or The Whale by Herman Melville War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy The Picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde We by Yevgeny Zamyatin
  6. Yes but can a Sorcerer-King match the power of the Mystic Swordsman in Wagner’s The Gothic Touch?
  7. Not bad, not bad at all. Have you ever read Joseph Conrad’s Nostromo?
  8. Awakening is an odd one seeing that the second generation come from a future/parallel universe we’re the zombie apocalypse happens and they’re screwed, plus the fact that Grima is supposed to be some abomination wrought by alchemy if Echoes is to be believed. Grima should have been treated like one of the Taken, I.E. terrifying, hard to killed, and if you cross them your fucked.
  9. Hey @ghast looks like there’s a carnival at your station...ah ha ha...I’ll see myself out.
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