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Sidereal Wraith

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Everything posted by Sidereal Wraith

  1. You were my brother, @twilitfalchion. I loved you!
  2. They’re all craze...I knew that they were crazy, yet I talked to them none the less...Ah ha ha...why...WHY!?!? *Collapses underneath the table*
  3. Unstable?!? I’m as stable as a bull in a China shop!
  4. Crazed!?! I’m not crazy,..I’m the only whose not crazy!!! AH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!
  5. Banned for insulting my teehee crazed captain!
  6. @DragonFlames Pity the captain. A weak sack of flesh destined to die for a dead god that never cared, it spends its pitiful, brief life, alone in his foxhole with nothing to keep him company, or to keep him safe, than the cheapest, most disposable of equipment. Perhaps the glow from his FE game keeps him warm at night. Me? As a servant of teehee I enjoy the delights of all this world and that madness has to offer. Power, it courses through my veins. The gifts of teehee will soon overtake me, and one day I may even ascend. What has the captain to look forward to but a grim life, and if he is lucky perhaps he will feel nothing as my axe sends his soul to Teehee. He lives for a corpse god, and he shall join his god, as a corpse. I shall spare a half second to think of him and his kind. Then i shall only laugh. Hail Teehee!
  7. @twilitfalchion You would laugh heretic. But let me remind you. Within that weak sack of meat and bone, uncared for by his god and wept for by none, beats a heart. A captain’s heart, that carries with it the strength and courage of all mankind. Within that sack of meat is ensconced the hope, the will, and the fury of every man woman and child from every corner of the FE Fandom. Within that weak sack of meat, festooned in thin armour and weapons only powerful in numbers, beats the heart of a captain. And for ten thousand years, the hearts of captains have beaten, strongly, in defiance of your so called "teehee". For ten thousand years, the hearts of captains have stood united against a teehee that despises them for no reason save that they had the audacity not to lay down and die. For ten thousand years, your black crusades of teehee have been pushed back, beaten down and made a mockery of, by weak sacks of flesh with cheap weapons and disposable equipment. For that weak sack of flesh that you so gleefully mock is no super soldier, no immortal warrior, no creature cursed by teehee like you. He is a captain, a FE fan drawn from some forgotten corner of the Internet to fight for his species and for the safety of the people he loves. He is a factory worker, a farmer, a storekeeper, a father, a brother, a son, a mere man. And against creatures like you, teeming and numberless, powered by the very will of thirsting teehees...... He holds the line. He has held the line for ten thousand Years. So what’s your excuse, heretic?
  8. Banned for making me lose my captain to his perfidious lies...
  9. @DragonFlames Oh captain, my captain! Say not that you have fallen to the deck, afflicting with this madness, brought low by the archtraitor @twilitfalchion
  10. Banned for suffering the presence of a heretic.
  11. Banned for his blasphemy and put to death for his apostasy.
  12. Sometimes...I have night terrors...which waken in my mind’s eye slithering horrors sheathed in rotting flesh who wish to impregnate me with their decadence and decay.
  13. Emperor’s Throne! Banned for having a cursed falchion!
  14. Banned for allying with xenos filth.
  15. I guess it’s about time to take an honest crack at FE: Three Houses after I finish Moby Dick and Noctuary.
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