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Sidereal Wraith

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Everything posted by Sidereal Wraith

  1. @JubileePhoenix If you want a classic book to listen to that isn’t to long I’d highly recommend Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness. Huh, this thread gives me an idea.
  2. Thinks Corrin is the best protagonist in the series.
  3. The Count of Monte Cristo is one book that I recently finished which I really enjoyed. I’ve also enjoyed the works of Clark Ashton Smith, Michael Moorcock, Robert E. Howard, Karl Edward Wagner, and Leo Tolstoy. I’m also going through Herman Melville’s Moby Dick which I’m enjoying to a certain extent.
  4. Teeh...oh to hell with this! I’m bringing some culture to this tread if it’s the last thing I do!
  5. Some more Howard for you...there maybe hope for you yet...
  6. I didn’t mean to do that. Stupid 1930s pulp covers. Here, have a classic Conan yarn as recompense.
  7. Enjoys bathing in the light of heresy and madness..
  8. Prefers Corum over Elric...I mean... *Sizzle*
  9. A bomb! *Bomb explodes in Wraith’s face*
  10. My idea is to have most of the cast die in a final defense chapter holding the line while being swarmed by the enemy. While it would be bittersweet it would have to be stressed that they died to save the world and that in the end their duty to protect what they loved outweighed their willingness to flee and live. That or have several of the characters get consumed and corrupted against their will, in a similar vein of what happened during the Horus Heresy in Warhammer 40K. There is nothing wrong with the concept of fellowship @Ottservia. It has worked well in many famous works (LOTR and older FE games) but when it is ham fisted like in Awakening, like many other JRPGs and anime, it makes the concept feel cliche. I don’t need the characters of the game constantly prattling on about the importance of bonds when I can easy discern this for myself. I really don’t need to be hammered over the head anymore with the classic “we saved the world because friendship” or else I think I’m going die from diabetes.
  11. I think that the next Fire Emblem game needs to somehow top the Battle of Belhalla in shock value and surprise. FE needs an extra “something” to help it not only stand out from its contemporaries but to break the myth the FE series is nothing but a dating sim and that friendship is magic.
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