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Sidereal Wraith

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Everything posted by Sidereal Wraith

  1. Awakening should have had a horror theme to it because of the future being a zombie apocalypse and all but whatever. Yeah FE should have some horror themes in it, in the vein of either Robert E. Howard's sword and socerery stories (Worms of the Earth or An Open Window) or Clark Aston Smith's cycle stories (The Ice Demon or The Dark Eidolon).
  2. Why won't the sheep stop screaming? Oh and Good Morning Vietnam!
  3. I thought that we successfully killed *Redacted* but it came crawling and howling from its grave when it was ported to the Switch. At night, sometimes, I can still hear *Redacted* gorging on the flesh of the innocent. I’m still haunted by these sounds to this very day...
  4. Is enjoying the works of Thomas Ligotti... and enjoying a nice cup of hot Science.
  5. Oh... my aching head...what'd you kids do to my whiskey?
  6. I'm not hungover... I don't know what your talking about officer.
  7. Banned for thinking Corum, Hawkmoon, or Erekose are better aspects of the Eternal Champion then Elric. Also that Tempus Thales and Kane are better at being brooding immortals then Prince Gaynor the Damned.
  8. I have seen the dark universe yawningWhere the black planets roll without aim,Where they roll in their horror unheeded,Without knowledge, or lustre, or name.
  9. Banned for allowing Elric to slay Geralt of Rivia with Stormbringer.
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