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Sidereal Wraith

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Posts posted by Sidereal Wraith

  1. 16 minutes ago, Benice said:

    Referenced Shin Megami Tensei #FE.

    *Looks at Benice with a mixture of pity and sadness in his eyes*
    Benice...*swigs whiskey*...you’re still young, replete with optimism, hopes and dreams. I shall look pass this transgression in the name of our brief acquaintance and said factors recounted earlier. However, take some advice from an old drunken fool who has lived too little and seen too much, don’t speak its name less it appear. Don’t let its gaudy and garish appearance beguile you. But most importantly...*takes another swig of whiskey and stares straight into Benice’s eyes*...never forget and never forgive.

  2. 16 minutes ago, Wraith said:

    Doesn’t have to remind me of the betrayal of that...thing...my subsequent disenchantment with a franchise I loved and my now never ending spiral of reading and booze to vainly attempt to even capture as much as a minuscule of a fraction of the halcyon days of my buried child.

    *Swigs more whiskey and continues brooding*


  3. Doesn’t have to remind me of the betrayal of that...thing...my subsequent disenchantment with a franchise I loved and my now never ending spiral of reading and booze to vainly attempt to even capture as much as a minuscule of a fraction of the halcyon days of my buried childhood.

    *Swigs more whiskey and continues brooding*

  4. *Wraith finishes his last whiskey bottle*
    I seemed at the sheer end:
    Albeit mine eyes, in mystery and night
    Shrouded as with the close deep caul of death,
    Or as if underneath Lethean lentors drowned,
    Saw never lamp nor star nor dead star's wraith of light
    Yet seemed I at the world's sheer end;
    And fearfully and slowly I drew breath
    From silent gulfs of all uncertainty and dread,
    Precipitate to nadir from around;
    Nor trusted I on any side to tread
    One pace, lest I should overstep the brink,
    And infinitely and forever sink
    Past eye-shot of the Cyclopean sun
    When from the bulwark of the world, adown oblivion,
    He on the morrow should stare after me.

    Swift from infinity,
    The enormous Fear that lives between the stars
    Clutched with the cold great darkness at my heart;
    Then from the gulf arose a whispering,
    And rustle as of silence on the wing
    To stay and stand
    Anear at my right hand:
    What powers abysmal, born of the blind air,
    What nameless demons of the nether deep
    That 'scape the sun and from the moonlight live apart,
    Came and conspired against me there,
    I heard not, ere the whispering
    Ceased, and a heavier darkness seemed to spring
    Upon me, and I felt the silence leap
    And clasp me closer, and the sweep
    Of ah the abyss reach up and drag
    Body and feet from the crumbling uttermost crag
    To the emptiness unknown;
    Nor knew I, plunging through those nadir firmaments,
    If Azrael or Abbadon bore me thence,
    Or if I fell alone.

    *Wraith limps our of the room, disappearing into the yawning void which is the black doorway*

  5. 4 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:


    *Shakes his head sorrowfully*
    All who thought to even fraternize with it are lost and beyond your reach, twilightfalchion, all of them.

    *Proceeds to take another swig of whiskey and stares off into the distance, seemly at nothing*

  6. 2 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

    Shall I call upon the gods of heresy to put you out of your misery, you poor tormented soul?

    *Sardonically smirks*
    Call up you meek and mild gods, brew your child magicks, it makes little difference.

    *Takes another swig of whiskey*

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