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Sidereal Wraith

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Posts posted by Sidereal Wraith

  1. 1 minute ago, twilitfalchion said:

    Too much, my spectral acquaintance, too much.

    *Throws away the empty whiskey bottle and pulls out another from his tattered cloak*
    Let my regale you with the start of a great tragedy for context, twilightfalchion:


  2. *Wraith stumbles back into the room, his clothes cut to shreds and clinging about him like rags. Blood pours forth from a score or more wounds as he slumps against a wall. Wraith examines his weapon, replete with a viscous, pulsing, black bile on the blunted broken half of it. He lets the bottle fall from his benumded fingers and it shatters on impact. Reaching into his tattered cloak, he pulls out a fresh bottle of whiskey.*

    19 minutes ago, Benice said:

    What did TMS do to break your mind so?

    *Spits blood on the floor*

    It existed.

    *Takes a another swing of whiskey*

  3. *A demoniacal din shrieks from the blackened hallway, shaking the foundations of the building. It is a mixture of desperate human shouts, mixed with unintelligible screams in black tongues that could only have come from the obsidian pits. Suddenly the shrieks stop, allowing a funerial silence to fill the void.*

  4. *The door of the room is suddenly and violently forced open. A copy of Tokyo Mirage Sessions # FE Encore darkens the doorway, floating in midair like a malignant ghost. Wraith springs to his feet, smashing his empty whiskey bottle in half against the wall. He holds the bottle as a menacing weapon, with the broken yet sharp half facing towards the door*


    *Wraith charges out the door like a crazed beast, swinging the bottle wildly as he goes after the game. His savage oaths and curses continue to echo back into the room, even as his form fades into the darkness of the hallway.*

  5. Look, twilitfalchion, the only thing that has kept me from the abyss of none existence is me rediscovering my love of reading. Don't be a damnable fool and even joke about how that...thing doesn't crawl into you and excrete it's venomous bile into your soul.!

  6. Banned for throwing around such words in a cavalier and careless fashion. I'm going to level with you twilitfalchion, I'm not an alcoholic mess by choice. Like you I was once a young man with hopes, dreams and a lustre for life. Then I booted up that...thing and played it for an hour on a dare. I've never left that room. 

  7. Banned for even entertaining the notion of hypothetically playing Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯ FE. Seriously Twilitfalchion if there is anything you need, I'm here for you man. 

  8. 8 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

    TMS#FE. Not my kind of game, but anything is better than self-mutilation.

    WYR be forced to play Superman 64 for a 24 hour period, or watch the Fates waifu/husbando confessions on loop for the same amount of time?

    Watch Fates waifu/husbando confessions on loop. And as to how you answered my WYR, you're either the bravest person I've ever met, replete with balls of steel or the most insane, suicidal son of a bitch I've ever seen. 

    WYR spend a day's with condescending Brits or the bloodthirsty crazy Canadians. 

  9. High growth weaker unit. 

    WYR  lobotomize yourself with a rusty spoon or do a complete, true ending run of Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯ FE? 

    Sidenote: I know it's a hard choice to make because both opinions are inhuman, ethically heinous and excruciatingly painful. 

  10. I think that twilitfalchion fellow needs a good, stiff drink to...wait...*looks into the mirror*...I'm that twilitfalchion fellow! *With a look of fear and horror twilitfalchion realises he has spent his entire misbegotten life referring to himself in the first person*

  11. *The clanking of bottles can be heard as Wraith enters the empty grove, finishing his bottle of whiskey*

    This is a nice place, far away from those crazy Brits and non-drunk people. I think I'll just sit down and rest. 

    *Wraith lies down on the soft grass, removing the many bottles of whiskey from his person and placing them before himself on the ground. He lays down with a freshly opened bottle ready to be consumed. After a few minutes and draining half the bottle, Wraith lies down on the grass and falls asleep*

  12. *The clanking of bottles can be heard as Wraith enters the empty room*

    Hello? Twilitfalchion? DragonFlames? Anyone home? Oh damn to the depths these massive differences in time between countries! Well, it's 8:30 A.M. here, time to drink... 

    *Wraith takes a swig from a nearly empty whiskey bottle as he leaves the room. The sound of clanking bottles slowly fades away in the distant.*

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