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Everything posted by Folt

  1. Hm... Just checked the site, and you are right. my bad.
  2. Not Troubadour, it's Pegasus Knight and Mercenary. Donnel is probably best with either Sully or Nowi, as the Villager class and skills are kind of redundant once the child's levelled up enough, and Donnel!Kjelle gets pretty nice physical modifiers around the board on top of Peg. Knight and Mercenary, while Donnel!Nah makes for a good tank, albeit very slow. That said, I don't have Donnel included in my eugenics plans, because Donnel's main draw is kinda made redundant for me once Limit Break arrives, and he is kind of a pain to raise. Sure, it's one less child with Galeforce, but I can compensate for that.
  3. I like the official names to Trabant and Narshen. Travant sounds really cool, and Narcian probably comes from "narcissism", which, from what I've heard and seen of the guy, fits him.
  4. I'm surprised that Gangrel ranked as high as he did. Was expecting him to rank around 25-29.
  5. So the ones who will feature on the custom Facebook cover will be, in order from first to tenth: 1. Marth (1820 votes) 2. Walhart (1508 votes) 3. Henry (1482 votes) 4. Tharja (908 votes) 5. Chrom (665 votes) 6. Anna (653 votes) 7. Lon'qu (599 votes) 8. Gaius (595 votes) 9. Cordelia (574 votes) 10. Stahl (558 votes) After those guys, we get, in order from highest to lowest: 11. Donnel (435 votes) 12. Nowi (381 votes) 13. Tiki (363 votes) 14. Olivia (324 votes) 15. Cherche (281 votes) 16. Gregor (240 votes) 17. Lissa (198 votes) 18. Gangrel (179 votes) 19. Sully (163 votes) 20. Frederick (150 votes) 21. Kellam (137 votes) 22. Sumia (126 votes) 23. Emmeryn (108 votes) 24. Vaike (106 votes) 25-26. Virion and Miriel (103 votes) 27. Panne (102 votes) 28. Aversa (89 votes) 29. Say'ri (72 votes) 30. Ricken (65 votes) 31. Flavia (59 votes) 32. Libra (57 votes) 33-34. Basilio and Maribelle (50 votes) 35. Validar (33 votes) Interesting.
  6. I may not have the game yet, so I probably shouldn't post here yet, but since Lon'qu has a C Rank in Swords, shouldn't he be using those instead, since he'd lose some power and weapon variety within the Sword type by going down to E Axes (due to not having C Rank and being locked to one common weapon once reclassed, and losing access to weapons like Killing Edge and Armorslayer)? Panne, due to using Beaststones, doesn't have that problem if she reclasses to Wyvern Rider: I checked Taguel and Wyvern Rider bases compared to what Mt their weapons (Beaststones and Bronze Axes) would have, and they do about the same damage (unless the Bronze Axe is forged, if it is, then it's way better than the Beaststone).
  7. Some guy not on Serenes Forest translated the Olivia/Henry Japanese support. It is somewhat different than the one we have here, I believe. Olivia was faking being cursed. Henry did figure it out in time for the S Support though. It seems to be genuine in the English version. Hmm, pairings I hate? Well, I was not fond of Avatar/Tharja in Japanese, and I'm not fond of it in English either. Gameplay-wise, I'm not that fond of Donnel/Any eligible girl. (Story-wise is a whole 'nother matter.)
  8. Shadowgift and Rally Strength... but that's still less than Est.
  9. Avatar. I just find it to be better overall.
  10. Pretty sure it does, actually. I'm beginning to think that the thing regarding Walhart is somewhat foul play. But having a villain among the group cover people would be nice, so eh. And somehow, Gangrel managed to get past Emmeryn and Aversa. Hahah! Go Gangrel!
  11. Only Great Lord and Bride can use lances with no beast/armor/dragon/flying weaknesses in Awakening. But Great Lord is restricted to Chrom and Lucina only, so that leaves Bride as the only option for that for most female units. (Males are outta luck.)
  12. Last time I checked, "Marth" was still in first, and Henry was still in second. I think we can handily say that those two will be in the group cover.
  13. "Marth" and Henry are handily getting first and second place still.
  14. Dread Fighter has the same Strength, 8 more Magic (not relevant for the Hero, but relevant for the Dread Fighter, since it can use Tomes), 6 less Skill, 1 less Speed, 1 less Defense, and 7 more Resistance, before character cap modifiers. Hero is probably better if you're going for a physical unit, but Dread Fighter's usage of Tomes is not something to discount either.
  15. Classes I like: * Sorcerer (Because DARK MAGIC!) * Dark Mage (Same as above.) * Dread Fighter (Axes + Magic, and I think it's a good hybrid class. Also, this class is my go-to class for Owain in terms of flavor, usability, and versatility.) * Berserker (Those skull shoulder pads...) * Barbarian (Ditto. Also because this is one of the few games where you can have a playable bandit mook [if only through reclassing], though this one's kind of a cross between Brigand and Pirate.) * Warrior (Always liked axe users, and I kinda like how gladitorial they look.) * Fighter (See above.) * Hero (Swords + Axes! Axes are my favorite physical weapon.) * Mercenary (I like how durable they are in comparison to the Myrmidon.) * Grandmaster (I like how it looks, and I like how hybrid it is, even if it has balanced stats across the board.) * Tactician (See above.) * Dark Knight (Mounted hybrid class, but I like how they named it "Dark Knight", as I feel that gives them a flavor that Jugdral's "Mage Knight" name kinda lack.) * Wyvern Lord (Always had a soft spot for dragon/wyvern riding units. Also, they can use Axes which, as I've stated above, is my favorite weapon.) * Wyvern Rider (See above.) * Dark Flier (I like how all magic-using hybrid classes have something ominous in their name, and I also like what the localization named this class. I was not that fond of Dark Pegasus.) * Sage (For kinda being like a cross between the usual Sage class and the Bishop class, giving it some religious undertones. As for why I think so, well, Emmeryn's title, and the fact that she is in this class from the Cleric class, made it give me this vibe, and the fact that the Bishop class is gone from Awakening.) * War Monk/Cleric (I actually find this really cool. Besides, Axes is the closest thing that you come to blunt weapons in this game, which harkens back to the fact that religious figures back in the day were not allowed to use sharp weapons.) * Trickster (Very flavourful. Also makes good use of Levin Swords, which is probably the easiest 1-2R Sword to come across.) * Valkyrie (weapons-wise, it's a mounted Sage, which I kinda like. I also like how, just like Sage, this class kinda gets some religious undertones in this game.) * Bride (Just for the fact that you can beat up enemy units in a very dainty dress, which amuses me.)
  16. Morgan/Gangrel sparkly tile shenanigans: Morgan: Father, tell me about your life before you met me. I want to know all about you. Gangrel: Ha! You mean you haven't heard? Your father was a turd with a crown. Gangrel: You should be ashamed to have been born into such disgrace. Now go away. Gangrel: I'll tell you the moment I do anything fatherly enough to merit your pride. This is hilarious! And also kinda sad. Gangrel doesn't have much self-worth left in him.
  17. Let me paraphrase it better: When I make a Streetpass team, am I limited to characters I have on one file only, or can I mix and match between characters (that I have already recruited) from different files? My gut feeling tells me that the answer is no, and I've made preparations for that, but I have to know for sure.
  18. I see. I guess the units you can have on the team are limited to the file that you're currently playing on at the moment or something? Or is that not the case?
  19. How many Streetpass teams can you send to people? One per file?
  20. Dancers are fine as is. Oh, they were blessed alright. Just not with the ability to wield Tomes. And now they can give blessings away as well. :D And females being more magically inclined is what makes me mighty happy that it's the Dread Fighter who gets the Tomes: Gotta break that mold a bit in my opinion, and I've always wanted to play as a unit with access to both Axes and Tomes.
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