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Everything posted by darkkfan

  1. Gerome-Nightwing Chrom with Donny as a pair up partner- Chromdonnel Walhart- God Sumia- Smear (cuz of that one japanese walkthrough)
  2. I actually think it's kinda cool. But yeah, it is totally random too.
  3. I thought Golden Gaffe and EXPonential growth didn't have a difficulty rating? As for the topic, you should be fine if you let the thieves take the weapons and then kill them as a few people suggested. Alternatively, you can have a lockpicker paired with one of your strong units and just have them open the chests after you kill everyone because the boss doesn't move.
  4. That was my interpretation, but AFAIK nothing definitive has been explained about them.
  5. Haha I'm glad to see you took my suggestion about making a gangrel vs. walhart topic seriously! I am somewhat shocked by the results. Apparently the Gangrel supports must be amazing because from what I've seen of the characters in game there is no way Gangrel should be getting this much love. The Walhart posters so far in this topic have brought up some of my points and they were very well put. Since I've already had this argument multiple times I'll just post links to my statements of my views unless anything new comes up. Primarily here: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=37708&view=findpost&p=2290119 But also, this whole topic (only 2 pages): http://serenesforest...1 is worth reading especially since that's where the idea for this topic originally came from. I would say there's a lot more to it than that. Walhart is opposed to the idea of gods in general. He believes in the power of mankind to govern his own fate. That is what he is fighting for IMO. It fits in nicely with the "we can control our own destiny" theme in this game. Also, I would say that we should clarify what you mean by "better villain" because if we mean who is better written than that is what we were arguing about in the other topic. However, it seems that some people are interpreting "better villain" as meaning who is "more evil" and voting for Gangrel and that really just proves my point that he is less likable. I should probably change my name to "Walhart" since yours is just "Gangrel" Edit: Done
  6. Walhart because this: http://serenesforest.net/forums/index.php?showtopic=37708&view=findpost&p=2290119
  7. Ok I'll add that, as well as the fact that all non dlc/spotpass dred fighter units have the red lightning aura. I'm assuming you mean a custom toggle animation, but I'll add that for both of them with a question mark until someone can confirm. That actually sort of makes sense since the dread fighter seems to be wearing some sort of mask in his map sprite and who wears glasses with a mask?
  8. As for FE7, I'll grant you that Kishuna is a great character but Lyn is bland and Eliwood is terrible (he manages to be the most boring character or at least one of the most boring despite having the most screen time). I think that FE10 had the best story by far for a number of reasons that I've stated before in other topics and don't feel like repeating right now. What I don't get is why people say that FE9's was the best. I mean, sure it had some great stuff like the serenes massacre and black knight duel, but all of that is completely overshadowed by FE10's sheer depth.
  9. You're right about the first part at least and partially right about the second part. Spotpass and DLC units don't get the red glow as dread fighters though as normal units do, probably because of the blue glow. It's still weird, though. Can anyone confirm that this is the only pattern (spotpass and dlc get blue glow) and everyone else gets red glow as dread fighters?
  10. Nope, it is exactly how you described it. Sorry! I agree with him on this one. Sol is extremely broken and you don't hear people whining about that. If anything, it is even more stupid because it is luck based so you can just keep reloading until Sol soloes everything. Whereas with Nosferatu you are either strong enough to solo a map Nosferatanking or you aren't. It doesn't vary as much as Sol between resets. It's kinda like the Lunatic vs. Lunatic+ argument all over again. Yep, it's possible. Although if you're doing a blind run with no resets (which would be suicidal on lunatic unless you grind), you are bound to get screwed over at some point.
  11. So I noticed that Alm has a blue aura in his demon fighter class surrounding him and so does Spotpass Lyon. However, I also noticed that Donny had a red glow with lightning in this class. At first, I thought this was a reference to Dread Fighter being the third tier of villager in gaiden, but I also saw that Chrom has the same red aura as Donny on the wikia. I tried switching weapons, but that doesn't seem to affect anything. Maybe it has something to do with whether or not your STR stat is higher than your MAG?
  12. Yeah and Yarne says that he thinks one of them is a taguel even though there is no taguel on the map. I wonder what's up with the deadlords and why the devs would hint that they are people we know and then not explain any further? Maybe someone should make a "What's up with the deadlords" topic, idk. My theory is that: but that probably doesn't make any sense at all lol.
  13. Yep, he's generic. It seems bizarre that some people like Owain get two custom model promotions and he gets a custom map sprite while people like Lon'Qu get no custom promotions and barely a custom model in the default class. Children characters seem to get more customs but still, consider Inigo who doesn't get a custom anything upon promotion.
  14. And apparently that's all the devs are going to tell us before he dies too! Yes he is. I think I'll even add this one to my list of Amazing Walhart Quotes This one is hilarious! The over the top fourth wall breakage made me laugh out loud. Hahaha, I used Gregor!Owain too! Apparently speaking in the third person makes you OP (Danved does not agree)!
  15. Pretty much. He's talking about the first 4 or so chapters, when the stats aren't capped. After which, they are ridiculous until postgame.
  16. I guess I can see why people dislike Severa. I'm more Anti-Cordelia than Pro-Severa though. I think Miriel is awesome! At least we agree on this, anyway!
  17. Yeah, that would have been easy to implement. I mean, if they can do it for hair colors in FE12, they can do it here. Ok thanks. I figured as much for Kjelle and Kellam (in fact I thought I already had that info but it seems I didn't). Do any others have custom map sprites (I am assuming that's what you meant since we never see anyone but Chrom on the overworld map? Because it seems weird that just Owain would get one.
  18. Sorry for asking everyone this, and I apologize double if I've already asked either of you, but did you grind at all or use spotpass/renown? I'd just promo him to pick up Ignis and Rainbow Cry and then switch to maybe Sorceror if you don't mind NOSFERATANKING!!!!!!
  19. I was talking about netting potential sword users netting some WEXP before promotion, not after it. Although it does apply more to Horsemen, which happen to be my favorite class. And yeah, it is useful to give Marth a few kills here and there.
  20. Ok, I don't currently have Swordmaster Lon'Qu to compare, but enough people have said this that I think I'll finally give in and change it. Yeah, it'd be interesting to see if they do that. As well as if they provide custom models for both promotions, and maybe even for reclasses (hey, a guy can dream right). Especially since I recall seeing them saying something in the Iwata asks interview along the lines of "whenever someone mentioned something we could do, we decided to do it no matter how much work it would be." I think custom models fall into this category.
  21. Wait, did you grind at all? Even if so, congrats on beating Luna+. It seems I've finally found someone who has accomplished that.
  22. 1. Sorry, that's what I was thinking of. It still applies though. 2. Yeah, I knew someone would say that! I'm pretty sure the backfire rate is lower anyway though, but I may be wrong about that.
  23. I'm not really seeing why everyone thinks FE7 is better, I mean it has a bland lord (I know Eirika isn't spectacular either, but Eliwood is so bleh) and very few choices and varieties. FE8 has all sorts of variety, with 2 routes, branched class promotions, traversable world map, and postgame Ruins content and unlockables. I don't see what FE7 has going to even match, never mind surpass, that. And that's not going into the plot depth that FE8 has over FE7.
  24. I can see how Yarne being a coward is kinda annoying. I mean, he is just thinking about the preservation of his species but still, running away from battle has no excuse. I still think he's hilarious. IDK about Cynthia, I guess she's kind of in there as comic relief, so I wouldn't take her whole Hero thing too seriously. That's just me, though. The same exact thing happened to me. I thought I would like Cordelia but I ended up hating her, which made me like Severa.
  25. No, of course I didn't, I killed him in his paralogue. And like I said, if what you say about the supports is true, it is totally contradictory to the character established by the in-game dialogue. And sure, even if the whole being-evil thing wasn't his idea (which I'm not willing to concede), he doesn't have to be so good at it. I know the thing about his father and it isn't cutting it for me. If the game makes me wait until after the game to show any signs of redeeming himself, I don't think that counts. I mean, if they don't make me like him in any way at all in-game, I think they've failed at developing Gangrel into a likable villain. Certainly they've failed at this if I hate him so much that I kill him before they make him likable. The game does a great job at making you hate him, so much so that I killed him before I got to see his redemption. I might be alone in thinking this, but I don't think I am. As for the chapter 11 death quote, you got me there. Even so, however, I don't think it's enough of an in-game basis for his supports and paralogue. The whole redemption thing seems to come out of the blue, and in-game I doubt anyone thought of him as anyone more than the character you're meant to hate (of which there seems to be at least one in every FE game and it usually isn't the main antagonist/final boss). Anyway, that being said, I don't want to derail this topic by further continuing this argument here. Maybe if someone wants to make a Gangrel vs. Walhart thread with a poll, we can do that there, but I don't want to continue to take this off topic unless a mod says it's ok.
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