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Everything posted by Lightshayde

  1. It's time to d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-d- *yugi writhes on the floor from heart attack*
  2. I love you, MK404. Have my children. Can you set a -tentative- release date for a demo?
  3. Sofiya because you can always arena abuse.
  4. Forgive my n00biness (the 0's are necessary) but how do you get to Lalum's route? :X
  5. I <3 Sain. My Kent is royally screwed EVERY TIME I PLAY THROUGH so I may be biased. >.> Just a little.
  6. Screw that, Siegmund and Sieglinde are names from Norse mythology, specifically the Völsunga saga. They were brother and sister. (The saga was later adapted into Wagner's Ring cycle, so you're point is valid. But Norse mythology is better and more pure.) I picked Excalibur because it has the same name as the sword. :D
  7. Probably not. Hehe, your tactics rating is totally screwed. But, of course, you may have not been going for a tactics run.
  8. But...but...he's the sword saint! I actually use him, just because characters like Athos and FE6 Karel are awesome. What's the name of that archetype? I know there is one...
  9. My friend was arena abusing in 7...his Bors kept on dying. I, for one, think he's better than the other two Armor Knights. Also, Wolt sucks. Wait for the next archer that comes your way, Dorothy, or use Sue and Shin. I like Lilina because her magic is ownage and has a [canon] support with Roy.
  10. TO LINUX, SPECIFICALLY UBUNTU! But Windows over Mac, definitely. Mac GUIs are just stupid.
  11. No one knew that we would all want to RAEP Gheb.
  12. Amelia because her animation and map sprite is awesome. And she wears padding. XD
  13. She has a custom sprite. Custom sprite = ownage. And I didn't find her annoying, I found her cute.
  14. It's wierd. Every time I try the uber spear glitch (read: mine glitch) the game freezes up. Of course, I'm using a rom and an emulator, so that may be it.
  15. I don't like fighters or warriors, they always turn out to die too easily for me. Stupid low speed. Needless to say, I favor swordfighters like Lyn and Guy.
  16. I voted Lilina because, although Lugh is fast, he's really weak...and Lilina has the girl mage sprite. Which is awesome.
  17. Bishop for the slayer ability. And Artur would already have S rank in light instead of having to train for anima.
  18. Word. Lyn doesn't need a steel sword...I've left con alone - I don't even think I know her con stat - but my Lyn still doublehits everything I want her to. Criticals are left to her Mani Katti, which is basically 90 uses - 45 that you can't even waste in Lyn's Story and 45 more in Eliwood's/Hector's story. Plus she's hot. And one of the only girl lords.
  19. Pent, then Erk. In my first playthrough, I promoted Erk to sage and trained him [used him] to 10...at the same time, training Pent.
  20. I used Priscilla once, and then Serra. Serra is terrible as a bishop though...because I totally arena/Lundgren abused her. ;)
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