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Everything posted by Disinnocence

  1. yo, since sf has been running extremely slow for me as of late, just gonna drop in a say i've enjoyed all the songs so far. i'd specify which ones i particularly enjoyed, but it's still being slow, so maybe later or something.
  2. listening to this song sure wasn't a "waste" good song to start this thread off right, i suppose. kind of reminds me of lapsley's new record vaguely but with more brass section.
  3. oh. well i was just about to ask if this thread was going to happen, but you know, here it is. hopefully this one will live on longer. i'm eager to see what sort of trainwreck this could possibly turn into
  4. seems legit, so let's go for it. since dijion pretty much sums everything up, i don't really need to say anything.
  5. hell yeah, i'd totally be down for that endless circlejerk because it gives purpose to my life, but it still sucks that whenever someone new steps up, it doesn't go down well, so if receding back into the old general music discussion thread would be more convenient, then i guess that's fine, but either way would be decent. (being vaguely indecisive again) also, if we end up sticking to this thread, should we come up with some sort of rotation or just vote whoever whenever?
  6. I'd just say go for it now, as it's been 2 days since any song's been posted. Plus it'd be cool to get someone new in here for a change.
  7. i think it's already been decided, so i don't really need to vote i guess. also, thanks for the good week moira. i know i say this basically every week, but i do mean it, so you know, w/e.
  8. ayy, it's okay. enjoy yourself, man. not like my life revolves around this thread and if nothing's posted daily i'll recede into a deep depression anyway, pretty good song today with a .... "interesting" video.
  9. hence the "contrary to popular opinion." But I do understand where you're coming from, as it does have a lot of needless fluff to it. It's definitely not their finest work, but it's not their worst either. Either way, I've always had a soft spot for it, so you know, that's the way it is, I suppose. (i guess it was also their first without bill bruford, so that might contribute to it being not as good as their other albums somewhat, but probably not)
  10. yeah, it's still a good song regardless.
  11. although i may have been absent for the larger part of this week, i have to say, i'm enjoying it more than i'd expect, as a some of these songs are outside the style of what i listen to, so yeah, keep it up and such. quantic's some good stuff. also, i'm sorry, but i'll never be able to take that imogen heap song seriously after all the meme shit with it.
  12. Yes, I do indeed love Yes. Fragile is absolutely one of my favorite "prog" albums, and Tales from Topographic Oceans (contrary to popular opinion), The Yes Album, and Close to the Edge would be other particular favorites of mine. As for favorite songs, Starship Trooper, Heart of The Sunrise, or The Ancient come to mind, but I'm not sure on my favorite Yes song. oh yeah, and bill bruford's my man, dude. chris squire (rip) lays down some sick grooves on fragile and such too.
  13. yeah, anarchy week was a success, so go for it.
  14. alright then, i'll start my reign later tonight so there's still a chance for someone to swoop in and usurp my throne right from under me. if not, then you know ya boi's bout to drop the hottest week since my last week.
  15. is this thread dead or should i just nominate myself
  16. well, since that's 7 (well actually like 9 because we got overzealous or miscounted idk) songs now, and moira has once again descended down upon this realm, i'm gonna toss my vote for them so we don't have to argue. or we can, if that's what's cool/what we want.
  17. yo, man, i'm a little new to this whole "music" thing, so cut me a little slack, eh? in all seriousness though, i'm quickly mending my past mistakes ASAP, and hey, i'm only like what? 16 years late? Anyway, as Youtube ads are making painfully apparent recently, the new Thrice album came out like a week ago, and while the first single didn't do much for me, I can safely say the rest of the album is actually really good. It may not be as good as "The Alchemy Index" or "Major/Minor" imo, but there's enough experimentation and shit for my tastes, so it's all good. I'll rate it 5 "hey, that's pretty goods" out of 5 "hey, that's pretty good." [spoiler=Thrice - Hurricane]
  18. Never really ever got to listening to them, but this song is really good, so I'll probably check 'em out.
  19. well, since it seems double dipping is the hip new thing (also it's late and no song was posted today), guess i'll go for a second time to fill in the much needed sixth space. Not much to say about this one other than it's probably the best beat off this record, and probably one of my favorite Earl songs, so, that's about it.
  20. well, no need to worry since the song itself was pretty good, so it kind of all evens out, you know? also, pretty sick song today (yesterday?) too, although my recommended is (probably) now full of fifa soundtrack music.
  21. Oh hey, it's nice to see someone who doesn't hate Periphery (because they're popular now or some bullshit). Racecar may still be hands down their best song, but Make Total Destroy is definitely a highlight off of Periphery: II. [spoiler=Racecar - Periphery]racecar is racecar spelled backwards Racecar is one of those rare 10+ minute songs that actually justifies it's long running time. There's never a part of this song where I'm like, "oh, that could have easily been left out." Everything in the song feels exactly how it should be, and nothing feels overly long or needless, which is why it's still their best song to date.
  22. i'm not sure if i'm disappointed that i wasn't disappointed or if i'm straight up disappointed or maybe this is some clever joke where you don't post a song to make some sort of avant-garde artistic statement (nah man, just joshin you) and the video was blocked for me too, but it usually doesn't matter for me, as i'll just look it up elsewhere. i suppose it really just matters if it's blocked for the majority of people. also, chen hasn't showed up yet. looks like we might have to duke it out 1v1 rust, snipers only
  23. oh yeah, wonderfully pretty week, man. nice to see some eluvium here and that last song was fucking beautiful. anyway, the least recently voted for vicar was moira, but we all saw how that went, so next in line would be chen, so if you're out there my man, please speak up so we don't have to duke it out gladiatorial style to figure out who goes next. that would be appreciated. and lastly, legit every song this week has been golden (this color looks golden, right?), so let's keep it up, i guess.
  24. seems nobody's hijacked the thread today so i, your "friendly" neighborhood hijacker (wait, fuccboi used this same term last anarchy week, whoops), will take on this heavy burden. Seems that on the off-weeks of this thread, I tend to post prog, so, let's continue the trend with Riverside's more electronic/ambient side project. The rest of the album's pretty cool, so check it out if you want. I won't force you.
  25. longneck is definitely the hottest mc in the game right now other than politikz. he's this generation's kendrick lamar. To provide some relief in the "death metal" drought, here's one of my favorite songs (albums) from last year. [spoiler=Horrendous - Ozymandias] I'm not very well-versed in the death metal scene, but I really liked this album, so that's pretty much all there needs to be.
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