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Everything posted by Vince777

  1. As far as 3* go, just pulled Laslow. Which means only Gwendolyn is left. Anyone wants to trade?
  2. I'd really like earth dragon Medeus, L'Arachel, Bastian, Athena, Ishtar, Ophelia and any of the Laguz. Of them all, I only consider L'Arachel to be a lock. :(
  3. I believe Laslow and Gwendolyn are the only 3* I don't own.
  4. Uh. The reason would be 'not pulling them despite the banners'.
  5. Wait, there's a second mode in this game? Does this imply different maps?
  6. You still beat my count. :) To be honest, I'm still sort of satisfied considering Julia & Kagero are very highly effective units and my recent Nowi pull is not too shabby. Good enough that winning in the arena is no trouble at all.
  7. Oooh. Just got Nowi (although I was pulling for Reinhart). Looong drought before that. Which still leaves me below everyone in count with 9 5* and only 6 pulled (if I don't count the second Julia). I get pissed off reading everyone's much more complete list. Go to hell, you lucky bastards. Pulled: Julia (twice) Seliph Kagero Sheena Jaffar Nowi Promoted: Just the story guys, because I always go for canon I guess and it feels silly to leave story-involved characters aside. Sharena Alfonse Anna Now that I have them 3, I do wonder who I will promote next though.
  8. I feel Zephiel looks slightly too old on his Heroes art. I beat Navarre's GHB Lunatic in one try but I completely expect not being able to come close to beating this one. Blue units is what is seemingly important to have on this map and I don't even have a decent blue mage. I have Sharena 5*, Est 4* and Corrin (F) 4* at lv 40 or close, I suppose. I don't know..
  9. Why are there flying cars in 2015 in Back to the Future? Other universes simply evolve differently than ours.
  10. I would be very surprised if Vika ever becomes available. I expect several revisits of the more popular characters (which they've already started after only 2 months..) before we get the more obscure characters from the least known/played games. There is no way they will release all of the Thracia characters for instance. I don't believe it. We'll get the whole cast of Awakening/Fates/Archanea/Elibe though.
  11. My favourite Fates track sadly probably doesn't belong in a game like Heroes. Thorn in You:
  12. I feel Innes is a 100% lock, one of the first few that will come from Sacred Stones and Ena equally has an important plot role in Path of Radiance AND she's a dragon. Also a lock imo.
  13. You should totally expect all thieves to be added at some point because they are likely to run out of shuriken units fast.
  14. I'm not so sure how a 1 movement, 3 range unit is that much more threatening to flying units than a 2 mo, 2 range unit. I guess you can better protect it behind other chars? I'd keep it's effectiveness. Still, it's not like there would be many of them amongst the entire cast of characters.
  15. Could always use the classes they gave them in New Mystery of the Emblem instead. It'd be cool if they added balisticians somehow though..
  16. I don't think it is realistic to believe every character will be added. They're not revealing them at that fast a pace and there are near a thousand of playable ones, more if you start including notable enemies/NPCs.
  17. FE1,3,11,12: Warren, Beck, Jake FE2: Zake, Atlas, Jesse FE4: Midayle, Jamka, Alec FE5: Ralph, Conomor, Fred FE6: Lot, Trek, Hugh FE7: Renault, Karla, Geitz FE8: Syrene, Garcia, Saleh FE9: Ulki, Janaff, Muarim FE10: Vika, Lyre, Kyza FE13: Kjelle, Gregor, Brady FE14: Fuga, Dwyer, Ignatius There are a lot of characters that you say we cannot pick from that I totally expect would make it much before these names. Gangrel and Aversa I totally expect to see eventually considering Awakening gets some sort of priority. You think Arden doesn't have much of a chance but he is one of two knights only from his game so I think that helps him quite a bit.
  18. I looked to see if there were more positive examples and wondered what is your take on Flavia and Basilio? I'm not sure if they're made to actually be of a "black ethnicity" but they certainly are made to look to be of a different ethnicity.
  19. None. Didn't pull Bastian, Ophelia or L'Arachel yet. because they're not in it :(
  20. My five stars Kagero was brutal on this map and Sharena/Seliph could tank the rest on the frontline with Julia doing massive dmg for finishes while simultaneously healing those taking the hits. Beat in one attempt but also the first Grand Hero Battle that I finish on Lunatic.
  21. I gave this a try years ago and loved it but decided to wait until it is completed to play again. Will do now. Good job.
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