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Everything posted by Vince777

  1. This is the one challenge I will only seriously tackle once I build a few seals to their max level. I feel I'll need all the help I can get. (then I'll steal someone else's strategy)
  2. 12-4 and 12-5 are quite difficult maps to end the whole run but the real problem is in the first half of the challenge, I believe. 11-3 forces you to split your units and includes reinforcements. It is a very tough map and 11-5 is even worse. It is simply Hell. Might be the game's most difficult story map. A limited turn count and mages that insist to stay in their protected coccoon. Ugh.
  3. CC 11-12 intimidates and even terrifies me. It includes a collection of the game's most difficult maps. I probably will need a guide and my hand held through it and I might wait until I get more powerful seals. I have yet to mount the courage to tackle it and probably won't until I'm really out of things to do (and as far as CC goes, the only other one I haven't done yet is P11-12).
  4. Both Robin and Arlen use it as their signature weapon as well. So there's one left. :o
  5. Well hopefully this helps having people play this amazing game that is Genealogy of the Holy War.
  6. Oooh. Second try win on Infernal with bog standard Reinhardt, Bow Lyn, Xander and Olivia. Didn't need to think too much outside the box here. Just backing away taking one out at a time.
  7. Will update my old list since Athena and her wonderful accent, which was the reason I wanted her, was to my surprise added a while ago. 1) Bastian 2) L'Arachel 3) Ophelia 4) Noire 5) Mitama (all long shots except L'Arachel who I fully expect in the next Sacred Stones batch) I like over-the-top personalities and I'm just intrigued to see how they will be portrayed/how they will sound like.
  8. To be frank, badges are still entirely useless and we all have an endless amount of them. They could have made only the coins a requirement to forge and it would not have changed a single thing. I will always be missing coins to forge. Never will I be missing badges. They could have instead allowed the badges to be converted into coins, perhaps at a rate of 10 large badges/100 small badges = 1 coin. Upgrading all my (important) seals to their max level will take a long time. Maybe I should have taken Arena Assault rankings more seriously..
  9. Marcia will need to be her Radiant Dawn self if she ever gets introduced, in my opinion. She pretty much looks exactly like Est to me in Path of Radiance.
  10. Always under 20k as I promote a unit whenever I hit that number (or 22k). Adult Tiki is in line to be next.
  11. Sounds like the dragon vein Fates characters to me. Additionally, perhaps the manaketes and... Julia?
  12. Just pulled a random 5* Shanna from the free pull of the Threaten Speed banner. She's got Desperation but I don't like to sack 5* units (never did, unless they were duplicates) so I don't plan to. I don't know what to do with her. As far as flying lances go, I already had a 5* Est and 5* Valter. Is there any role, any niche she can specifically occupy?
  13. Most 5* Reinhardt were once 4* (like my own and including some heavily merged ones). This is how you get a good nature for him. I don't want people to have a ridiculously easy access to the character.
  14. Well that.... would make it a lot easier to get Tharja (1/5) from the 4* ranged-exclusive pool rather than trying to get her amongst dozens of sword units by just pulling red... Took me 8 months to get her. Also, I don't really want Reinhardt to be really easily accessible. He would be a 25% pull in the blue ranged pool. ._.
  15. They divulge such information about banners? O_o
  16. You should mathematically expect 1 five star unit for about every 80 orbs spent. You've been unlucky but it hasn't gotten ridiculous yet. Cheer up.
  17. Pretty much all comments besides yours would attest otherwise. Not... even pulling for the free one? What...
  18. Not exactly what I meant by "more memorable fight". I just liked the idea of battling the Order Incarnate better and never analysed the battle in it's meta. It does not really matter to me. It is also why I don't play the harder modes in Fire Emblem. The fight itself still lasted a while, you needed to at least pay some attention and it had that cool climatic ending. It was a refreshing change of pace as a final enemy while Dheginsea would just have been another end-game dragon amongst a sea of them. He always felt bland to me. I also liked Idunn better despite her fight being a joke. If a boss fight is memorable because of how hard it is, I'd give the medal to the Julius/Ishtar tandem assault or perhaps Reinhardt's charge in Thracia.
  19. I found fighting a goddess to be more memorable than yet another large dragon. Her map was certainly not memorable, however.
  20. Cherche is currently taking a lot of space in my barracks..
  21. There is no chance Leif will carry his Genealogy version into Heroes before his Thracia one though.
  22. They did stretch it a whole lot with Lyn and her father though. We barely know anything about "Hassar".
  23. Fairly certain some of them will be added eventually. Rooting for Ophelia & Noire.
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