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Everything posted by Vince777

  1. I thought Lara would be an interesting twist of dagger and dance but then they introduced a seasonal Olivia with that gimmick. :(
  2. Been playing since the start and the Infernal mode is always quite a difficult challenge. The last Bound Heroes Battle was very difficult for me to beat and I still haven't beaten all the Chain Challenges. I'm f2p though and don't merge (have no merge above +1) so I suppose I can't speak for those that do. If there ever comes a time where only whales can complete the most difficult maps, I might quit this game on principle.
  3. I feel things may be getting harder and harder for new players, actually. Very strong units are increasingly locked behind 5* pulls and most easily accessible units have fallen off in effectiveness.
  4. That was hard. Shamelessly copied a strategy on Youtube to manage beating Infernal with Reinhardt, Masked Marth, Julia & Olivia, tweeking the setup with different seals to make it work for my slightly different team.
  5. Is it a wild prediction that we make get one of them for free as a christmas present?
  6. I would have the willpower to save my feathers (I do it for orbs) if I felt I needed to but I don't. I just always spend them whenever I get to 20k.
  7. By gimmick what I meant is something that would differenciate them from sword/lances/axes beyond stuff like not being weak to weaponkiller skills, which I feel is rather bland. Sort of like what differenciates bows from daggers. Despite both of them being colourless physical range, one is always strong against fliers and the other applies debuffs. It's in this sort of manner that something else that's triangle physical melee should be different from what already exists.
  8. I just don't think that's a lot to make them stand out. If they're going the triangle physical melee route, they should give them an additional gimmick that's very specific to them.
  9. Why don't they just make them occupy a niche that does not exist, like colorless melee?
  10. Which would make them the same as swords/spears/axes, no? What would be the point of it?
  11. Noire, definitely. Also a useable Owain with more cheesy lines and a Severa with better art. Nah and Gerome are alright but I wouldn't feel excited over any of the other kids.
  12. Damnit, no Illuminary Uppercut special trigger. I thought Ophelia had the biggest chance amongst the girls to make it. :(
  13. Yeah. I've played all of them, even including the 4 short chapters on snes satellite view. I still would not recommend the original games if they've been remade. Just play the remakes. (and also play Tearring Saga, because that is essentially a Fire Emblem game and it's a great one)
  14. If we're to include Tearring Saga, I might give it the palm. A final chapter on a timer before entire destruction where all legendary sword wielding heroes converge to try to defeat an invincible enemy with a lot of units (and locked doors...) to slow you down. Felt pretty epic. If not, I'd give to Path of Radiance.
  15. Holy. Are you serious. Maybe I SHOULD be saving my orbs then. Didn't the past hero banners that started at 5% go back to the usual 3% after the first 5* pull?
  16. People keep hoping for him and it left me wonder: what is it that I don't see in Shiro that makes him an appealing character?
  17. A lot interests me but I'm only planning to pull until I get a unit to break the 8% initial rate for now so I'm not saving orbs for it. Will be pulling green as I've still yet to pull an Hector and I really want Spring Camilla. Any of both would be great. Deirdre I don't have either but I feel she is rather redundant consider I have a Julia+1.
  18. The royal children like Shiro and Siegbert are insanely boring and Kiragi was a loud mouth and the character I hated most in his entire game. The Kanas were also pretty annoying. Forrest is awesome however and I loved both Mitama and Ophelia's over-the-top personalities. These would be my top 3.
  19. Why the rush though? L'Arachel is my favourite FE character and, knowing she's pretty much a lock, unlike some of my other favourites like Bastian, I'm at ease just waiting for it to happen and it might take a while considering the next Sacred Stones banner might only be in months. Plus the longer you wait, the more she'll be powercreep. :)
  20. New hero banners need at least one strong, popular and important unit so it makes no sense to release them all together. Micaiah is just being saved to be the centerpiece of her eventual banner. It would have made no sense to put her amongst the CYL units that were just released this week.
  21. So.. hmm. I'm confused. Will Dark Aura now be both a Green AND blue tome now that Linde can get it? edit: Scratch that. Confused Sonya's Dark Excalibur with Delthea's Dark Aura.
  22. Oohhh. Mia on first summon. I saw this happen to other people but not to me yet. But of course, she's minus speed, which seems rather terrible considering her skills (although it's still high enough that it can be patched and I upgraded the Phantom Speed seal right after the pull just for that reason).
  23. Loki looks fantastic. Just felt I'd at least give her my support to contrast the many that consider it in bad taste that characters be 'too sexualized'. I understand the struggle about women characters in gaming and the way they are represented but Fire Emblem is a game with several hundred units. Can't we drop the prude act an instant and just allow a few of the characters to fit the sultry archetype? I like big-bosomed seductress older women. Should I feel bad about it?
  24. Julia, Reinhardt, Black Knight & Olivia did the job for me. Turn 1 - Olivia positions BK for him to take hits from both Takumi (who nearly dies to bowbreaker) and the axe cav (who dies) to Black Luna. Turn 2 - B tomebreaker Julia kills the blue tome cav, Reinhardt Dire Thunder kills both the red mage & Hinoka via dancing, BK finishes off Takumi. Turn 3 - Last remaining sword flier attacked BK for little damage, Reinhardt finishes it off.
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