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Everything posted by Vince777

  1. I enjoy personal skills as they make of units something other than just statlines. I would dislike if every single unit could access the exact same pool of skills. In fact, I wish all units had at least one personal skill in the same manner Fates did. Better even if this one skill couldn't be replaced. For this reason, I also do enjoy personal weapons for as long as they make sense and aren't just improvised from nothing in their source material.
  2. Siegbert and Dorcas most definitely didn't need personal weapons. Nor Ayra. However, I do think Ivaldi should be locked to L'arachel, or at least to FE8 units.
  3. I wish they would not remove effects (like they did for Leo's) when they upgrade weapons and just add on it instead.
  4. I hadn't given it a thought beyond "let's not put DC on everything", to be quite honest. Roy's Binding Blade and Zephiel's Eckesachs are examples of DC weapons in their original game that didn't carry over to Heroes. I'm also not a fan of DC weapons having an additional effect yet. I'm not going to provide ideas, I just think we can do something else with them, as was done with the weapons I just mentionned (despite Roy's being severly outdated).
  5. I'm a bit annoyed with people giving Distant Counter to everything. Enemy characters, particularly those that do not move, will all have 1-2 range by design in their original games so they can defend against both melee and ranged. Plus Distant Counter is so strong in Heroes that I don't want everyone to have it. Let's be a little more original on this.
  6. Cool! Just wish it allowed even more than 20 units considering that despite being f2p, I still have as much as a choice between 91 5*units. I wouldn't have minded reinforcements until you run out of units. :D (also, damn, still can't update the thing)
  7. Gleipnir cavalry Eirika I feel wasn't well received by all.
  8. It does not matter, quite frankly. Her design suits the gacha and dragons are rare. Besides, she is entirely canon in New Mystery of the Emblem and does not require Tiki to be dead to join your party.
  9. Perhaps. I always imagined it more like a stone rather than breath but it probably is a breath icon. I still don't think it's impossible that the Falchion would just be made into a shapeshifter killer rather than just dragon.
  10. Meh, a freaking non-canon Chrom (wtf, on a horse?), stealing a new character spot again and Morgan X2, who is a character I dislike. I wish we had gotten the Thracia banner instead. :) Gerome is great news though. Love him.
  11. It always annoyed me that the AI would have units attack yours despite doing no damage so yes, I appreciated the change and wish it would remain. It at least makes some sense if they now attack you for chip.
  12. Yeah and actually, that Tibarn was made the 3rd leader besides Ike and Micaiah, in the last chapter, rather than Elincia, also speaks a lot about why she should never be considered one. (nor Lucina)
  13. She's got only a single vote in the least favourite poll though. Ike seems to be the one that does well in both. (also, I forgot about Rowan. I DO dislike this guy and mostly all similarly loud and immature characters)
  14. Oh, sweet. :) Sounds promising. Hopefully we're fed some art or perhaps even screenshots.
  15. Chance. Wanted to get games for my newly bought gba sp and got both the first US released Fire Emblem and Sword of Mana off the shelves, looking for rpgs. Sword of Mana was a terrible remake of an already pretty bad older gb game but Fire Emblem had me hooked on what then became one of my favourite vgame series.
  16. I voted for Micaiah for my favourite lord and was surprised to see her in the lead (I thought she was disliked, for some reason). Don't really have a less favourite so I just picked Sigurd I guess, since I'm sort of indifferent towards him. I'd like to note in passing that I see no difference whatsoever in character between Marth, Roy, Leif and Eliwood. They are essentially all the same character to me. Especially Leif and Roy. I also refuse to consider Elincia a lord. She occupies that role for perhaps a single chapter in Radiant Dawn? That is as much as Geoffrey.
  17. Some characters being well-written may contribute much to my hatred for them. I played Gaiden but obviously could not much dislike Forsyth until only after the remake in which I found him to be a puppet to undeserving masters. I can only appreciate him through the contrast that exists between his character and Python, who is one of my favourite characters.
  18. Radiant Dawn. An entire army of third tier promoted units against an opposing army entirely void of any besides a few boss characters. Characters so strong that even a Goddess's divine purge cannot affect them. Props to those that mentionned Genealogy gen 2. That would be my second pick. Who can even touch Holsety Ced?
  19. In a renewed Hoshidan-Norhian conflict, Queen Hinoka and most of the Hoshidan royalty is killed and freaking Prince KIRAGI, the single most annoying character in Fire Emblem existence, having hopefully matured a bit and being a little less loud, embarks on a desperate quest to uncover what true evil hides behind the Nohrian invasion. In another world, self-loathing FORSYTH, along with much cooler companion Python, after having kissed enough noble ass, and having been, thanks to his exploit in the last war and great connections with Clive and Alm, been ennobled, harasses the nomadic castaways deemed "bandits" in true noble fashion. That is until he starts questionning whether there is such a thing as absolute evil, after nearly killing a few children poor enough to resort to banditry by necessity. Darn I hate those characters.
  20. Kris does outshadow Marth in New Mystery. I wonder why not a soul seems to care about his exclusion from Heroes thus far, including the banner with Katarina where he should have been in.
  21. It was the freaking status staves on that level that annoyed me the most. Thracia status effects were evil. (why don't people ever consider Shiva as a GHB candidate)
  22. People propose her but I wouldn't appreciate Ishtar in a Thracia-themed GHB since she's mostly Genealogy and would be sort of stealing a spot. Same thing for characters like Travant, Altenna or even Julius, who all appear in both games but do not have an extended role in Thracia. Genealogy second generation hasn't had a banner yet anyway so they could just wait for that. Put in an actual playable or main villain for Thracia GHB instead, like Shiva, Cyas or Raydrick.
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