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Everything posted by Vince777

  1. I'd rather final bosses or characters like Mila & Deghinsea to never become playable. They shouldn't stand on par with regular units. It just seems wrong to me. I'd enjoy them as superbosses though, if that were possible.
  2. Generally use my newest 5* units and those in need of SPs, along with the units that receive boosts. I play nearly only on days with double SP and I don't use those that have maxed Hero Merit. I beat the hardest map normally and then just chain the lv35 map on autobattle until I hit enough to points to collect all the prizes. Then I stop.
  3. With 76 5* units, today marks the day I officially have more unique units at 5* than I have at 4* (74). Weird.
  4. I'm aware but that just too much investment for a single unit for someone with limited resources that would rather promote new units. Or at least it is to me. I might just do Reinhardt eventually, I don't know, just for how useful he is.
  5. I don't think I'm ever going to have a 5*+10 unit unless I'm given several of the same 5* (my Masked Marth is highest at only +2). That's just too much investment for a purely f2p player (although I probably don't count as one now that I've bought the Black Knight package..). I prefer using my feathers for getting new units to 5* or lately, for skills.
  6. Forsyth stands out as a character I really dislike. His tendendy to see himself as inferior and unworthy in comparison to the noble-birth knights he worships just annoys me tremendously. Thankfully, Python is there to offer the right contrast.
  7. Darn. It is at least a good thing that both Silque and Tatiana are clerics since it means they won't be introduced together in the same banner. Got 44 females at 5* vs, 30 males.
  8. May I propose Guinevere? (and she's apparently got innate S light...)
  9. They planned a Sacred Stones banner and were not confident L'arachel and Myrrh were enough of a draw by themselves and felt they would make it more enticing by re-introducing Eirika. They try things, they still test things, to see what makes people spend. It has nothing whatsoever to do with the CYL poll and this conspiracy garbage needs to stop. Besides, why would they even build up an Eirika alternate just so they wouldn't have to build a... Eirika alternate later on?
  10. Good lord that was difficult. Probably spent 3 stamina potions on Infernal. Eventually managed the job with Reinhardt, Bow Lyn, Olivia and Mia. Needed Olivia to tank 3 hits in the same turn for it to work. ._.
  11. What archetype is it that mixes Ishtar with straight up evil chicks like Petrine & especially Sonia?
  12. I'm surprised Loki is in the top 10. That's incentive enough for me to throw all my remaining votes at her.
  13. What about Shiva? (also, I kind of like Raydrick and he's got a legendary weapon) I believe Mareeta will make it on the first batch of Thracia characters alongside Leif, Finn & Nanna.
  14. It is by far the least known, played and popular Fire Emblem game. There's not much money to make from a banner from this game. That is the reason.
  15. Yeah I don't have Hector (damnit) and my collection of 5* axe users is indeed pretty unimpressive. Anna, Sheena, Michalis, Flying Azura & Titania. That's it despite having 73 5* units overall. I use Titania and her Emerald Axe most of the time whenever I need an axe. Sheena & Michalis do fine in their armor/flying teams and Azura I now use more than any other dancer I have (well, the two others).
  16. I cannot appreciate the precedent set by Eirika here. A totally non-canon class outside a seasonal banner and a character repeat. Although they finally introduced L'arachel, my favourite Fire Emblem character.
  17. I like both Subaki (certainly more than Hana, the other Sakura retainer) and (female) Corrin. One character from 3DS games I really didn't like at all was Forsyth. Reinhardt may also have the particularity of being perhaps the most dangerous boss in the series, at least from my experience. Unless you know to use his sister to help cheese the guy but even then I recall it being not that simple.
  18. The hatred Camilla (and Tharja) constantly get makes me want to vote for her but I won't simply because she already has too many seasonals (unless there's a bikini version on the line..). So I'm going to need another sultry, mature, heavy breasted character to vote for. I'm thinking Orochi. :)
  19. They rarely do release characters with who they belong most but what the heck: Going for L'arachel, Dozla and Rennac. It'd just be so cool.
  20. I thought we were discussing characters that would appear outside of banners, say for a potential new surge of 3*4* exclusive characters. Not necessarily characters that would not be dropped to 4* afterwards. All of these I feel are banner characters. I also believe characters like Hardin, Mareeta, Jill and Myrrh will remain 5* exclusives. Only a third of banner characters get dropped nowadays.
  21. I'd wish for characters that are not banner material. Characters that we wouldn't get any other way. That excludes such mentionned characters above such as Julian, Hardin, Finn, Mareeta, Rutger, Gerik, Cormag, Myrrh, Greil mercenaries, Jill, Pelleas, Sumia, Maribelle, Kaze, Charlotte and dancers. These will eventually make the game probably in the next year. Everyone else mentionned is a good idea in my opinion.
  22. Unless they remove past winners from the poll, I'm afraid the results will be mostly the same in the top 5. I am interested to see what Heroes did to Reinhardt's popularity though. I'm assuming either he or a Shadows of Valentia character will get the biggest surge from the last poll.
  23. Beat Infernal with two dancers (Olivia & Flying Azura), masked Marth and Jaffar. Jaffar killed everything.
  24. I want to say Bastian, because I love him so much, but he's an improbable fit. His best chance was to be introduced with Elincia and it did not happen. Now, I am fairly sure he won't ever be in this game. He isn't well-known, from games that didn't sell well.... and I seem to be the only one with a crush on him. Waiting for L'Arachel still, because she's my favourite Fire Emblem girl but in her case I know she's making it eventually, very much likely the next time Sacred Stones comes rolling.
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