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Everything posted by Vince777

  1. Well that's when we stretch quite a bit and consider him "one" in the first place. I am much more comfortable with Elphin suddenly weilding tomes, since he does need this sort of adaptation to be included than Lewyn singing, personally.
  2. I don't want Lewyn to sing because it sort of means they would need to nerf him elsewhere. He needs to be a powerhouse. There are already plenty of refreshers (all not yet in Heroes) from Jugdral. (wouldn't mind Homer as a refresher though)
  3. If Nanna gets a Prf weapon, I'm assuming there's a large chance it will be made available to Lachesis eventually as well?
  4. I expect crossovers at some point but I'm still hoping it'll never happen. Less popular/known characters already have to cope with alternates and a reduced flow of releases.
  5. Yeah Brom switches to axes in Radiant Dawn, he's the Axe General while Gatrie/Tauroneo handle lances and Meg handles swords.
  6. I frankly wish they just went all the way with gay characters. What about actual romance? I still feel like they're a little held back and sometimes cling to clichés a little too much. (I do still love Leon)
  7. I was under the impression that characters were so undeveloped in Gaiden that most just had no personality. Maybe Leon was nothing other than just that archer with Valbar. Look at his ridiculously generic ending in Gaiden: "As one of the knights in the kingdom, he works towards the restoration of Valentia" Praise Echoes for giving these characters a much needed shakeover. :) (I though Python was the coolest archer :o)
  8. I don't mean just jump scares though. These will still work on me in horror games. I'm just talking about the atmosphere, the one that made you say 'nope, not today', that, I don't have anymore. Is it better than the first game in any way?
  9. I played the first and I liked it enough but I'm giving the horror genre a break now that I feel I am desensibilised and am much too hard to scare. I feel like if I play now, it will not be with the right amount of stress.
  10. Just please give me my Bastian, Lucia and Geoffrey banner (although they can sub the last one for anyone else at their leisure).
  11. I've disliked the idea ever since the very first seasonal banner although I've seen learned to tolerate and expect them every month. Always a lot less excited for announced Seasonal banners than I am for New Heroes ones.
  12. Kiragi cares a lot about those he's close to and Forsyth has great choice in friends.
  13. Dare I say, I didn't like the first game very much and although I've bought the first two as part of a package, it's quite unlikely that I will play the second now. I really thought this is something I would enjoy as I'm such a big fan of the Zero Escape & Ace Attorney series but the trials themselves, which are a series of silly and obnoxious minigames were not things I found fun. I also feel like I guessed what was going on too much before it was revealed.
  14. And both of them, being the same character, as you mentionned, having a different coloured Expiration is weird. It's Grima using Expiration in both cases.
  15. Sure. One is green and the other colourless. Why having it make sense when we don't have to?
  16. Sure. All defense, no speed. Or don't save her and she becomes Deadlord Draco. That'd work.
  17. Agreed. Who do you replace her with? I wonder if we have enough choices for a second Fallen Heroes banner+1 GHB.
  18. Bastian, L'arachel, Owain, his daughter Ophelia, Mitama, Arthur, Sain, Athena. Just love over-the-top colourful personalities in general.
  19. I'd be curious to find out how many people pulled for Gunnthra, literally a character nobody knew anything about versus, say, the numbers that Legendary Ephraim could pull.
  20. Lewyn is a lock to be included in the game eventually though. Patience. :) Not so for a couple of my Fire Emblem favourites, like Bastian, who I feel has lost all steam with Elincia not taking him with her.
  21. AND..... you would have gotten a Dragon Shield out of it. :o
  22. Speaking of Gharnef's Imhullu, I kind of want to see what they'd do with Jedah's 4th turn-only vulnerability gimmick.
  23. I probably would have thrown out Celica for Julius and kept both Hardin & Grima.
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