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Everything posted by Vince777

  1. Really?... Where's the ambiguity here: (other than an entire continent in which he is the only black person)
  2. Got a 3* Selena fodder and realised my Camilla wanted both Triangle Adept and Reposition. As triangle adept is just that rare a skill to me I decided to spend the feathers to promote her all the way to 5* for skill inheritence. After that, I remembered I couldn't pass Triangle Adept 1-2-3 and reposition all at once and ended up wasting very rare reposition fodder. :(
  3. I'm French as well and the moment someone starts correcting my posts, they better make sure their own are perfect. I'd be tempted to remind Hawk King how "sentence" is spelled.
  4. There are things that can make English difficult but I wouldn't call it an especially difficult language to learn. I find it relatively simple and it is by far the easiest of all languages to immerse into. It is "super hard" compared to what? My number one gripe with it is probably that pronounciation just cannot be assumed from the spelling alone, which makes English fail quite a bit as a phonetic language in writing. I also probably wouldn't mind if it were more precise.
  5. I don't disagree. I question whether Japanese people consider it much of an issue to stereotype foreigners. They do it literally all the time. Black men are indeed loud, brutish, burly, and unintelligent to them. Or jokesters. That is why they make stars out of people like Bob Sapp, those eager and willing to play into the stereotypes for cash. They won't understand it the way Americans do, living in a very multicultural country. Even outside America, something like blackface is not so much a thing. I didn't see the Muspell people as 'black' though but they are definitely meant to be gaijins. The only one FE character I consider to be black is Devdan and that's a character they definitely designed to be dumb.
  6. He's temperish and foul-mouthed but I didn't feel that he was portrayed to be dumb at all in his interactions with other people (mainly Ylgr).
  7. Planned on only pulling red and blue for the focus units. Accidently clicks on a green stone. Wham. 5* Deirdre. :)
  8. *cares not about stats I just want to see the art for both Julius and Loptyr. :)
  9. Really? Why? I thought he was a lock for eventual inclusion and the 2nd most likely to be GHB from Genealogy after Ishtar. Makes sense for them to put Ishtar has a pullable character instead of GHB though, considering she can pull in the money probably better than any other Genealogy character left. It's going to be weird if Julius is underwhelmingly strong though, considering how much of a terrifying presence he is on that chapter where he appears to only leave if he or Ishtar kill someone (or get defeated first). I could never not lose a unit without abusing save states.
  10. I enjoy that Ares and Lene are released together. It holds, in a plot perspective, and I love when they do that. Same thing for Ishtar and Julius but these two were making it into the game eventually for sure at some point. Also, more people that skip the banner because they haven't played the game should.. play the game. Genealogy should not be skipped, imo. :o
  11. Man does Genealogy have great music. Super excited about this banner. Little surprised about Ares. He's so like Eldigan in looks that I thought we wouldn't seen of him for a while (if ever).
  12. Played these games for years without noticing that. That's how important that "glitch" is.
  13. My haul for the whole legendary banner was 3 5* which is pretty respectable for all f2p orbs. I got both mage dancers and Micaiah. Really needed a new dancer to have one for each elemental blessings and complete the quests and Micaiah is a pretty darn strong unit. It was a stacked banner though and I would have been happy with anything.
  14. People pull heavily on legendary heroes banners for all sorts of characters that they missed before so the higher numbers should not only be attributed to the alternates.
  15. Their loss. I'm assuming a FE addict would eventually get to them, however. Honestly, you should be giving Blazing Sword a try first. It'll have some old mechanics but nothing that will you throw you off and the game includes a mode (Lyn's mode) that is specifically aimed to introduce the series to the west, where it was the first game released. It takes you by the hand at first but that's probably best if it's your first foray into gba FE games and FE games with permadeath. It's easy to get, it's cheap and it's got pretty iconic characters. You'll also have a feel for FE games before their 3d releases and if that's a turn off for you or not. Personally, I still like how they look. Path of Radiance is great but no game is worth so much as 250. Plus it's sequel is nearly just as expensive. If you play all FE games but only have these two left, I'll personally lent them to you. ;)
  16. Just feel the need to say that fan translations for most of the jap-only released games are mostly well done so there would not be a reason to not consider them as well. Someone might want to play Binding Blade before Blazing Sword, for example.
  17. I'd want Jugdral the most but I'm going to guess it'll be a Nohr banner with Charlotte, Silas and an alternate for F!Corrin with the Omega Yato.
  18. I'm hoping for a surprise down the road. Someone like Naga, Anri or Altina. Any of the lore characters made legends in their own games.
  19. Lucia : a daughter named Juliet with blonde hair that speaks in iambic pentameter. Pretty good with magic.
  20. I dread the moment crossovers will happen and characters from other games will join FEH but I expect it to happen at some point. Not in a hurry for this can of worms to open. If it were just me, it would never happen.
  21. Congrats! Got 4 new heroes in a single day in Kaze, Kana, singing Shigure and Micaiah and I'm still only at 178.
  22. I bet he isn't but he's still going to be the only one I have that can use it. I appreciate the advise but I need him to do something different than what Klein does. Besides, he's got respectable speed so I don't want the brave effect to ruin that. :)
  23. Hey, he's going to be my very first close counter unit so he'll definitely occupy a new niche in my team. Oh and he teleports too. I'll make him good. :)
  24. So should we see this update as a sign IS is concerned about their influx of new players?
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