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Everything posted by Vince777

  1. Finally got a computer that could run the hardware. Let's now finish this translation guys. :D
  2. There's still top Archanean characters to be released (which Luke and Roderick weren't). Althena either but I'm giving her a pass because I really wanted to hear her voiced. Arlen is not amongst those characters though. Characters like Kris, Julian and Lena will be making it into the game at some point, I'd assume. Julian I feel is a weird omission.
  3. This is most certainly something Oliver would do. Alternatively, those berserker duos we see all through the series, like Maggie and Rose.
  4. Thank you for that. I'm a bit bummed by Noire receiving a seasonal first as I'm now afraid many (all?) of her lines will have something to do with the beach or something. She was one of the characters I was most interested to see interpreted in Heroes. I'm sure they'll still do something with her split personality but it may be lessened because of her nature as a seasonal and since she's an archer as well on this banner, I'm not expecting regular Noire anytime soon after this.
  5. I apologize if this was made clear before, but isn't there a chance that this is Caeldori and not Cordelia?
  6. This made me wonder which of the FE villains I would have liked to play as a Lord in their own adventure. Came up with a top 3, not in order: Rudolf has a plotline that would make him work as a Lord. He even engages Mila directly in combat which should have been epic to experience. Zephiel would be absolutely perfect and probably would be my pick as best villain turned Lord in the series. I'd pick Sonia as a lord for Blazing Sword. She's pure evil and the manner by which she denies her own nature as a morph is fascinating. Have me manipulate the Fang for most of the game until I betray everyone, hopefully including Nergal and the other morphs.
  7. Oof. There's such a thing as being "too pure" to like the beach? I really just so much dislike this concept of "pureness". It's so dated and I feel insulting to women. Elise is a child though, I would have prefered Sakura be used as an example here along with the priestesses of Jugdral. I can imagine Sakura being shy in her swimsuit, being more wary of her sexual appeal and being a shy woman in general, not so for Elise who I'd prefer to say is innocent rather than "pure". There's this thing that makes "pure" characters, and by that we apparently mean characters that should be void of sexual appeal (?), or something, actually sexually appealing to men. All through history, virginity has been a fascination for men. Domination over submisssive women was sought and still is. Men used to even sell this "pureness", which the father possessed and would get compensation for from the future husband. An equal gender modern approach demands that we drop this concept of pureness.
  8. I actually thought Edelgard looked pretty vampirish!
  9. Yeah I'm more familiar with the Tactics series as I've played several of their titles. The Ogre Battle style was my favourite amongst this series though. Is the Genesis game the one you say was just fan translated? How does it compare to Fire Emblem (or other srpgs)? Seems to have some sort of Advance Wars generic soldiers mechanics.
  10. So, as I'm looking for new things to play and don't mind older games, is Langrisser any fun? I had never heard of it.
  11. I'm having concerns about characters having squads of other soldiers on the map with them. I'm fine with it as it cuts to the battle scenes where it looks great but on the map, they just seem to clog the whole thing and it seems like it makes for a Fire Emblem where you control much less actual units.
  12. A calendar that includes two seasonal banners and no no new unit banner and in which the Tempest Trial and GHB units have already been revealed leaves me without excitement. At least last year they had a new unit banner in between the summer seasonals.
  13. Is this new Tap Battle event entirely half-assed? I went straight to expert-hard as I always do and there's little to no sync to the music.
  14. Yeah, pretty sure they'd like to go back and make Olwen a 4* unit rather than Reinhardt. That was a miscalculation on their part.
  15. No matter that the Black Knight is powercrept by Zelgius, he is still probably way too strong to be made available at 4*. Plus, they haven't put any unit with DC there yet.
  16. Nobody is. It was reset by mistake with the update. Apparently, we'll get compensation orbs.
  17. Well there's the Askr trio and their weapons. Perhaps they could actually give weapons like Durandal and Tyrfing real upgrades rather than a new weapon.
  18. Yeah Sumia not being in the game is quite an oddity. You'd think she would have gotten priority but then again, there actually hasn't been a gen 1 banner for Awakening yet.
  19. I still prefer promoting new units (particularly those with legendary weapons) and using feathers for SI than using them for merges. +10 merges is way too much of an investment of rare resources for a f2p players. Yes, I know some do it but I don't want to spend the next few months investing in only one character. Plus, the arena "meta" is entirely uniteresting to me. I do my run every weak and hover between tier 17 and 18 without a care, just collecting the rewards. It's not an enticing mode at all. GHB, LHB & BHB are where the fun is at. I like to give a maximum of units some attention. I have 7 Reinhardts in my barracks though so eventually, if I ever decide to go for merges, which won't be in the near future, it'll probably be him.
  20. There is no way they are going to make Lewyn a refresher and give him the BST penalty. They are going to have him rock Forseti and he's going to be a monster. Maybe they'll make Homer one though.
  21. I understand the problem that is oversexualising women in video games and I know it can be very frustrating in particular for the female players. Most of which also feel very badly represented in video games as so much of it panders to the guys. But still, the sexy character archetype does not need to stop existing in video games. I like them. They just need to not be so overly prominent. I don't feel Fire Emblem crosses that border, even with characters like Camilla existing. For every Camilla, there are many more Eirika, Celica and Lucina. The reason I think Loki will win CY3 has a lot to do with last year's placement and Veronica's win. Loki has become more important than her now. Heroes OCs apparently do good in these.
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