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Everything posted by Vince777

  1. Really? Have you forgotten Fates's cut scenes involving Camilla? Loki is a more interesting character to me than Camilla is and I'm actually intrigued with where the narrative takes her. She's a trickster, clearly derives pleasure from it and she's got an ulterior motive in the story. She's quite enigmatic and I think she's a good villain. Most definitely a better one than Surtr, at the very least. Plus, yes, I like the sultry, busty type. Is that really so wrong? Should I lie to myself? Loki is just one character in a huge cast. Some characters can be this way just like there are women aware and proud of their charms in real life. Sometimes, this type of charms. Can we stop being prudes? It's not as if all the cast were Camillas and Lokis. I actually voted for Camilla last year because I'm annoyed by the hate she gets but I might switch those votes for Loki.
  2. Overlooking that she'll win CYL3.
  3. As long as they never call them transformers. Because I can only think of large robots when someone does. :) I'd like the current OC characters to be expanded on more before they move the plot elsewhere and begin ignoring they existed like they did for Bruno.
  4. I'm not sure they want to hand over more DC free units so I'd be personally surprised if Linus came with a Tomahawk. I'd love it though. I'd like a DC axe guy in my army that's not one-movement Hector.
  5. I suppose I just like over-the-top personalities which is why someone like Miriel registers so much more with me than someone like Canas, who I just find bland. I love some quirks, some uniqueness. There are less of these characters in the earlier games but there are still some of them (like L'Arachel & Bastian, my favourite two FE characters) and these are generally those I want included in the game the most. They are just the most fun characters to hear voiced for the first time. Blazing Sword doesn't have a lot of them though but amongst those unreleased there's Sain I can think of. I believe Farina came on to me as having a strong personality but I don't really remember why. Sonia also would be amazing, but that's also my love for mature women talking. Plus, I'm not sure I can think of a more inherently evil character than her in the whole franchise. Unlike someone like Julius, you can't even probe her for an ounce of goodness. She's got none. Maybe even Fargus would be fun.
  6. So, I'm a bit confused by his popularity. What exactly makes Canas an interesting character as far as personality goes? I didn't see it when I played the game.
  7. I kind of like that Dorcas/Vaida support conversation although it makes no sense to benefit support bonuses from it. I like Vaida in large because she's a mature lady that breaks all conventions. Mature women in mind and body are just the best. Give me more Sonias and Ursulas. (Orochi plz...)
  8. We still don't have young Bartre & old Karel!
  9. I have a very bad feeling about the whole banner and who might be on it if they believe Nino to be it's selling point.
  10. Not in the slightest excited about a non-canon alt taking someone else's spot in a regular banner, when this type of nonsense could just be seen in the many seasonal banners that already exist or legendary ones instead. Yeah, it's pissing me off a bit.
  11. My least favourite two characters are probably Kiragi and Forsyth... ... but I'd still pull for them.
  12. Loki is a fantastic troll. I bought the 'mother' thing for a second.
  13. My favourite is L'Arachel and she would easily work as a lord with two starting retainers, smiting evil wherever they go. It would be hilarious.
  14. I can't be satisfied with Tellius representation for as long as Bastian and his theatrical mannerism isn't in Heroes.
  15. He was in a Crimea banner. Did I miss anything? He was in the Crimean army along with Kieran before joining the Greil Mercenaries. I'd consider him very much tied to Crimea as far as nationality goes (although not as much as other cavalry folks they could have added instead).
  16. If you mean Lene (Lana is a different and yet unreleased Gen 2 character), why would she be 27 and so much older than all the other Gen 2 kids?
  17. I'm glad people get to have fun with these but personally, I just very rarely use accessories in games. I find them stupid-looking and immersion-breaking. I'll only complain if I see them outside the arena and I don't expect them to. :)
  18. Danganronpa. I thought the characters were largely unlikeable and the murder culprits easy to guess. The worst offender is the gameplay when it comes to the class trials but particularly the minigames which were atrocious, tedious and immersion-breaking. The Last Guardian. I loved Shadow of the Colossus so I had great expectations there. However, the game is one of the most frustrating I've played in which 80% of the time spent is trying to make Treeko do what you want it to do. I discovered I do not have this kind of patience. Also, none of the game's puzzles were worthy of being called that.
  19. It's a small tragedy that all three Warriors OCs are infantry swords but I'd still like them added to Heroes eventually.
  20. Helbindi has a sister with a name so I assume that opens another OC possibility.
  21. It's not really weird but I have yet to pull a single armor mage of any colour or any red mage cavalry unit. I also do not have a single unit with armor march for my armor team.
  22. I think you should be using the laguz friendly units, like Zihark, and perhaps the branded, like Soren and Stefan.
  23. Easy mode is actually still challenging enough that you can't run through it blind so don't feel bad about picking it. You'll still have to be careful. I say look up a recruitment guide unless you don't mind missing units. (also, don't give your mages knives on promotion)
  24. I hope so. That would be wonderful. It could also be that alternates are just very polarizing. Maybe they lead to a lot of complaints but also still higher revenues. I wonder what they'd do in this case but I would assume they'd stick with the business model that rakes in the most money. I was under the impression alternates worked for them (minus perhaps the last Lyn one).
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