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Everything posted by Vince777

  1. I don't do merges so I'll use the new currency to get skill fodder (also to get Jamke, since I missed his ghb in the summer).
  2. The only reason he's saying he does not want to use the arena is because he's seen what arenas are in the other games. FE4 arenas are something entirely different. I hope he at least gives the mechanic a try to see what it is. In FE4, you don't have a million ways to make money and not using the arena is a mistake imo. It's not like you can cheese it for infinite money anyway.
  3. Wow. They should not advertise it as a new heroes banner if it's to be everything like a seasonal one. I'm hurting with disappointment. (Will still fish for Mikoto)
  4. Yes, astral dragon class. She's an NPC guarding your castle in castle defense maps. She can heal or defend herself, depending on the version you play (or both if playing Revelation). You can level her up by giving her fruits. She doesn't move from her spot though but she's also a tiny dragon so I'm not sure if you'd make her an armored unit for it.
  5. You didn't list too many units. Dancers always had pretty crappy movement, didn't they? About on par with Generals. I think everyone expected Zephiel and Hardin to be armored units and Grima could just be because his dragon form is just so darn massive. Tiki is the outlier here to me (and maybe Garon). Plus Tiki exists as an infantry unit as well and canonically, I don't think she changes significantly in any way in-between Shadow Dragon and Mystery of the Emblem. I'm more interested to test this theory out though. See how it holds up with predictions rather than theorizing afterwards. Sadly, I cannot think of too many units to test this with but maybe you can? Do you expect Duma and Medeus to be armored dragons? Earth dragons had decent movement (two more than generals in Mystery of the Emblem apparently) but Medeus is a bit different and is considerably slower.. and he could also be his Dark Dragon self but I think I'd dislike that. If Duma is armored, do you believe Mila, who according to CYL has a shot, needs to be as well? What about Lilith? Does she even have a movement stat? Do you think she's going to be armored because she does not?
  6. My own suggestion is to use save states... regularly. If you think you won't, there's some traps laid here and there for you to fall in. Also, you need to use the Arena and it doesn't feel like a grind anyway. It does not waste a turn, there's a limited amount of time you can use it per character and it is the way you make money.
  7. Sweet hypothesizing but I have serious doubts any of this really played out in any of both's decision. I'd still wager people are closer to the truth saying they just don't want to give away too many rare unit types for free.
  8. I kind of hope Heroes introduces us to a new sort of beast unit. Something we haven't seen yet, even if it is to be locked on enemies only at first.
  9. I believe it is going to be an Awakening (or perhaps Fates) banner, solely because it seems they braced themselves for impact amongst fans of older games by reminding them they haven't forgot about the older titles. I'd guess 2nd gen kids: Severa Nah Brady Cynthia GHB/Tempest : Kjelle/Laurent/Inigo
  10. I'm going to make a second post about this but I feel these new names sap all value there is to actual legendary weapons in the lore that make it into the game. There it is, "Shanna's Lance" of equal value to Siegmund, Gae Bolg & Vidofnir. Is there really nothing else they could have used?
  11. Shanna's Lance and Florina's Lance. They're getting original.
  12. January is in just a bit over two months. That's pretty soon to me.
  13. There will be other Fates banners, it is one of the most popular games, she scores well in CYL and she's exactly the sort of unit IS likes and the sort that makes them money. So yeah, of course she'll be there, just be a tad more patient. Tanith though... you would have all reasons in the world to worry. :x
  14. Hrid? I want all OCs and I would really hate it if his presence coincided with Loki's, who I haven't gotten yet. :(
  15. I'm not sure why you've given hope, Charlotte getting an eventual normal version of herself is all but a given.
  16. I don't know. They are all pretty strong and I hesitate to put Kriss last considering his stats always end up bloated above all other units in all Mmy FE12 runs.
  17. Sigrun looks too sweet for me to see her as a badass. I am personally all over mature women characters myself so I understand that attraction and yet Tanith seems just incredibly bland to me in looks and personality. Plus, she doesn't even look that mature to me.. There are some better flying badasses imo, like Reina or Vaida. (edit: this makes me really wonder what they'd do with Vaida and her spear in Heroes)
  18. So, by curiosity, what about Tanith's look and personality isn't completely boring? :o
  19. Why give them all the trainee status? Why the eagerness to encourage powercreep? I don't think we need gen 3 stats characters just yet. It annoys me already that there is such a thing as a trainee bst bonus.
  20. Yep. I can pull Lunatic with the horsies but won't even give infernal a try without a guide and someone busting their brain for me. I've got the 4* version, the 2000 feathers can wait. (edit: also, damn that Aversa art looks good)
  21. I generally just assume my units are a smaller elite hit squad within a much larger army.
  22. If Tanith is ever introduced, I want to see her reinforcement skill in Heroes. X)
  23. Yes. When I see 10 politicians in a similar looking suit and women with different flamboyant colours, this much is made clear to me.
  24. That is so nonsensical. Even Levail isn't there. I'd add him and Numia. They are important enough. Then I'd remove all Echoes bosses that aren't Duma/Rudolf/Jeddah/Nuibaba/Slade/Fernand/Desaix.
  25. I agree with you save for a few Archanean units that to me it feels weird to still not have. Characters like Julian, Nyna & Kriss for instance.
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