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Everything posted by Vince777

  1. Darn. I wasn't aware of that. The Begnion Senators should all be in much before many of those unimportant bosses from Echoes.
  2. I think she's got nerd or pretty teacher appeal plus her hair shows she does care about her appearance, unlike someone like Dorothy mentionned above. She's in my upper tier of favourite Awakening female units.
  3. I believe Dorothy is supposed to be an ugly chick. That's the only one I can think of. So much that Saul hits on every other woman but entirely ignores that she's even female.
  4. I'm pretty certain I didn't like the Disney movie as much as the other movies as a child just because the main character was so repulsive. Also, Aversa looks stunning and I get her for free. I am so happy. Pretty lame title though. "Dark one"?
  5. Ugly characters being villains and pretty folks being the good guys is not a Fire Emblem thing alone. It's something we see in all media because we instinctively as human beings make this sort of connection. It's in our DNA. Babies don't like ugly people.
  6. We really only get an outside perspective of the Sect though so it makes sense that they will be heavily vilified by others. It would be more interesting if we had one from the inside. I wish they did a bit more with Salem in Thracia776.
  7. So many of the world's oldest religions involved the sacrifice of children though. Were they evil? Sometimes, it is just best to do what needs to be done to appease a God if you want to thrive or even just survive.
  8. Was surprised to see Bastian already on this list although I do know there's at least one other person that likes him a lot in here. He gets my vote. I'm always torn when I'm asked what is my favourite character in FE as it is a toss up between him and L'Arachel, but she is already in the game so that makes it rather easy. :)
  9. I can respect that. My problem with the word classy is that I feel it is implied that others are the opposite of it. I don't think being seductive should be something to be shamed for and neither should I be shamed for being seduced. I find Sonya to be stunning, by the way.
  10. Won't lie. I like everything about Loki but her looks especially. The manner by which people react so negatively to the sort of women I like (and refer to them in all sorts of pejorative and shaming ways) just gives me additional reasons to vote for them. These are often the same sort of assholes that will call them 'thot' or something similar. That, to be, is what is disgusting. I won't vote for Loki now that she's gotten in so my votes might now be transfered to Charlotte. Or maybe Camilla if people freak out again about her and start a campaign so she does not win.
  11. So by curiosity, what makes Sonya classy in comparison with a Rhajat that you believe is not?
  12. Started saving for Loki. I've no real priority besides that. Perhaps an armored mage, since I still have none of those.
  13. There was a time when unique legendary weapons were seen as something special only a few characters could get and not something so regular that it's now on so many newly released units. So they thought some less popular characters had a greater chance at making the game because they had this canon special weapon that would make them unique, entertained some hope there and were upset when that was taken away from them. Nowadays, anyone can get a special unique weapon anyway. They"re not really so special anymore. I used to think Astram would make it into the game. Now I'm pretty sure either Ogma is getting Mercurius, or it'll come on Kriss.
  14. Sure, I'd take Validar in the game. Only after most of the rest of the cast including most other villains. I admit it wouldn't be exciting to a lot of people. It's not like Grima's Truth needed to be on someone though so it still feels weird to me. If we're to add one of the big time enemy dark sorcerers soon, I'd probably rather they go with the original in Gharnef.
  15. I like OCs and I like Loki so I'm going all in exclusively on colourless, probably for many of the most worthless fodder along the way. I did get all all 3 OCs in the last banner (including 2 extra Laegjarn) so I'm feeling good about my chances. I'm f2p and it was the first time I've completed an entire banner since the beginning of this game.
  16. Inigo and Severa are probably greatly hindered by being units too similar to Laslow and Selena, something Odin/Owain aren't. I feel like Noire's alternate being an archer may mean we'll never get her vanilla version. I've no doubt Charlotte is getting in again though. She's money.
  17. Sure, but Ewan can also use Gleipnir, I guess. Maybe Validar is the only character that really got screwed. Why does Morgan have Grima's Truth again?
  18. Nah, there is 3. Only you have to pick one of two for your 2nd gen axe user, hahaha. He's also not a child from a gen 1 character so he's not going to be as good as your other units.
  19. Most definitely. I was planning to vote for her. Now I will not. I'll always priviledge characters not yet in the game.
  20. Yeah I think it is time for the shapeshifters to show up and I can see them using Book 3 for this. It seems a good guess that IS is now prepared to make money out of them. Laguz, taguels, werewolves and kitsunes all pretty much top every list in CYL when it comes to popularity amongst units not yet in the game.
  21. Well I guess there are the mother characters, like Ismaire, Mikoto or Eliwood's mom whose name I forgot. None really playable though. I suppose Reina looks to be a solid 40.
  22. So in Fire Emblem, there is just no representation in age from female characters in between someone like Calill, who looks like she's at most 32 and Niime who looks like she's 85? Darn.
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