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Everything posted by Vince777

  1. Gharnef is probably Archanea's most memorable villain however (unless... Camus?) and he's not in the game yet so I'm not sure if it's so surprising that Medeus isn't either. Then again Medeus would make for a more original Heroes character, I suppose. Mareeta seems like a lock for a 4th Thracia character if any accompanies the three that were revealed.
  2. Starting the game with Caineghis? Lol. I feel bad for Part 1 enemy units.
  3. This will sound judgmental and perhaps it is (I'm so sorry): What sort of puppy eyes can you make so that friends give you money (and not make you feel guilty about accepting it) so you can buy virtual currency for a predatory video game. :o
  4. I'm not so familiar with TCGs and either way that's not so relevant to me. It resembles the "why do we allow the selling of alcohol if we don't allow that of hard drugs". Not that the TCG model is perhaps also not very ethical but despite my unfamiliarity with it, I could still note differences: 1) If I need a specific card to complete my deck/collection, I've got tools not offered by gacha games to buy that specific card. I can buy directly or trade for it. 2) I don't think cards include mechanics such as IVs, merges & skill inheritance, forcing some power players with little restraint but not necessarily the wallet to back it up, depending on the modes they play, to roll many times to get the same cards. They must go through the process of buying orbs and rely on chance. 3) Every single new character is locked behind very small odds, which is quite unlike TCGs releasing new booster packs entirely made of new cards, only including a few that are rarer.
  5. Yeah well there's no broom flying Nowi in the games that I know of so I'm not sure how that compares. Yukimura is not riding a horse but he's riding a 4-legged contraption of sorts and I see how that could earn him a part of the cavalry class in hero. No need for seasonal variant. If he's added, this is sort of what I feel actually makes the most sense for him.
  6. Despite my love for Heroes, and that's just because I love Fire Emblem and it's characters, the gacha business model is so predatory, would call it borderline evil, and some people have so little self-restraint that I wonder if something should not be done about it as far as legislation goes. Quite frankly, there's a lot that's unethical and difficult to respect about the sort of money that's being made from Heroes and similar games. I also personally feel insulted at the price they sell orbs and would never buy any, on principle. Then again, I benefit from the model as a f2p player (minus the BK pack deal, the one deal I bought into) as it insures more content (which, essentially, others pay for me to have).
  7. Not on Tempest Trial (unless they need SPs). I only use units that both haven't maxed HM and need SPs, so generally my newer units. I'm beginning to see it. I play Lunatic 5 on autobattle which is probably what makes the most difference. Less battles and my units necessarily die more which means less HM gets spread around. It often gets to my third team on the last battle so there's a lot of HM lost in there but I just can't invest the sort of time to be manually playing Lunatic 7 and autobattle wouldn't win it for me. I've done all the other content of the game by now but it explains the difference a little. I also don't invest too much time in Arena and Arena Assault. Still have 31 units abover 2000 HM and 79 above 1000.
  8. That's.... not just tempest trials. :o! I play all of them past 100,000 and I have a great total of two units (Olivia & Reinhardt) at 4000.
  9. Yeah, Brave Lyn damages Hawkeye, gets repositionned by quick riposte close defense 3 seal camus and he tanks and kills 3 units (Hawkeye and the two anti-cavalry dudes) in the first enemy phase after that with cavalry buffs.
  10. I paired her with Vaike in my Awakening playthrough and I must apologize to her for it.
  11. Genealogy's maps felt epic, truly like waging war rather that managing skirmishes and I loved them. Would much enjoy seeing it again.
  12. Despite my desire to complete everything, I completely dropped the ball on this mode and only tried Infernal once, got fairly close but failed and didn't try again. I just very much hate the whole thing. It isn't fun at all to me.
  13. I'm assuming the dragons? Because... what else is there? The original FE3 is probably my least favourite Fire Emblem and perhaps the only one I've only played once. There is no doubt in my mind that New Mystery is a better game, despite not being one of the best FE games either. (also, I do not mind Kris...)
  14. I would much dislike seeing characters from other franchises in Heroes (save Tearring Saga but that's never happening) but I can't deny it to be a good cash-grabbing opportunity for them and I know that's how the operate. If they want to pay tribute to Smash, maybe they should just release an alternate version of a FE character using a Super Smash weapon or something. That, I could at least get behind.
  15. I really don't think it matters or hinders the possibility of him being included in Heroes in the slightest. Plus Heroes is a world in which all realities co-exist which means there aren't single canon paths. In Heroes, some Archanea Saga exists in which Tiki dies and Nagi replaces her offering Marth another Falchion. In Heroes, Fallen Takumi exists, which means that all Fates paths are canon. Popularity and the ability to draw money is really the one variable to consider.
  16. Unit trading? Can someone explain how it would make sense for IS to allow that on a business standpoint?
  17. Characters from other Nintendo IPs such as Link have a higher chance of being added into Heroes than units from Tearring Saga, despite how much I'd love it to happen. Tearring Saga had some really cool dragons.
  18. -Pretty girl that fits the gacha system. -Dragons are rare. -She's actually canon in New Mystery of the Emblem. I still think the first colorless dragon will be Tiki with a Divine breath weapon.
  19. Darn. Already got him. :) Well I'm just glad units will continue to drop.
  20. Money. Assuming releasing more units at a time does not necessarily translate into more revenues for them, just more cost, as they've probably already calculated when they gradually dropped the number of units in banners. (I do not believe in the slightest that Female Robin will be our first colourless dragon)
  21. There is yet no incarnation of Tiki using a divine weapon and that's like the legendary dragon weapon. My guess.
  22. If Morva is added, it would break my heart to see him in his undead form so I kind of hope they don't go this route. :)
  23. While I completely agree, the fact that Masked Marth came with no skill attached and the same stat baseline as Lucina indicates to me that they were probably initially planning something along the lines of alternate units before changing their mind with Tobin and the 2nd Tempest. If they had not been planning something like that initially, they probably would have given Masked Marth some basic skills and perhaps a different statline.
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