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Everything posted by Vince777

  1. So much snark in this thread. They are going to do great things I'm sure. I recall the 6 months anniversary update being quite satisfactory and I don't see why they would blow it on the one year anniversary. They did it right before. That said, I'm hoping for an enlarged 3-4* pool with less popular/more obscure characters, and new game modes.
  2. Mae (Cherumi Leigh) is probably my favourite voice in all of Fire Emblem, particularly in Shadows of Valencia. I also give strong nods to the voices for Athena and Arthur but that's just mostly me loving the eccentricities and exoticness of the characters. Damn, I love Arthur. I love everything Brianna Knickerbocker voices as well (Sakura, Est).
  3. All bosses carry 1-2 weapons. It would be ridiculous if they didn't and important stationary enemy bosses with legendary weapons will need the 1-2 effect on them. It's almost guaranteed that the effect will be there. When they don't, there's something else at play that prevents you from cheesing them with 1-2, like Raydrick's Loptyr Sword. Occasionally, they might move. A few weapons used by the players do but they are either weaker (javelin/hand axe), have very limited uses (tomahawk), or are designed this way to represent their legendary nature and contribute to them just being really powerful (Ragnell/Binding Blade). These weapons were made to wreck and they are amongst the series' best because of it. Of course it doesn't apply to player-used weapons. That bosses need 1-2 weapons as a rule does not mean that Ragnell cannot exist because it isn't a part of it. If someone like Petrine is introduced, I hope they think of something better for her Flame Lance than just give it DC.
  4. Both Gurgurant and Alondite must necessarily be 1-2 if Ragnell was made this way since both Ashnard and the Black Knight are designed to be fought with Ike. The laguz royals and dragons do damage Ashnard but from memory they don't hurt him much when compared to Ike.
  5. Ashnard does not move unless you play the hardest mode, which most players will not. As a stationary final boss, he needed the 1-2.
  6. It's a good thing in my opinion that every single legendary weapon that has DC effect in the games, because there's a lot, doesn't get it in Heroes as well.
  7. Narcian and Valter might be the only two I'd fully categorize as villains though.
  8. That would be pretty cool. Not doors though, but treasure chests that only the dagger-users could open. Prizes would need to be small though, like a few shards, a dozen feathers or badges (perhaps with a rare chance of getting something better) but it would be a new cool incentive to use these units on maps.
  9. Perhaps but the skill is so good that it mitigates that. If you want to give them something else just for the sake of them having two effects, it should be something really small. You're giving them an HP boost and a third tier secondary effect and the DC weapons are already better in my view than most weapons that were improved even without that. I don't like it and I suspect IS doesn't either (so much that they're holding on re-releasing Camus/Xander).
  10. I don't like the idea of blade tomes or distant counter weapons getting more powerful than they already are. They're trying to balance things and improving those weapons would be counterproductive to that. Eirika's weapon not getting a boost is ridiculous though.
  11. Isn't Subaki Hoshido's sole exception though? Aren't all enemy pegasus riders females?
  12. I'm fairly sure that will happen eventually. I just hope that's not all that happens because many units just don't have a chance to make it into a banner and the only way I see them getting in is through a need for a larger easily pullable cast. I'm confident at least something will be done about the pool of characters for the 1st year anniversary.
  13. I'm really hoping for a fresh batch of not-so popular heroes to rejuvenate the 3* library. Just characters they wouldn't use for banners anyway who they also wouldn't need to make overpowered.
  14. I suppose in a business, you don't just go for the 'good amount', you go for the 'best amount'.
  15. Despite shamelessly loving Camilla and Tharja, I still would rather have new units released. Camilla is a fox, was my 'wife' in the game but even I am tired of seeing her everywhere now. Besides, I do love Hinoka as well and there will always be a big place in my heart for the tomboys. Variety is better. Rinkah may have been my favourite Fates woman. She was different and that made her attractive to me. However, the reason we get more and more seasonal of the same characters over regular new units is probably that they've calculated that this is what brought them the most money.
  16. They repeated it instantly with Rhajat though, didn't they?
  17. I don't like seasonal much but rather than Kagero, I feel like Orochi would have been a perfect fit for the position instead.
  18. Is that a lock that he's going to be a free unit because I feel he might just as well be apart of another banner the way ayra was.
  19. So your distaste stems entirely from your belief they've replaced GHB. Would you find them fun if they existed along GHB? I kind of enjoy tough maps, despite my tendencies to give up rather quickly and look for help online. Didn't need to this time at least!
  20. Stroke of luck. Sniped green all the way and finally got my Gunnthra despite not having many orbs to spend (+ a random bride Lyn when half the time there were no green orbs). I am really interested in those original to Heroes units and was so excited I started leveling her up without looking up her boon/bane and will now have to wait until she's lv40 to know.
  21. Ryoma because: 1) I own the unit. 2) I'm sort of anti seasonal units. 3) I find hilarious that he's there alone in his normal form.
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