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Everything posted by Vince777

  1. So by curiosity, what happens when you promote a 40+10 4* unit to 5*? Do they lose stats? O_o
  2. First time I'm lucky enough to get 3 of 4 seasonal units (Jakob, Sakura & Nowi). I'm still going for Henry but I'm already happy with the outcome. Didn't even spend that many orbs. Things DO even out eventually. :o!
  3. I don't personally see the problem with them and I care not for merges as it mostly seems like a whale mechanic to me. Been playing since feb and I don't have a single +2 merged unit.
  4. The mages we have. They are the dragon units.
  5. I wish they actually did banners like that. Like why introduce Leon and not Kamui and Valbar. Why Elincia with Nephenee and Oscar rather than her retainers? I'd like related characters to make their appearances together.
  6. Beat Infernal with Reinhard, Xander, Bow Lyn and Julia. In essence, I deserve no praise.
  7. Hahaha. The entire knowledge we have is that we know it's not going to be a L'Arachel banner.
  8. Most of these are locks to be included eventually. Haar should be his Radiant Dawn self though (although quite frankly.. he does not change much between the two games) just because this is where he is uber. Marcia should also be her Radiant Dawn self otherwise she'll look EXACTLY like Est. And... I'm not sure how Marty belongs on that list. I'm assuming he's a meme joke answer?
  9. I don't think there's a good reason to exclude beast units. They most definitely are enough of a draw that IS will find a way to make a banner out of them eventually. Also, Quan is not a Thracia character. Did you mean Finn?
  10. Forsyth. Annoying brainless nationalist soldier-type who sees himself as less than the priviledged nobles he admires and envies. I don't know how Python, who is probably the game's most sane character, manages to tolerate him.
  11. I keep a single copy and use the rest as fodder like everyone else since I just don't do and don't plan to do merges for any unit. (sole exception is when I get a good nature for a character I already have at 5* like when I upgraded my neutral reinhardt for a +att one) Been playing since the first month, entirely f2p, and I've yet never had to expand my barracks. Promoted Michalis, Zephiel, Xander, Camus, Berkut & Valter to 5*.
  12. It's a stretch but in the games, The Archanean and Jugdrali generals can use bows, I suppose. So maybe one of the old dudes like Lorenz, Hannibal or Xavier who all have a decent starting rank level for bows. These are not exactly amongst the most known and popular units, however. Sadly, if 2nd gen Arvis doesn't ever come along, there are no other mage armor units other than secondary important characters like Bloom and Reptor (although they both would pack the legendary Mjolnir, which is cool).
  13. Guessing Thracia's banner will be Leif, Finn, Nanna and Mareeta.
  14. Legion's GHB was the only one I had to wait for the second encounter to beat all difficulties. It was the first infernal and first one with reinforcements. It was hell.
  15. I'll just list major villains as I remember them and in order of likeliness to appear as GHB imo: Archanea Hardin Gharnef Eremiya Medeus Lang Valencia Fernand Rudolf Jedah Nuibaba Slayde Desaix Jugdral Ishtar Julius Raydrik Arion Manfroy Hilda Veld Bloom Reptor Lombard Elibe Linus Limstella Brunya Murdock Galle Idunn Sonia Ephidel Jahn Magvel Lyon Caelach Selena Riev Morva Tellius Petrine Oliver Zelgius Sephiran Izuka Dheginsea Lekain Bertram Jarod Ashera Bryce Ylysse Aversa Gangrel Walhart Validar Yen'Fay Exellus Cerventes Fates Iago Garon Arete Sumeragi Hans Zola
  16. There might be a Thanksgiving in Canada but it is not in the slightest a major holiday, at the very least around my parts. I don't know of anyone that has ever celebrated it. It's just a day off akin to Labor Day.
  17. I know the units are preselected from the moment the 5 spheres appear. What I ask is if I snipe for a colour with two focus units in it, are the odds higher of getting a five star unit than if I snipe for a colour with one focus unit in it. I keep hearing about how annoying it is that Ayra shares her colour with Eldigan and some people insist that the chances of getting her are reduced by half because she shares her colour. Is it? In the Ayra/Eldigan/Lachesis banner, do I have a higher chance to get a 5* unit if I snipe red (two focus units) rather that colorless (one focus unit) or are the chances the same?
  18. Arden is actually a very popular character according to the CYL poll. I believe he ranked third in his game after Sigurd and Ayra. Besides, it wouldn't be wise to release all the bigger names in a single banner. It is best to leave some of them for subsequent ones to insure people still pull. Mixing very important characters with less important ones (like Amelia & Tailtiu) in banners makes sense. Tempest Trial should also be releasing mostly less important/popular characters that you may not think would be much of a draw as focus.
  19. What I'm asking is, after the summoning session has started, when pulling on a red stone, what are, from that moment on, my chances to pull a 5* if the banner includes two red focuses. Is it the same as if there were only one red focus or is it more because there are two?
  20. I heard conflicting reports on pulling 5* units chances when two focus units of the same colour appear on a single banner. So using the Ayra/Eldigan banner as an example, by pulling from a red stone, do I get a 1.5% chance of getting each and an additional 3% to get any other red 5* or do I get a 3% chance for each? I always avoided colours with two focus units when I had one of both units already and that might have been a mistake if the odds aren't actually divided. As I don't have either Ayra or Eldigan, by pulling red, am I getting a 6% chance of getting a new unit, either of them, plus the 3% additional chance of getting any other 5*? If so, I like the 9% odds on red and I'm pulling on the banner right now.
  21. I haven't spent a dime on the game and by principle I don't want to spend more than it would cost me to buy a full packaged video game. I find their orb package prices to be insulting, quite frankly. Gatcha games are an abomination but I'm too much of a Fire Emblem nerd to stay away entirely from this one and do appreciate new content whenever there is any. I do realize the hypocrisy as I need to rely on whales players spending their money for me to get new things to do. I enjoy making it work and clearing most content as f2p.
  22. Imagine the ire of people that paid for her after you start handing her to everyone for free.
  23. Went the cheapest route possible with Bow Lyn (without Brave Bow though), Reinhardt, Xander and Olivia. Infernal and Lunatic on first try (but lost once at Hard trying to use a lesser team..)
  24. You can feel bad for Gonzales as well once he gets added. Being ugly is part of some characters' traits and I'm glad it was preserved in this case. Also, I just looked at Ayra's stats and skills and damn. What are they thinking? The power creep is most definitely on.
  25. I believe he is meant to look ugly and creepy, though.
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