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Everything posted by Vince777

  1. Yes, but the chances to even get to a 15% pity rate in the first place is 2.312/10000. 0.023% That's insane bad luck and there is no way anyone has gotten to the max pity rate if it is 22.5%.
  2. What in hell. Getting there is such a mathematical improbability.
  3. It's kind of crazy luck in itself to get 6 5* units out of 100+ orbs.
  4. It sounds to me like this Takumi and his skill will be rather useful for f2p guides on difficult maps. So I'll probably promote him.
  5. I also was pissed off at mage Eirika as well but it had more to do with the unit being entirely nonsensical and non-canon. Personally, I just can't be about these new characters (or Radiant Dawn Ike) because they are significantly different alternates that exist in the games. I don't see them in the same mold as Eirika. To me, she's still a one off thing.
  6. Mareeta is as likely to be a first banner entry than Finn and Nanna, in my opinion. Other possibilities include Othin and Eyvel. I'd personally want to see Lara as a dancer/thief, Asbel with his personal tome, Linoan for her design and Dean or Edna. Not sure who would be the first GHB from this game but I'm assuming Raydrik or Shiva.
  7. So they can get some cash first on a banner for a unit they planned to give away for free, perhaps.
  8. I very much hate all these non-canon alternatives outside seasonal banners. To me, mage Roy does not make any lick of sense and it would make me as bitter as I was when they released mage Eirika.
  9. I personally don't want them but wouldn't really mind them. I don't feel they fit the Fire Emblem universe and I'd rather get the Fire Emblem Warriors or Cipher exclusives instead. Or maybe Al/Tiena/Gant from the manga.
  10. Radiant Dawn Mist is also physically significantly different than the Path of Radiance Mist that had already been released.
  11. Thracia is going to get it's Leif+(Finn/Mareeta/Nanna) banner at some point this year but I seriously question whether it is ever going to get a second one. I love the game but so few people have played it.
  12. Let's just say that the cutting of Lucia's hair is one of the great tragedies of the Tellius games.
  13. It would need to be the short hair version since Bastian has canonically not made any progress with her between Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn.
  14. It's not happening but I want to see Lucia give in to Bastian's over the top (and frankly probably harassing) advances. :o
  15. Marisa fits as well but I left her out because we were discussing male units.
  16. I would agree entirely with this if they weren't actually using popular male characters such as the Black Knight and Joshua, who are banner worthy, as tempest rewards. Seems like occasions wasted to introduce units that are less known/popular instead. They had the right idea with Tobin, Clive & Arden.
  17. What reason is there to suggest Mystery of the Emblem over it's (much better, in my view) remake?
  18. You have experience with 5 games in the series thus far so I wouldn't call you 'new' anymore. Perhaps it is time for you to tackle Genealogy of the Holy War if you want a different (and difficult) Fire Emblem experience.
  19. Oh I apologize, I thought you said you've gotten two which would have been fairly average luck for that amount of orbs. I'm guessing 5* should pop up on average once for every 40/50 orbs spent on 8% odds. Getting none is an annoying string of bad luck though but probably not anything exceptional.
  20. How many orbs did you spend on the banner? Two 5* units does not seem like bad luck to me if all you've had to spend are the f2p orbs.
  21. Puts you right back at 8%, which is higher than you normally get when you get your first 5* unit on average on normal banners. Seems like a great deal to me. Besides, I don't often snipe for units, I just collect those I miss and generally in legendary banners, that is most of them. :)
  22. Got a Performing Arts Azura fairly quickly and always had decent luck with Legendary banners. How exactly are they traps?
  23. Radiant Dawn Ike is quite unlike a random uncanon Eirika with a dark tome right in the middle of a normal banner, I feel. I am biter about Eirika but not about Ike. Radiant Dawn Ike and Path of Radiance Ike are significantly different enough that it warrants a version of both. Still voted for Hector.
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