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Everything posted by Vince777

  1. Echoes brought new depth and personality to the Whitewings, I'd say. Also, I do find them all to be cute although none of the three are in Caeda's league (or even Clair in SoV).
  2. Might want to submit Vyland in the very first game as a challenge here. Joins at level 1 in chapter 5, after you've likely trained either Cain or Abel (or both) with two superior cavaliers in Roshea and (especially) Hardin. You are also given Matthis a chapter before but he's also a contender for terrible cavalier. Vyland's growths are so ridiculously low to boot that even babying him won't help while Fiona can at least benefit from bonus experience.
  3. Although I strongly believe that one one unit will be dropped to 4* and that it is going to be male Morgan, I just pulled him. So I'll be crossing fingers that the other one does. :)
  4. I do remember that. Ridiculous shenanigans with Obstruct Stalh. :) (there were seals back then?)
  5. I'm going to go wild and say Sophie on the right. Just because I can't think of anyone else whose hair would fit. Edit: whoa, someone just beat me to it.
  6. I felt the Takumi GHB was getting dangerously close to being much too difficult for f2p players. That map was just insane. I can't imagine doing it again with further unit restrictions when they are going to repeat it. I suppose I could have a +10 merged unit if I had invested an extraordinary amount of my limited resources since the start of game but I always prefer using feathers to build up the catalogue or get good skill fodder. Still, the only GHB I didn't beat the first time it showed up was Legion's and I took care of it the second time it came around. (yes, I do abuse f2p guides when in a bind)
  7. So by curiousity, do you think there shouldn't be more difficult challenges for the players that seek them? And if not, you believe there shouldn't be good prizes associated with beating them? I'll personally only complain about the difficulty once it becomes clear that f2p players cannot complete them anymore.
  8. Oh damn. More bunnies. Was hoping they'd shake things up. I'd only be less annoyed if Panne was in there.
  9. They should keep this lords only for a while (or forever..). Other than Marth, Seliph would much appreciate an enhanced version of himself.
  10. All Binding Blades legendary weapons deal effective damage against wyverns and dragons though. We already know the effect was dropped for both Durandal & Armads so I personally don't expect it on Forblaze either (or any of the other legendary weapons).
  11. I feel this is weird considering there are three colours of dragons in Tellius which makes it perfect for redistributing them in Heroes. I suppose there could also be Rajaion if they want to get a little crazy (he's got a Cipher card).
  12. And here's why. He's a very secondary character. There's no high demand for him. So basically all he's got going for him is Mercurius.
  13. Yes, I'm aware, but that is still his best chance to get into the game and if Mercurius is on anyone else, it pretty much guarantees his exclusion from Heroes. Besides, Jeorge did get the Parthia.
  14. I'm assuming that must make you love Thracia's (or Fates?) capture mechanics.
  15. Reinhardt having movement stars in Thracia was cheap as hell. :(
  16. I will feel bad for Astram when Mercurius inevitably ends up on another Archanean unit, robbing him of his only chance to ever be included in this game. :( Would probably doom Midia and her gang in the same move.
  17. Perhaps they are only initially planning generic dragons in the same manner bow cavalry was enemy exclusive for months before we got our first bow cavalry unit. :x
  18. Reinforcements were such a huge difficulty hike though. I can only hope next year only includes the GHBs that remain with no reinforcements like Zephiel, Clarisse, Berkut, Oliver and Camus's.
  19. I sure am not. For Zephiel's map, sure but not for any involving reinforcements. :( With no restriction it took me forever to find a way to beat Takumi infernal. I can't image having to do it several times with elite quest limitations.
  20. I'd totally be in for a personal skill slot. Give every single unit something unique. :)
  21. The way I see it, I didn't raise 90+ f2p 5* units for me to be using other people's. Very little of them are maxed out in SI and my largest merge is +2 Masked Marth but it thankfully remains possible to get the right score on infernal without borrowing a whale's units. Took me a few attempts until I realized I did not need to entirely destroy the enemy fortress to get the score, just merely damage it.
  22. 10/12 being focus probably makes it a good haul though.
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