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Everything posted by Othin

  1. If they're really doing this, it'll be at around 1.5x regular price like if you bought the second story as DLC in America or Japan. They're not going to sell Hoshido and Nohr together for the price of a single normal game. I don't see any way for this to turn out any better of a deal than the other regions.
  2. Regarding ambush spawns, they're GENERALLY not a thing which is really nice, but there can be some exceptions with enemies appearing under weird circumstances, particularly the middle of the player phase. This is the entire reason I consider Nohr 16 one of the two non-great Nohr chapters. Both 16 and 19 have some fun elements, but chapters where you can get forced to reset based on a character death you don't have a sufficient chance to prevent are just bad design.
  3. It all depends on how much the extra cost means to you. I bought a Japanese 3DS for Awakening, but at that time it wasn't even confirmed for an overseas release at all.
  4. In those cases, they get access to the alternate class instead.
  5. Nohr is about a whole difficulty level ahead of Hoshido, with Invisible Kingdom somewhere between. It doesn't seem like any difficulty level starts off with the sort of ridiculous start Awakening Lunatic is known for, but the Fates Lunatic modes seem to retain their difficulty better later on.
  6. I didn't go for appearance, but for most of my first Invisible Kingdom playthrough, my main character was the Dread Fighter Roberts.
  7. Attack Stance and Guard Stance Changes to the skill selection from Awakening Removal of weapon durability Maintaining Awakening's fantastic interface Hoshido Chapter 23 Every Nohr chapter except 16 and 19 Playing two different sides of a war between the Hoshido and Nohr routes Dread Fighter, Dark Falcon, and other readily available alternate "promotions" Removal of gender lock from conventional classes Zero
  8. Yeah I think the most accurate description would be that maps like this are automatically set to Casual Mode regardless of the main game.
  9. I mean, the only maximum is the number of Eternal Seals you can afford. Not that they're cheap.
  10. No, just -60% HP to an enemy you initiate combat against within two squares. Other nearby enemies only take 20%, as do enemies that initiate combat against you.
  11. Wait, is it currently? Robin themself isn't even necessarily male. If that's true, what the fuck, IS.
  12. She does, but Fighter is the only class she can share with Lazward.
  13. Oh, I thought others could A+ support them but I guess not. Why does Corrin have to be so confusing about Buddy Seals?
  14. Male Corrin with secondary Rod Knight should grant it as a Buddy, but odds are you haven't set that up.
  15. So after playing through all three Fates stories, I've started replaying Sacred Stones and it's really funny how hard it is to care about durability now. "Use an Iron Sword? Why? I have this Rapier. It's better."
  16. No, I neither know much about optimizing characters nor particularly care. I see no reason to cut down on variety by removing cool unoptimal setups.
  17. Any ranged physical weapon works, not just bows. There are plenty of ways to get through it. Class selection isn't a big deal, anyway. You can get those same skills on plenty of other characters with as much trouble or less.
  18. I used a Freeze staff and a series of ranged attacks, personally. But yes, she's hard to hit.
  19. If they aren't as good as Silver weapons, but the statistics say they are, the statistics are not accurately measuring weapon quality. Also it looks like they have the same Crit Evade as Bronze, not more. And they have a fair bit less Mt.
  20. In Hoshido, the last unpromoted character you get during the main story is a level 14 Nishiki in Chapter 12. In Nohr, the last unpromoted character you get during the main story is a level 15 Flannel in Chapter 14. In Invisible Kingdom, you get Elise, Effie, Harold, and Charlotte ranging from levels 7-10 in Chapter 14, Nyx at level 9 in Chapter 15, Asama and Setsuna at levels 13 and 11 in Chapter 16, and Odin, Zero, Pieri, and Lazward ranging from levels 12-16 in Chapter 17. Given that Chapter 17 is the last one to feature any unpromoted enemies, that all seems like a bit of an issue.
  21. Like most skills, if you have a character with them, you'll be better off putting it to use than not, but they're not critical any more than most. They're good, though.
  22. They usually tweak things. I'm not sure what could be done for Invisible Kingdom, but I feel like they could smooth things over a bit with Nohr.
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