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Everything posted by Othin

  1. I can believe it; it's just not something I've personally noticed.
  2. I wouldn't say more chaotic, but I definitely noticed both player and enemy Dragon Vein effects having more of a presence in shaping map-specific strategy in Nohr compared to Hoshido. Haven't noticed any stat patterns in any route.
  3. Yeah it's not a Brave weapon thing; it's just that Dual Attacks no longer care about the main unit's number of attacks at all.
  4. No. Nohr has a lot more to its maps than just the victory conditions, giving enemies cool tricks like specifically tailored skills and tricky Dragon Vein effects.
  5. Oh yeah earlygame stuff is more conventional, and yeah Lunatic.
  6. That could explain the Mt alone, but there's something else going on for the Crit. If they boosted the Crit separately somehow, they might've done the same to the Mt, so +63 could still be the maximum.
  7. No, that doesn't add up at all. +63 Demonic Ganglari would have 79 Mt; add in his 42 Str and that's still just 121 Mt. He's listed as having 317 Mt. There are some small miscellaneous bonuses he should have like from S rank Swords but nothing that would close a gap of almost 200 damage. Crit is the same way. His stats should only give him 19 Crit; even accounting for his class and the weapon I'm counting just 34 Crit while he's displayed as having 289, a difference of 255 Crit.
  8. Main unit attacks, then attacks a second time because they have a Brave weapon Support unit attacks, then attacks a second time because they have a Brave weapon Main unit doubles, then attacks a second time because they have a Brave weapon Brave weapon attacks are consecutive. If the support unit doesn't have a Brave weapon, there is no possible way for them to get more than one Dual Attack.
  9. Oh yeah, I forgot about that. You're absolutely correct: he joins at level 10 in Invisible Kingdom Ch15, even though he joins at level 2 after Nohr Ch16, with his stats adjusted accordingly. In Hoshido he joins at level 10 as well with the same stats but that's after Hoshido Ch22. So yes, it's completely befuddling and the only explanation I can think of is that the devs must've copied the wrong set of stats.
  10. All character recruitment methods are on the main Serenes site.
  11. Oh, it's pretty great because you can actually incorporate it into your strategies now rather than it just being another random possible damage increase like crits and skills. Definitely one of the best changes to happen to the FE series in the past decade and a half.
  12. The stone cubes move each turn between a pair of "docks". You don't need fliers, even though it looks like you do.
  13. Yeah they're very confusing, at least without text. In other FE games, you'd talk to portraited enemies, but in Fates you usually just beat them up and if they're going to join they'll do it later. I only figured it out because when I beat Benoit the scene looked like when one of my own characters dies rather than an enemy you're supposed to defeat so I realized I'd better look it up and ended up resetting. If not for that I would've just kept going and been very confused when they didn't join. Characters you can beat in Invisible Kingdom and they'll survive and join later: That's a long list.
  14. Even a Brave Sword, Dual Attack, and doubling is just 6 attacks. Main, main, support, support, main, main.
  15. It's stealth. Just never let anyone be in enemy range before or after they start moving.
  16. I don't know of anything with Dragonskin alongside other such skills in this game, and Astra is a net damage increase.
  17. Oh god, the doors. That was the map that got me to stop my Invisible Kingdom playthrough midway and make some big progress on Hoshido Lunatic until I found out you could stealth through it rather than going through it conventionally again. Which is a shame, because the three chapters that have actually good fights against the Invisible Kingdom come shortly afterward. I couldn't read the hints and figured red had to be good eventually, right? First two barely mattered; you can heal before you have to fight. Then there's the third, where if you pick it, you're dead. There's like no way to avoid losing at least one character unless you've prepared for it and if you did why would you pick the red door. What point could that possibly have, holy shit. But yeah that's a great description of the merits of the Hoshido and Nohr routes and how they compare to Invisible Kingdom. My biggest complaint about them is that Hoshido wastes some otherwise good maps by letting you end them in one turn by taking out the boss.
  18. I think Faceless and Golems are generally a Nohr thing, while Puppets are a Hoshido thing. Fates has no fog of war maps, and my current replay of Sacred Stones is making me wonder why the feature stayed in FE as long as it did.
  19. On Hard, all it has is Dragonskin and Status Resistance, the same as the boss before it. I believe Invisible Kingdom main story has exactly one Faceless and no Golems. But yes, it has a lot of Invisible enemies. Guard Stance enemies start appearing as soon as you get the option in Chapter 3, and there's actually a pair of Invisible enemies in Guard Stance in Chapter 5. So I don't see any rationale there.
  20. Yeah, the gameplay appeal is all about the options for character selection and My Castle. Plus Fuuga is cool. From what I remember, all routes let you deploy 16 characters from Chapter 26 on. Now that I've completed Invisible Kingdom on Hard, I personally plan to give it a rest for the time being unless I decide to do more with my existing endgame file. It's the only route I think I'll hold off on my Lunatic replay until English version, then use that as my 100% file. I'll probably eventually revisit it on English via Normal mode for supports but otherwise I don't see myself giving it much attention.
  21. It's not a question of level of revealing. If an unarmored character doesn't want to wear much, whatever; they're still being consistent. The problem is when characters actually bother wearing armor but leave holes around their ass or crotch just to show off their underwear. This is the first I've heard of her treatment of prisoners. Define what you're referring to as "sexually torture".
  22. Hoshido definitely has a lot of resemblances to Awakening with all the issues that entails, but I didn't mind it too much and personally find it preferable to Invisible Kingdom. But that can definitely come down to individual tastes. I didn't notice a lack of Guard Stance enemies while playing Invisible Kingdom, but seeing it brought up here, it sounds accurate. After completing all three routes on Hard, I remember plenty in Hoshido and Nohr but absolutely none in Invisible Kingdom. And yeah the character limits were another thing that really bothered me while playing it. There's a chapter after you've gotten every single one of the regular characters where you can only bring like eight characters, and while the map's gimmick provides a reason for low deployment, it's not enough of one. It would've been better as the earlygame chapter during the time when the devs decided for some reason that it would be a good idea to keep the Corrin Solo section running past the route split.
  23. Yeah it's very much about map gimmicks that are usually just annoying and disruptive. I much prefer the simpler Hoshido, although Nohr is still my favorite of the three to play.
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