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Everything posted by Othin

  1. In every other Fire Emblem game, if a character dies, then unless you're playing Casual Mode in one of the recent ones, you lose them permanently unless you restart the map. In Heroes, you can keep playing and get them back afterwards, just without Exp gained from the map. This is much tamer than what previous FE games did, and I think it's quite a brilliant feature: you get a meaningful penalty, but not one so overwhelming that you feel compelled to restart. The only issue is that the penalty doesn't seem to be mentioned explicitly.
  2. It's how they get money from it. It's annoying, but it also means they were able to put out a game you can have plenty of fun with for free, even if it means not getting the best characters.
  3. Boon/bane seem to have a pretty predictable impact on level 1 stats.
  4. I don't think there are currently any colorless effective skills. It seems to only be available through the Raven tomes, at least at the moment. But Raven plus Triangle Adept would be entertaining.
  5. A lot of the time, it's possible to maneuver into good matchups so you get the upside more than the downside, but still, it's a lot harder to be excited about than the skills that are all upside.
  6. From what I've seen, outside of rare exceptions, it's 6 SP when the level you reach is 10 or less, 12 SP when it's 11-20, 18 SP when it's 21-30, and 24 SP when it's 31-40. It's possible that the "rare exceptions" are using 1*/2* heroes who gain less than expected; I haven't done that much.
  7. Have to second all the Robin mentions for blue. He's slow but very powerful, especially in the arena where he stomps pretty much every common big threat. For green, I've found Merric to be very effective. Definitely my second-strongest after Robin. Young Tiki was my champion for most non-arena play, but I've found her to be a bit underwhelming in high-level arena battles where she often has to face Falchions, so Marth has been giving her some competition for red in my team. Although those are also just the first four 5*s I pulled and therefore also the heroes I ended up training most. I haven't gotten any 5* colorless heroes yet, although Wrys is one I've been using at lower levels and trained to 4* and want to level further to try adding to my team. For best overall, I've seen how scary Takumi can be but I haven't managed to get one of him.
  8. I love Heroes, but even if it's better than similar alternatives, it doesn't make it a good deal. Even without buying any Orbs, I'm sure I've already played and enjoyed Heroes more than some games I've happily spent $40+ on, but if I spent that much money on Heroes, I don't think the amount of time and enjoyment it would add to Heroes would be anywhere close to the time and enjoyment I've gotten out of any conventional games I've been happy to buy for that price.
  9. The orb cost strikes me as too high to be worthwhile unless you really don't care about money at all.
  10. What's with the non-multiple-of-6 SP gains? I've had some low-level character once get 4 instead of 6 for some reason, and then here's a Sophia getting 8 instead of 12.
  11. Did my first round of summons since the update and while I didn't manage to get one of the new Focus characters, I did get a 5* Lilina.
  12. A lot of that seems to not fit the simplicity they've been going for. It's worth noting that Hawkeye is already in the game and has regular infantry movement.
  13. I'm sure they'll add more main story eventually, but we did always know there would also be chapters in the Paralogue section that wouldn't fit into that. And main story stuff seems like something to save for later.
  14. Robin is much better than his stats suggest. My 5* Robin is by far my best hero, and while he isn't quite as powerful at 4*, I do recommend raising yours up to 4* and using him.
  15. Tharja is already available, actually. Anyone with any Niles they don't want is free to send them to me, at least if that was a feature that actually existed.
  16. Eirika, Ephraim, Seliph and Julia are all the new characters added less than an hour ago. No one knows anything about how good they are yet. You should be able to check Julia's available skills yourself.
  17. I'm in about the same boat. My phone couldn't run the game well enough to get past the second tutorial map, and by the time I realized the issue wasn't going to go away and got it running on my computer, it was already the second day. Although I got a 3* Sophia quickly anyway. I did forget to do one of the 1* maps (Subaki, I think), so I'm glad to get another chance at it, even if it's only for the sake of completion.
  18. I've gotten plenty of SP from using shards to mass-level heroes. I assume it corresponds with the SP gains they'd get from each of those levels (6/lv for 1-10, 12/lv for 11-20, etc.) but doesn't include the SP you get outside of levels from killing or healing.
  19. Getting 2* characters up to 3* is pretty easy, especially with shards, so I've been doing that for characters I don't have 3* or better versions of. I've merged a few 1*s, although I'll probably just turn the others into feathers because the SP is so trivial. I do plan to keep and train my 2* Narcian even though he's a duplicate, because he's great and there's no word on any more copies of him becoming available.
  20. Do the Arena quest requirements keep doubling, to the point where you need 80 wins to complete the Lunatic Arena quests? Seems quite demanding in terms of crests to do all that in a month.
  21. Tiki, Marth, Robin, Merric, and Ogma. The first four have become my main team for now, all in the upper 30s but none of them have hit 40 yet. Ogma is a ways behind, but I've been training him over time.
  22. Peri is the problem. She's cavalry, not infantry. There are four movement types: infantry (default), armor (1 move), cavalry (3 move), and flying (2 move, ignores terrain).
  23. "Is it worth getting this hero" seems like a strange question. If you like playing the game, you may as well do whatever unique maps there are. In any case, Narcian is a lot of fun, and one of the first heroes I've upgraded from 3* to 4*. Great lines, art, and voice acting; I hope there are more villains handled this well in the future.
  24. The game does not cheat. Knights have really high Def: if it's enough higher than Frederick's Atk, he won't be able to hurt them even with the effectiveness bonus and weapon triangle advantage. That's just how the damage calculations work. It sounds like you need to train more or find other characters to use.
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